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单词 sidebar
释义  side·bar /ˈsaɪdbɑː $ -bɑːr/ noun [countable]  1. a separate part of something such as a newspaper article where extra information is given 〔报纸新闻等的〕补充报道,花絮报道2. American English law an occasion when the lawyers and the judge in a trial discuss something without letting the jury hear what they are saying 私谈,私下商量〔审判时律师和法官之间不让陪审团听到的讨论〕Examples from the Corpussidebar• Longer boxed sections in magazines are sometimes referred to as sidebars.From Longman Business Dictionarysidebarside‧bar /ˈsaɪdbɑː-bɑːr/ noun [countable] COMPUTING a long narrow area containing written material at the side of the main material on a websiteside·bar nounChineseSyllable  a where something such newspaper Corpus of Business a part as article separate




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