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单词 Gesture
1, She made an expansive gesture with her arms.
2, Jim raised his hands in a despairing gesture.
3, I invited them to dinner, a gesture of goodwill.
4, He dropped his trousers in a rude gesture.
5, Mr Griffin made a jerky gesture.
6, Her gesture was indicative of contempt.
7, He waved them away with an impatient gesture.
8, Spencer lifted his arms in a flamboyant gesture .
9, Bradford made an obscene gesture .
10, The invitation was meant as a friendly gesture.
11, They communicated entirely by gesture.
12, Sarah made a menacing gesture with her fist.
13, He made a rude gesture with his fingers.
14, The government has only made a token gesture towards helping the unemployed.
15, The protest was a symbolic gesture of anger at official policy.
16, With an impatient gesture he thrust the food away from him.
17, A fund was set up as a goodwill gesture to survivors and their families.
18, She opened her arms wide in an expansive gesture of welcome.
19, She lifted her chin in a gesture that deliberately exposed the line of her throat.
20, This gesture of goodwill did little to improve the tense atmosphere at the talks.
21, Her gesture, motion, and her smiles,Her wit, her voice my heart beguiles,Beguiles my heart, I know not why,And yet,(http:///gesture.html) Ill love her till I die. Thomas Ford.
22, He made a rude gesture at the driver of the other car.
23, The prisoner raised his fist in a gesture of defiance as he was led out of the courtroom.
24, He raised his arms in a gesture of supplication.
25, Amy made an awkward gesture with her hands.
26, The meaning of his gesture was clear.
27, She always makes some theatrical gesture.
28, The announcement was welcomed as a step in the right direction, but was widely seen as a token gesture.
29, You can find love in a smile or a helping hand, in a thoughtful gesture or a kind word. It is all around, if you just look for it.
30, She finished what she had to say with a gesture of despair.
1, She made an expansive gesture with her arms.
2, Jim raised his hands in a despairing gesture.
3, I invited them to dinner, a gesture of goodwill.
4, He dropped his trousers in a rude gesture.
5, Mr Griffin made a jerky gesture.
6, Her gesture was indicative of contempt.
7, He waved them away with an impatient gesture.
8, Spencer lifted his arms in a flamboyant gesture .
9, Bradford made an obscene gesture .
10, They communicated entirely by gesture.
11, Sarah made a menacing gesture with her fist.
12, The government has only made a token gesture towards helping the unemployed.
13, The protest was a symbolic gesture of anger at official policy.
14, The announcement was welcomed as a step in the right direction, but was widely seen as a token gesture.
15, With an impatient gesture he thrust the food away from him.
16, A fund was set up as a goodwill gesture to survivors and their families.
17, She opened her arms wide in an expansive gesture of welcome.
18, She lifted her chin in a gesture that deliberately exposed the line of her throat.
19, This gesture of goodwill did little to improve the tense atmosphere at the talks.
20, He made a rude gesture at the driver of the other car.
21, She finished what she had to say with a gesture of despair.
22, The prisoner raised his fist in a gesture of defiance as he was led out of the courtroom.
23, She always makes some theatrical gesture.
24, She appeared genuinely surprised by this gesture of affection.
25, He spread his palms in a gesture of openness.
26, Putting on a hat can be a ceremonious act, an elegant gesture in the ritual of dressing.
27, With a last defiant gesture, they sang a revolutionary song as they were led away to prison.
31, He unveiled the picture with a ceremonious gesture.
32, He flung out his arms in a dramatic gesture.
33, She appeared genuinely surprised by this gesture of affection.
34, His chin rose in a proud gesture.
35, He tapped his nose in a knowing gesture.
36, He turned away with an impatient gesture.
37, She flung her arms out in an expansive gesture.
38, She raised her hand in an imperious gesture.
39, He struck his breast in a dramatic gesture.
40, He shook his head in a gesture of impatience.
41, She made a rude gesture at the other driver.
42, Newman threw out a hand in a helpless gesture.
43, The government released him as a gesture of goodwill.
44, His gesture indicated a caution.
45, It was a simple enough gesture, but symbolically important.
46, His resignation was merely a gesture.
47, He waved his arms in a melodramatic gesture.
48, She dismissed him with a regal gesture.
49, He made a rude gesture with his digits.
50, I consider a supremely beautiful gesture.
51, He waved his hand in a negligent gesture.
52, He spread his palms in a gesture of openness.
53, She shook her head with a gesture of impatience.
54, She waved us away with an impatient gesture.
55, Several hostages were released as a goodwill gesture.
56, Cath spread both hands in a dismissive gesture.
57, They communicate entirely by gesture.
58, He threw it away with a contemptuous gesture.
59, He spread his hands in a gesture of incomprehension.
60, She unveiled the picture with a ceremonious gesture.
61, He sent her flowers as a propitiatory gesture.
62, Spiro spread his arms wide in a welcoming gesture.
63, It was a neighbourly gesture of theirs.
64, His gift was a gesture of friendship.
65, Luke made an obscene gesture with his finger.
66, The demonstration is a pointless act/gesture of defiance against the government.
67, Putting on a hat can be a ceremonious act, an elegant gesture in the ritual of dressing.
68, We think it is expedient to make a good-will gesture to the new administration.
69, From a simple gesture or the speaker's tone of voice, the Japanese listener gleans the whole meaning.
70, Estela started to say something but a gesture from her husband quieted her at once.
71, Catering staff staged a sit-down protest as a gesture of solidarity with the striking nurses.
72, In a gesture of friendship, the president invited his former enemies to a reception.
73, Not having butter on his potatoes was his only gesture towards healthy eating.
73, try its best to collect and create good sentences.
74, They sent some flowers as a gesture of sympathy to the parents of the child.
75, The government has made a gesture towards public opinion .
76, The invasion attempt was intended as a political gesture against his opponents.
77, They handed over the weapons as a gesture of good faith.
78, She could only raise her hand in a gesture of benediction.
79, Sylvia tossed back her dark hair in a gesture that was openly defiant.
80, The Queen has now made a gesture towards public opinion.
81, Tristan threw up his hands in a dramatic gesture .
82, With a last defiant gesture, they sang a revolutionary song as they were led away to prison.
83, He responded with a vague gesture in the direction of the pub.
84, In a dramatic gesture, the prime minister refused to attend the meeting.
85, He questioned the government's commitment to peace and called on it to make a gesture of good will.
86, He shook his fist in a symbolic gesture of defiance.
87, He threw the double doors open in a dramatic gesture.
88, He tapped the side of his nose in an uncharacteristically arch gesture.
89, The gesture infuriated him and he let out a stream of invective.
90, I thought it was a nice gesture to send everyone a card.
91, He was sure that the casualness of the gesture was deliberate.
92, We do not accept responsibility but we will refund the money as a gesture of goodwill.
93, With a brief, almost peremptory gesture he pointed to a chair.
94, David made a gesture, spreading out his hands as if he were showing that he had no explanation to make.
95, He's living in a monastery in a gesture of atonement for human rights abuses committed under his leadership.
96, The symbolism of every gesture will be of vital importance during the short state visit.
97, He put his arm round her in a protective gesture.
98, In a bold gesture of reconciliation, the government released the rebel leader.
99, He put his hand under her chin in an almost paternal gesture.
100, The man drew a finger across his throat in a threatening gesture.
101, Releasing the hostages has been seen as a gesture of goodwill/a goodwill gesture.
102, The president's speech was seen as a conciliatory gesture towards former enemies.
103, The gesture awoke an unexpected flood of tenderness towards her.
104, He throws his hands open in a gesture which clearly indicates his relief.
105, Mark smashed a fist on the desk in a defiant gesture.
106, The Australian Government gave us a koala bear as a gesture of friendship.
107, Demonstrations were held as a gesture of solidarity with the hunger strikers.
108, The President's speech was hailed as a conciliatory gesture toward business.
109, Five hundred troops were sent in,(http:///gesture.html) more as a symbolic gesture than as a real threat.
110, They expected a reciprocal gesture before more hostages could be freed.
111, It was a largely symbolic gesture from a government trying to win support.
112, Every word and gesture is expressive of the artist's sincerity.
113, It was a nice gesture to invite his wife too.
114, His speech was at least a gesture towards improving relations between the two countries.
115, The Government donated £500 000 as a gesture of goodwill.
116, He ran a hand through his hair with a careless gesture.
117, With a gesture of frustration, she swept the cards from the table.
118, They decided it would be a nice gesture to send her a card.
119, In a theatrical gesture Glass clamped his hand over his eyes.
120, The call for a one-day national strike was dismissed as gesture politics.
121, He kissed her cheek, a gesture that brought tears to her eyes .
122, Purely as a gesture of solidarity, you understand.
123, It was a nice gesture to wipe the cup.
124, It was all a gesture towards Edward Plantagenet likewise.
125, This symbolic gesture seemed to satisfy them.
126, Our forefathers saw it only as a gesture.
127, Joseph made a discreet calming gesture with a hand.
128, The flowers were really a nice gesture.
129, Some training is carried out as a goodwill gesture.
130, But that was largely a political gesture.
131, Every gesture they make exudes solicitation.
132, Maxham held up two fingers in an obscene gesture.
133, Diana's gesture did not surprise her,(http:///gesture.html) merely bemused her.
134, She never repeated the goodwill gesture.
135, A sense of rebellion, a gesture towards the exit.
136, It was a generous gesture on his part.
137, Her parting gesture, almost a battle cry.
138, Every frenetic gesture engendered tenderness in hir heart.
139, You could say I meant it as a gesture.
140, We're also wondering why the university is now covering its butt legally with this half-hearted gesture.
141, It remained a small, symbolic gesture of anger at the official policy on education.
142, One might well conclude the dismissal was a feint, a hollow gesture to allay perceived public outrage.
143, He knew, says Menotti a little wryly, that it was time for a dramatic gesture.
144, Disquiet that the apology was a beautiful gesture but a theological mistake bubbled to the surface last week.
145, He looked at me, then my bike, and without returning the gesture, twisted the throttle to blast away.
146, In a dramatic gesture, Diana pulled out of attending after the split was announced.
147, Handprints in a vast cave carry a tentative quality, a small gesture of presence.
148, The Government is optimistic that Bill Clinton will use the last days of his presidency to make a generous gesture on debt.
149, What a grand gesture for a small cause, I thought.
150, But even that conciliatory gesture never really convinced me that Don Bradman's signature could make up for that of Jack Hobbs.
151, With that gesture began a long day of live music by every Stax artist to raise money for the Watts Summer Festival.
152, He made a gesture with his handkerchief as if it were water pouring over a dam.
153, He handed it and his sunhat back to the fuming bowler, who felt the gesture was not made with due courtesy.
154, But the counterproductive nature of this policy gesture can not escape attention.
155, Did Mr Djindjic truly believe that Mr Karadzic deserved his support, or was the gesture utterly cynical?
156, As a conciliatory gesture, the restaurant was built like a large shack, so as not to be too obtrusive.
157, This was an important political gesture and it is glossed over here.
158, History may come to see that embrace as a gesture of fond farewell.
159, Votes were a mere formality, a gesture towards Party democracy.
160, The liberals regarded sending telegrams of condolence as a polite gesture.
161, She put her arms around my sister and me in a gesture of solidarity.
162, He made a sweeping gesture at the microphones, cameras and reporters.
163, The visit was a goodwill gesture to Raychem, which employs 1(),300 people at its sites in Dorcan and Cheney Manor.
164, The formal gesture, chivalrous and yet intimidating, was like a bucket of cold water thrown over Constance's confidence.
165, Either way I thought it a nice gesture, and when I next caught his eye I smiled.
166, The fight started when one of the fans made a rude gesture at a player.
167, But if airway going to make a gesture, it's best not to do it while airway white-hot.
168, If Jack had been at all concerned that his impulsive gesture would result in an awkward silence he need not have worried.
169, The impetus fur any step, pose or gesture should be part of the overall rhythm of the ballet.
170, The drinks industry has made a gesture towards its concern about alcohol misuse by setting up the Portman group.
171, Robinson was surprised and a little alarmed at such an untypical gesture.
172, The referee made a sweeping gesture with his arm over the prostrate figure of the white fighter.
173, Then, perhaps feeling that his gesture was mawkish, he looked embarrassed, took the flowers out and backed away.
174, The gesture is likely to be surrounded by much ballyhoo when it is officially announced in April.
175, It was an empty gesture - she knew he wouldn't stay there.
176, The choreographer's problem is how to make subtle or vigorous gesture visible to those on the other side of the footlights.
177, Urquhart looked to the ceiling in a gesture of comic despair.
178, He gave no verbal instruction but occasionally would gesture with his hand, like a conductor.
179, She said payment was not necessary but perhaps a gift of twenty-one rupees would be a nice gesture.
180, My shoulders hunched up, my hands dug down into my pockets, each gesture made was grand as the movies.
181, Noise as anti-pop gesture: With the death of the parochial, the media now constitutes our new environment.
182, Or, like Parliament Square, will it occupy the terrain of a symbolic gesture, alive in legend?
183, Such a gesture of conciliation between conservatives and leftists would have been impossible just a few years ago.
184, He bought me a big chest of drawers for my clothes, as a welcoming gesture.
185, She swept up her dahlias with an ample gesture, pushed it open, and struck downhill for the nave.
186, No man knew better than he the value of a generous gesture.
187, But the conciliatory gesture itself was significant after the partisan exchanges this summer over policy on asylum and crime.
188, He saw her gesture with her hand toward the moneychangers and the arcade and the terrasse of the Continental Hotel.
189, Occasionally, he would move one of his arms, the small gesture unnerving Leroy from unleashing a good punch.
190, Members of the family would be buried there until the 1940s, thanks to William's generous gesture.
191, Then Freitag made a faint gesture to his partner, who put away his pen and notebook.
192, Under these circumstances at least a gesture towards listening to the local people has been made.
193, Make the big move, make the grand gesture, do something outrageous.
193, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
194, He was standing at the window of an empty compartment, laughing, as he made the gesture of slitting his throat.
195, She went to lean against the wall - he made a vehement negative gesture - she staggered forward again.
196, As she replaced the receiver with a sad little gesture she felt her eyes fill with tears.
197, A conciliatory gesture, some argued, would appease the cardinal and Holy Trinity would live to fight another day.
198, When, in his most characteristic gesture, he presses a gesticulating finger to his forehead, his hand trembles.
199, That was more than Bowring could bear, both the silence of the miming and what the gesture meant to say.
200, Donna gripped her hand briefly to reassure her, but the gesture did little to ease Julie's fear.
201, The present-day Faust smirked over towards the Professor and made an obscene gesture.
202, Blanche reappeared just after four, throwing off her coat and beckoning Dexter into her office in the same gesture.
203, The teacher asks the questions; the pupil supplies the answer; the teacher makes a confirming or dismissive comment or gesture.
204, The singular initiative of the B.. Dalton chain is a dramatic and important gesture.
205, Agnes knew that gesture: her daughter Brigitte shook her head and lifted her brows in precisely the same way.
206, As a goodwill gesture, Pac Bell sent baskets of fruit to competitors welcoming them to the market.
207, In that casual gesture she trampled upon an awesome human achievement and upon great sacrifices contributed by the natural world.
208, Remove Goblin casualties with a deliberately contemptuous gesture or casual lack of concern if it makes you feel better.
209, She raised her hands in a dramatic gesture of despair.
210, Philpott understood the gesture and browsed through the antiques until the lone customer had left the shop.
211, It puffed its chest, raised its upper body, and threw back the head in a gesture of defiance.
212, American intelligence flights over Cuba had been stopped as a conciliatory gesture.
213, One wonders whether that overt gesture really was meant to stifle covert action.
214, A dismissive gesture but to Ruth one he didn't relish doing very much.
215, Instead, he patted the man's arm once in a gesture of thanks.
216, He was aware of an almost imperceptible withdrawing, more emotional than physical, a small delicate gesture of self-containment.
217, But it was a defiant rather than a triumphant gesture.
218, The long legs parted as the pale blue water took her, like an obscene gesture at Liz.
219, The parties, at the moment, are too intransigent for the grand gesture.
220, But the symbolic gesture is likely to be of dubious long-term value and will depend entirely on the personalities and circumstances involved.
221, We thank him sincerely for his generous gesture in allowing this debate to take place.
222, Moran made no gesture, did not even look around him.
223, Lois made a small feathering gesture with her hand and stamped her heel silently.
224, In those circumstances( ), voting to strike may be a final gesture of defiance.
225, In the midst of this seemingly successful gesture, the hotel catches fire.
226, But if Jacquet de la Guerre was a mistress of the grand gesture, Campra's forte was delicate understatement.
227, If this makes you uneasy, think about distributing a little preemptive baksheesh as a goodwill gesture.
228, It seemed -the least he could do - to deny himself the dramatic gesture, to humiliate himself.
229, A tiny gesture towards a desired item and a slight flick of the eyebrows is almost enough to complete most transactions.
230, The essence of her charm, independent of time, revealed itself for a second in that gesture and dazzled me.
231, Spencer lifted his arms in a flamboyant gesture and Emily felt physically sick at the mere thought of marrying him.
232, The gateman shrugged and made a gesture towards the ship.
233, Many felt that a grand gesture of statesmanship was required in relation to Northern Ireland.
234, He is sitting behind his large desk and does not gesture you to sit.
235, He hoped some of the Fists might perhaps behold that gesture with joy.
236, It was a generous gesture to try to ease the tension and relax a fellow professional.
237, It was a gesture, Blanche thought, to allow him time to absorb the information.
238, Brandeis had been drawn to Zionism not as a nationalist rebellion but as a philanthropic gesture.
239, Surely tearing up the Pope's picture was meant as a symbolic gesture, not a personal affront.
240, Mr Yeltsin's appeal looks like a gesture of despair after his failure to influence the central government.
241, Last year, in a symbolic gesture, he introduced a 20p tax band.
242, Nineteenth-century choreographers creating either a character or a national ballet used both occupational and natural emotional gesture in their dance designs.
243, Her long neck and strong pointed chin were shown to advantage by the gesture.
244, His decision to stop drinking, made two days ago, now seemed futile, a pathetic old man's gesture.
245, Republicans, in a conciliatory gesture, agreed to let the Democrats chair committees during the period.
246, One hand bore the rosary; the other was folded across his chest in a gesture of welcome.
247, Hope smiled and mimicked the Colonel's previous gesture including the picking up of his claret.




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