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单词 motley
释义  mot·ley /ˈmɒtli $ ˈmɑːtli/ adjective [only before noun]  a motley collection/crew/assortment etc VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDSa group of people or things that are very different from each other and do not seem to belong together 形形色色的集合物/一伙人/混合物等 I looked at the motley bunch we were sailing with and began to feel uneasy about the trip. 我看着船上同行的那些杂七杂八的人,对这次航行担心起来。 His pockets contained a motley collection of coins, movie ticket stubs, and old candies. 他的口袋里乱七八糟地放了很多东西,有硬币、电影票票根,还有很久以前的糖果。Examples from the Corpusmotley• A motley bunch of students, ex-convicts and unemployed artists worked together to repair the building.• The party is not a motley collection of ageing hippies, but an arm of a wealthy and complex organisation.• If so, is what you have put together really just a motley collection with a messy clash of styles and materials?• These confiscated nets were a very motley collection.• The people who travelled with us to Mexico were a motley crew.• a motley fleet of aircraft• They were an entertaining and very motley gang.• One seemed to be humans dressed in black, the other was a motley group of exters.• Gaz slowly gathers a motley group of losers.Origin motley (1300-1400) Perhaps from motemot·ley adjectiveChineseSyllable  of are very that Corpus things group a people or




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