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单词 slimy
释义  slim·y /ˈslaɪmi/ adjective  1  SLIDEcovered with slime, or wet and slippery like slime 覆有黏液的;黏糊糊的 slimy mud 黏糊糊的泥巴2  informalFRIENDLY# friendly in an unpleasant way that does not seem sincere – used to show disapproval 谄媚的,讨好的,假惺惺的〔含贬义〕 a slimy politician 假惺惺的政客 —sliminess noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusslimy• It mildewed towels, made sleeping bags clammy, soaked the pressed bamboo of the cockpit floor so it was unpleasantly slimy.• Their warty, slimy and sometimes scaly skins can be almost any colour.• These hairy, slimy crawlers not only invaded fictional cities, they crept into the darker crevices of our minds.• His oh-so-careful slimy grin that lashed out and maimed as much as a punch or a kick.• What a slimy, horrible man.• I start down the slimy path toward him.• The had the usual slimy politician on TV talking about "the innate good sense of the voters".• Suddenly I start puking into the road, but nothing comes up except this slimy stuff.• These slimy teams play in New Jersey and call themselves New York.• He sees romance, mystery and science in the 2,000 miles of rat-infested, slimy tunnels he has explored.slim·y adjectiveChineseSyllable  wet Corpus or slippery with and slime, covered




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