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单词 moth
释义  Related topics: Insectsmoth /mɒθ $ mɒːθ/ ●○○ noun [countable]   HBIan insect related to the butterfly that flies mainly at night and is attracted to lights. Some moths eat holes in cloth. 蛾 →4  See picture of 见图 INSECT →5 see picture at 见图 insectExamples from the Corpusmoth• When the evening comes the female spruce budworm moth rises up on warm air currents.• As the Bishop underlines, the dark moth is not a new species.• The dark moths appeared in London by 1897.• If you put up a sign offering flesh for sale and bathe it in purple light, they come like moths.• Their many tiny cocoons now completely filled the moth cocoon.• Like many of us, the moth had by its constructions achieved an immortality of sorts.Origin moth Old English moththemoth nounChinese  insect related that mainly Corpus to an flies butterfly the




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