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单词 Feeding
1 Have they been feeding you well?
2 He is feeding up the chickens for Christmas.
3 That thin little boy needs feeding up.
4 She was feeding a baby at the breast.
5 She was feeding the baby with porridge.
6 I've arranged with the neighbours about feeding the cat while we are away.
7 The baby was sucking away at the empty feeding - bottle.
8 After a few days the caterpillars stopped feeding.
9 She sat the baby up and tried feeding him.
10 The feeding of dairy cows has undergone a revolution.
11 He needs feeding up some.
12 New fathers love bottle feeding their babies.
13 A large group of chimpanzees was feeding.
14 The film put America's moviegoers into a feeding frenzy.
15 The cows were feeding on hay in the barn.
16 Egrets and a solitary grey heron were busily feeding.
17 Several children were feeding bread to the ducks.
18 The kids love feeding bread to the ducks.
19 She was feeding documents into a paper shredder.
20 when you're feeding a family these days.
21 Feeding a hungry family can be expensive .
22 I've arranged with the neighbours about feeding the cats.
23 You look very pale; I think you need feeding up a bit.
24 At least one British officer was feeding him with classified information.
25 Laura crouched by the fire,[] feeding it with dry sticks.
26 The humble potato may be the key to feeding the world's population.
27 We are trying to get the baby into a routine for feeding and sleeping.
28 The smell of blood sent the sharks into a feeding frenzy.
29 There were days when child-rearing seemed like an endless treadmill of feeding, washing and nappy-changing.
30 He began cracking open big blue tins of butter cookies and feeding the dogs on his route.
1 Have they been feeding you well?
2 He is feeding up the chickens for Christmas.
3 That thin little boy needs feeding up.
4 She was feeding a baby at the breast.
5 She was feeding the baby with porridge.
6 We are trying to get the baby into a routine for feeding and sleeping.
7 The smell of blood sent the sharks into a feeding frenzy.
8 I've arranged with the neighbours about feeding the cat while we are away.
9 The baby was sucking away at the empty feeding - bottle.
10 She sat the baby up and tried feeding him.
11 A large group of chimpanzees was feeding.
31 I knew absolutely nothing about handling or feeding a baby.
32 Make sure you put the baby's diaper on before you start feeding her. I learned this lesson the hard way .
33 Feeding a baby is a messy job no matter how careful you are.
34 He spent more on feeding the dog than he spent on feeding himself.
34 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
35 You've lost a lot of weight - you need feeding up a bit.
36 You look as if you need feeding up a bit.
37 We have Beth's family and mine coming for Christmas, so it'll be like the Feeding of the Five Thousand.
38 The mud is a feeding ground for large numbers of birds.
39 The baby needs feeding.
40 Tea-time in our house is like feeding time at the zoo!
41 When the blank is on the set,the feeding signal will be switched out automatically.
42 Tip the bottle up so it's in the same position as it would be when feeding the baby.
43 He needs feeding up.
44 Don't assume your baby automatically needs feeding if she's fretful.
45 Feeding the animals proved a popular attraction for visitors to the farm.
46 When you're feeding a family of six the bills soon add up.
47 US intelligence had been feeding false information to a KGB agent.
48 She expressed some milk so her husband could do the night feeding.
49 Should the doctor and nurses apply forcible feeding?
50 It is high-tea; time for another feeding frenzy.
51 A feeding mass of colour - contented summer Koi.
52 The difficulty is with the advent of demand feeding.
53 The feeding of insect-eaters is less efficient.
54 Mrs Chambers must think she was feeding a navvy!
55 Everything was feeding on everything else.
56 He's being kept alive by a feeding tube.
57 I should have known lam not worth feeding.
58 Most mussel feeding Nucella populations in Britain are white.
59 Grosser than fish feeding on toilet paper?
60 Helen, feeding the old woman mush on a spoon.
61 The yeast completes a final feeding frenzy and dies.
62 A Sister was carefully feeding him a liquid diet.
63 She worked with domestic chicks, feeding on rice grains.
64 All the other fish survived the Presidential feeding.
65 Kale Kale is grown for feeding dairy cattle.
66 He forgets himself in the feeding.
67 The pigs were feeding from a trough in the middle of the yard.
68 Wearing a duffel coat over yesterday's military outfit, he was feeding hazelnuts to a squirrel.
69 Musette Light cotton bag with a long strap, used for the food and drink handed up at feeding stations.
70 It is known that attacks on plants by herbivores reduce the quality of the tissues for subsequent feeding.
71 He's not in the back room somewhere, is he, feeding funds and silent approbation to the gunmen?
72 The dorados were in a feeding frenzy, oblivious to all else.
73 He floated alongside the feeding turtle, amazed by its beauty and delicacy; like a breed of angel itself.
74 Sulphate feeding allows growth of sulphate reducing bacteria which then may inhibit methanogenic bacterial by substrate competition.
75 The entire burden of hatching, feeding and caring for the young cuckoo falls on the hapless foster parents.
76 A noisy crew of black-headed gulls is wheeling below the bridge, feeding on the river's detritus.
77 Although the ranges of the two dolphins correspond geographically, the feeding ecology of the two species is more distinct.
78 Learning becomes even more important in the feeding of so omnivorous an animal as the rat.
79 The most aerial of all birds, superficially resembling swallows and martins, feeding on flying insects.
80 There's this bloke with a white coat on and this bag of bread, feeding the birds.
81 My inquiries reveal that most of these are caused by exercise programmes devised by ignorant charlatans feeding off our need for health.
82 The differences in feeding preferences lead, in turn, to differences in migratory habits.
83 People who lived and worked near the building complained of crime, litter and other problems associated with the feeding program.
84 Reformists, closet-reformists and non-party intellectuals gathered in his home, feeding him their ideas and plotting against hardliners.
85 It certainly has little to do with feeding hungry people.
86 The very nature of their mouths says so. paradoxically, however, surface feeding is part of their nature too.
87 Yet, in spite of his wealth and success, he died isolated and friendless, feeding on fantasy and drugs.
88 As the fish is still feeding, and appears to be otherwise healthy, I would suggest leaving it alone.
89 If you devote yourself to God, then He in turn will continually stay with you, as an eternal candle flame stays with a wick, feeding off the overflow of wax; yet reshaping into something better. Anthony Liccione 
90 I have been feeding with Gamma Fish, Lance Fish and earthworms.
91 Feeding soldiers is not a glamorous business; for the most part it is an administrative function that goes unnoticed.
92 Just occasionally the tensions spilled over, such as when she berated Moira publicly about the way she was feeding her first child.
93 His feeding frenzy exhausted, he was torpid, unable to pay attention to the rat in her maze.
94 This impaired breeding activity and led to a complete ban on artificial feeding.
94 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
95 However, feeding is critical and soldiers who are unfed can't fight, indeed after about forty-eight hours they fall over!
96 The student had formed a relationship with the rabbits she could reach and accompanied their feeding with petting and talking to them.
97 Who was feeding him or even letting him loose on occasions?
98 Chopped shellfish and shrimp are recommended for feeding when beef is consistently refused.
99 The Everglades kite in Florida picks up snails and carries them off to a feeding perch.
100 The ash seeds will probably again attract finch flocks, but I have not seen the squirrels feeding on them.
101 Birds become quieter in the afternoon, while butterflies and other insects are more active, feeding on the opened flowers.
102 In one feeding centre the room for the dead had become a Koranic school for young children.
103 I share at least half the household duties, including feeding and caring for the baby while my partner works and plays.
104 Dietary supplements are seldom indicated; tube feeding or parenteral nutrition are rarely necessary and should be avoided.
105 Farther down the cove hundreds of periwinkles move slowly over the black rocks, feeding on kelp.
106 Tundra and high northern moorland, feeding mainly on lemmings and birds the size of Ptarmigan and Oystercatcher.
107 Do not overfeed, and systematize your feeding to save the lives of your fish.
108 To sit back hoping that someday, someway, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last - but eat you he will. Ronald Reagan 
109 Frequent feeding is the key to producing good offspring, assuming they inherit the potential from their parents.
110 Feeding techniques: fish Most marine fish feed continuously during their active period.
111 Gradually I descended the spruce tree and slowly crept toward the feeding birds.
112 Good Friday is about punks at Hastings, where I lived for many years, seen feeding a hot-cross bun to pigeons.
113 There is also considerable scope for informed speculation about the feeding mechanisms among the extinct agnathans.
114 An old man was out feeding the gulls in his carpet slippers.
115 Animation would become an international industry, with cartoonists based around the world feeding their sequences to the Hollywood headquarters for assembly.
116 Trapping is a method which meets with limited success and involves feeding within a specialised wire cage for a period of time.
117 Just get a rhythm going with the steel, and start feeding the green stuff under the blade.
118 While feeding the meter I had a sudden blank on whether my meter was in front or behind my car.
119 Feeding all the chicks equally in a poor season might well lead to all of them dying for lack of adequate nourishment.
120 The glacier feeding the fjord starts to melt at this time of year.
121 But it was still operating, feeding the antenna the impulses that kept it aimed at the far-off pinpoint of Earth.
122 His name is Steg and he's one smart critter, at feeding nippers there's no one fitter.
123 From an unmarked ketch the authorities watched him feeding scraps of metal from the car-deck to the seagulls which exploded.
124 Because the growing, feeding and slaughtering of kosher chickens are supervised by rabbis,[http:///feeding.html] all growers must meet certain standards.
125 You should take full advantage of every minute they are present and feeding.
126 Regular feeding with a general fertiliser will help to ensure that the plants are always supplied with adequate food materials.
127 Bidon Feeding bottle that slots into a light cage on the bike's frame.
128 After the initial reports on CBS, this scene became a media feeding frenzy.
129 Raw sewage was feeding an already rapid growth of algae, raising weed growth to critical levels.
130 That the rolling performance has some connection with feeding there is no doubt, but to what extent is difficult to say.
131 A bout of feeding early in the morning is followed by a lie down during which they chew the cud.
132 The local and regional networks were based on the railways with animal power feeding to and distributing from the stations.
133 On hearing a bell ring before the appearance of food the animals quickly came to associate that sound with feeding time.
134 After feeding in the access code he sat back and stifled a yawn.
135 Ignorance and fanaticism is ever busy and needs feeding. Always it is feeding and gloating for more. Clarence Darrow 
136 The problem had hit Britain now because we were feeding the algae with phosphates and nitrates and causing blooms.
137 Researchers hope to learn about embryonic development and feeding patterns from the tiny animals in the shuttle aquarium.
138 In lakes, crustaceans, molluscs, leeches and mayflies dwindle, although predators remain more numerous, feeding on alternative prey.
139 Then we removed the wire from the front of the box and started feeding them on the ledge.
140 The pulp is sold back to the farmers for feeding to their cattle.
141 Ants often farm colonies of aphids on garden plants, feeding off their honeydew, while protecting the aphids from predators.
142 It would knock on the door with its beak when it required feeding.
143 It slowly rose high in the afternoon sky, buoyed up by a narrow whirling column feeding it from beneath.
144 One other interesting example of feeding technology is the use of bait to catch prey.
145 Paying alimony is like feeding hay to a dead horse. Groucho Marx 
146 On mild autumn days, pond fish will be feeding enthusiastically, building up their fat reserves.
147 Ideas about baby feeding and weaning are constantly changing and actual practice can have a profound effect on child health.
148 You will be able to study them at length and note at what depth they are feeding.
149 The herring gulls are local resident birds, and great opportunists, able to change their feeding habits to whatever is available.
150 The only indication of change is when the juveniles move off to commence feeding.
151 Green Bay went into a feeding frenzy in the free-agency market, and came up with some star names.
152 There must have been thousands upon thousands of small fish driven upward to the surface by hordes of squid feeding from below.
153 Bold gross feeding omnivores represent a similar problem as anyone who has ever kept a Triggerfish, will confirm.
154 Bottom - feeding sharks show up to gnash at the meat.
154 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
155 He was holding Maidstone's hat in both hands, turning it, feeding the brim inch by inch through his fingers.
156 Your 60-minute action checklist Continue feeding the tomato plants and courgettes with a liquid fertiliser such as Maxicrop.
157 Gumbo, rice dressings and Jambalaya are all one-pot dishes, which are perfect for feeding large numbers.
158 And all around this feeding frenzy were other flocks of gulls, which have added up at peak counts to 10,000 birds.
159 She was laying her eggs; the drones were feeding her.
160 By that I do not mean than one can not pin them down to set feeding patterns on specific waters.
161 I'm going away next week. Would you mind feeding the cat for me?
162 Next Spring start feeding the plant every week with a liquid fertiliser.
163 N.B. It does no harm to include a fast day in the feeding regime.
164 Then it stays in the burrow alone, visited only at feeding times, for nearly two months.
165 These little fishes become quite tame and will respond at feeding time by rushing to their food like a litter of puppies.
166 Mrs Browning was still in bed while Pen dashed in and out when he was not feeding his rabbits on the balcony.
167 Please try to avoid feeding aggressive, predatory fish such as Piranha or Lionfish with other live fish.
168 Clare Wildish has come back for help feeding her second baby, 3 day old Emma.
169 You should find that with regular watering and feeding until the foliage dies down naturally the situation will improve next year.
170 They assumed that the developments downstream would each build channels, one feeding into the next.
171 Feeding sewage to animals actually has an ancient lineage, and is in principle very natural.
172 For instance, he collects on his little card index all references in Wells to feeding, eating, and patent medicines.
173 The benefit of this feeding lifestyle is that it avoids the dangers of active killing of prey.
174 He completely lost interest in feeding and became very listless.
175 The grain inventories will show whether high corn prices have forced cattle ranchers and hog farmers to cut back feeding rates.
176 Skeins of dark-bellied brent geese flew down-river after a daytime of feeding in fields.
177 If possible the new pasture should have a good nutritional value; alternatively some supplementary feeding may be given.
178 The nights are coming on quickly and tremendous feeding sessions take place from dusk till three or four hours into darkness.
179 Place the growbag on the frame, feeding the wicks into the water.
180 This may work if attention to nutrition such as feeding during pregnancy, animal health and the essential of good husbandry is practised.
181 Now enlightened farmers are fencing off and replanting areas which can he selectively utilised for animal feeding.
182 There should be a mechanism for feeding this information back to the designers so that the succeeding system designs will avoid these problems.
183 Unfastening her dress, and still blushing, she began feeding her child.
184 A row of tiny feeding fish were hugging the rock surface where I stood.
185 Tackle tips: A steady trickle of bait running into a swim will attract and keep fish feeding in one place.
186 Her feeding tube delivers formula 20 hours a day and must be kept clean to prevent infection.
187 Colic and ulcers seem to relate more to general stress levels rather than to poor or erratic feeding.
188 That is the feeding tube being removed and him being allowed to die with dignity.
189 Night netting requires that your nets are set between the rabbits' home ground and their feeding areas.
190 You ought never to see nutrient deficiencies because they are a sign of incorrect feeding.
191 A robin was still feeding on the few remaining black cherries; the chokecherries are long picked off.
192 All pets need feeding, clean bedding[Sentencedict], decent living conditions and amusement.
193 The big issue that morning was whether to release feeding stuff from the mills for distribution to the farms.
194 The incident has triggered what can only be described as a media feeding frenzy about shark attacks.
195 All that money, all that cleaning out, all that careful feeding for nothing.
196 Given an unsuitable feeding place, they may become erratic in their response to food.
197 They are parasitic on fish, feeding on the blood for three months before dropping off as miniature mussels.
198 Conversely, co-operative feeding and care increases the likelihood of rearing those young that are produced.
199 Joe got up every night and took turns with Valerie feeding the babies.
200 Stop feeding the fish, to cut down on the waste matter being produced.
201 These needs are admirably met by feeding Daphnia and other live foods.
202 Any site we consider will have its own hinterland, its own catchment area for the feeding of its population.
203 Since the first draw we have been feeding concentrates and hay at a daily cost of 10p / head.
204 I saw fresh moose and deer trails leading from the forest below into this new feeding ground.
205 Health chiefs are planning a test court case for the right to disconnect his feeding tubes.
206 Every shepherd had an interest in feeding as many cattle as possible.
207 This pattern of alternate feeding and resting is characteristic of all grazing animals.
208 Seaside entrepreneurs had been feeding this appetite, building this market, for several generations already.
209 And the money she earned from the deal went towards feeding her own cats.
210 The ink cartridge is an open-plan affair, with four ink tanks feeding to a head built into the carrier.
211 She fell into the habit of feeding the boys early, and continued it even on nights when he did come home.
212 These are then processed into fish meal to be used mainly for feeding farm animals.
213 Now Agnes and Oats sat on either side of it, listening to the distant sounds of Hodgesaargh feeding the birds.
214 Blackening the sky, they move out from Abbey Park in well defined flight lines to feeding grounds.
214 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
215 We post these warnings because unnatural feeding and artificial care create dependency.
216 Should we be proud that the loaf broken at the Last Supper is now feeding 5000 denominations in as many different ways?
217 Daily feeding displays, talks and demonstrations provide a chance to gain a real insight into this marvellous underwater world.
218 Polyp feeding Butterflyfish which die from starvation in captivity Which fishkeeper do you most admire - and why?
219 In fact, many of them are even happy to change the nappies and help out at feeding time.
220 Elizabeth watched with fascinated horror the forcible feeding practised on the poor children.
221 Finally, make sure the fish are feeding first by catching one or two with your usual indicator.
222 It was Cooper picking off the ball and feeding Thompson.
223 Chimps go from small feeding bands to big groups depending on the nature of the food supply.
224 Feeding little and often with loose feed sounds like a simple exercise that requires no great thought or expertise.
225 The more entrenched feeding problems can be very difficult to treat and take a long time to show improvement.
226 I wish I had some bread - I like feeding the ducks.
227 Several techniques have been developed to teach demand feeding to adults, to help them stop dieting and learn to eat normally.
228 When feeding on natural food items there may be free amino acids which the carp can detect.
229 An old man was in the park feeding the pigeons.
230 Regular feeding will often extend the life of container-grown plants by many weeks.
231 It was over a titbit on the floor and occurred after a period when they growled at each other at feeding time.
232 Spend half an hour in a feeding centre and you walk away feeling as though a nightmare has flashed before you.
233 Individuals then occupy particular feeding sites in the trees and there is competition for the best ones.
234 Unless you are feeding a large group, try not to buy in bulk, or they will rot.
235 This reflects the emotional and psychological connection of early feeding experiences which provide security in later life.
236 Bookstores are feeding the new appetite as publishers bake up hot loaves of fresh poetry collections.
237 She kept feeding Hansel huge portions of roast beef and potatoes to make him fat and juicy.
238 Hours later, a farmer feeding cattle three miles south of the town had discovered two men hiding in his barn.
239 As soon as your example is settled and feeding upon these live foods, it should be encouraged on to freeze-dried and frozen foods.
240 A healthy worm population is evident, as I often see a thrush, starling or jackdaw feeding.
241 Second, for me the sacrament of Holy Communion is a focal point of feeding.
242 Scientists say the humble potato may be the key to feeding the world's fast-growing population.
243 On defense, they are hungrier than sharks in a feeding frenzy.
244 If the adventurers are not very knowledgeable about Constant Drachenfels, this is a novel way of feeding them some more information.
245 The fish within a typical marine community tank fish collection are also likely to exhibit a wide range of feeding modes.
246 The only way to dispose of these rabbits is while they are out on their feeding grounds.
247 Feeding and environment Many elements of marine aquarium care are interdependent and inexorably entwined.
248 Thus, despite the difficulty of feeding a larger body, the survival value of size becomes greater as it gets colder.
249 Inappropriate medical management of these cases can cause food refusal later because of inappropriate feeding experiences during early life.
250 A recently proposed federal ban on feeding animal protein to animals is encouraging, writes Rhodes, but has too many loopholes.
251 Sooner or later the predator will end up feeding preferentially on the most abundant of the available types of prey.
252 Charles wondered if Alex Household had carried out his threat of feeding the wrong lines.
253 The real purpose of the survey is to establish the exact feeding grounds of the rabbits.
254 Feeding Golden Orfe will feed on the same diet as goldfish.
255 Dried whole milk is used mainly in infant feeding,() but it can be reconstituted and used as fresh fluid milk.
256 She believes in growing the trees well by mulching every September and feeding in March and July.
257 She is totally dependent on her daughter for help with bathing, washing, dressing and feeding.
258 She may have had some outdoor work as well, such as feeding poultry.
259 After about a week she was tearing off big lumps of the dead chicks I was feeding her.
260 As well as feeding on mussels, sea otters also take abalones.
261 I later found out that many birds also hunt caterpillars by using their feeding damage as a clue.
262 The child was feeding the monkey with a banana.
263 Feeding too rapidly will cause abdominal distension and regurgitation.
264 There are many good automatic, semiautomatic, and hand feeding devices available commercially.
265 This biochemical inhibition of feeding by animals or plants is called " allelopathy ".
266 Strict adherence to nipple hygiene is essential during breast feeding.




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