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单词 moral majority
释义  ˌmoral maˈjority noun  the moral majority PPGRRCthe group of people in a society who have strong moral beliefs and think they are always right. In the US there is an organized group called the Moral Majority, who have strong Christian principles 道德多数派〔指道德观念强烈、认为自身一贯正确的社会群体;亦指美国一基督教派别〕 Smokers today are often made to feel like social outcasts by the moral majority. 如今的吸烟者常常被道德多数派搞得感觉像是遭到了社会的排斥。Examples from the Corpusmoral majority• Smokers today are quite often made to feel like social outcasts by the moral majority.• It became the leper of a consciousness playing the moral majority.• The moral majority are just defeating their own aims.nthe Moral MajorityˌMoral Maˈjority, the  n1. trademark a US Christian organization started in 1979 by the Rev. Jerry Falwell. The group's aim is to help politicians who support its right-wing ideas on subjects such as abortion and the rights of homosexuals, and to actively oppose politicians who disagree with these ideas.n2. a general name, especially in the US, for Christians who have strongly traditional ideas about sexual behaviour, the family etc, and who also tend to have right wing political ideasˌmoral maˈjority nounˌMoral Maˈjority, theLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  in society who group Corpus people the of a strong have




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