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单词 mope
释义  mope /məʊp $ moʊp/ verb [intransitive]  1 SAD/UNHAPPYto feel sorry for yourself, without making any effort to do anything or be more happy 自怨自艾,闷闷不乐 Don’t lie there moping on a lovely morning like this! 这么美好的一个早晨,你就别躺在那里自怨自艾了! The week he died, we all sat around and moped. 他去世的那个星期,我们都闷闷不乐地闲坐着。2 mope around/about (something) phrasal verb British English SAD/UNHAPPYto move around a place in a sad slow way, especially because you feel unhappy about the situation you are in 〔尤因对所处境遇不满〕(在某处)没精打采地闲荡,忧郁地徘徊 She spends her days moping around the house. 她成天在房子里没精打采地瞎晃悠。 Stephen didn’t expect her to mope about while he was away on business. 斯蒂芬没有料到自己出差时她会闷闷不乐地闲荡。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusmope• I breezed away into a corner where I could sip my vodka-less tonic and mope.• She's just been sitting around moping all day.• Jamie was moping around his flat, existing on cups of tea and stale bread toast.• He's not even attempting to look for a job -- he just mopes around the house all day.• Instead of spending all day moping around the house, why not come help me pick beans?• Other Acutes mope around the room and try not to pay any attention to him.• It would benefit no one if we all sat around moping for the next week.• My Oscars are spending a lot of time moping on the bottom of the tank.• There's no point moping over Jane - she's not worth it.• Don't just lie there moping, waiting for the phone to ring.• But she did not leave them uneasy with the social order or moping with guilt over their comfortable circumstances in life.Origin mope (1500-1600) Probably from mop, mope “stupid person” ((14-16 centuries))mope verbChinese  making for effort to without Corpus yourself, feel sorry to do any




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