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单词 moot
释义  moot1 /muːt/ adjective  1  a moot point/question UNCERTAINsomething that has not yet been decided or agreed, and about which people have different opinions 争论未决的论点/问题 Whether these controls will really reduce violent crime is a moot point. 这些控制措施能否真的减少暴力犯罪是一个尚有争议的问题。2  American EnglishDON'T THINK SO/DOUBT IT a situation or possible action that is moot is no longer likely to happen or exist 〔某情况或可能的行动〕不再会发生的,不再会存在的 The fear that airstrikes could endanger troops is moot now that the army is withdrawing. 军队在撤退,所以空袭可能危及部队安全这种担心也失去了意义。Examples from the Corpusmoot• Even if Proposition 559 passes, it will become moot if the Supreme Court says it's unconstitutional.• It is a moot point whether hierarchies exist outside our own thought processes.• It's a moot point whether this is censorship.• Quite how long Lord Young was proposing to delay publication is a moot point.• Whether the law should be this is a moot point.• Whether they have appeared as part of the C. and A.G.'s audit is a moot point.• Whether this input has made a significant impact on the pattern of activity is a moot point.moot2 verb  be mooted SUGGESTto be suggested for people to consider 被提出供考虑 SYN put forward The question of changing the membership rules was mooted at the last meeting. 修改会员章程的问题在上一次会议上提出来了。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusmoot• A final version has already been mooted.• Misha F is against pets in principle, but admitted to having three cats and mooted a Chekhov sequel, Three Cats.• Such is the Delors-led demand for uniformity that even this was mooted as a possibility.• As Jubilee 2000 draws to a close next month, climate change has been mooted as a possible successor issue.• Paris was mooted but when Henrietta could not find her passport they eloped to Edinburgh.• A new approach was being mooted in the heaving undergrowth of ultra-left literature.• It was mooted the association could offer a unique police view of current problems.• Once the trip was mooted, there were weeks of indecision about who would go and when.Origin moot1 (1500-1600) moot “law court, discussion” ((11-21 centuries)), from Old English mot moot2 Old English motian, from mot; → MOOT1moot1 adjectivemoot2 verbChinese  not yet agreed, been and that decided Corpus or something has about




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