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单词 Litter
1. The whole park is spoiled by litter.
2. The streets were full of litter.
3. Please do not leave litter after your picnic.
4. Please do not leave litter.
5. About 2% of fast-food packaging ends up as litter.
6. It is antisocial to leave one's litter in public places.
7. Don't litter the floor.
8. People who drop litter can be fined in some cities.
9. If you see litter in the corridor[sentence dictionary], pick it up.
10. The cat dropped a litter of four kittens.
11. Any person found leaving litter will be prosecuted.
12. The sow's about to litter.
13. The tourists left a tail of litter behind them.
14. There's litter everywhere. It's absolutely disgraceful.
15. People who drop litter make me see red.
16. How often is the trash and litter cleaned up?
17. Litter in the barn has bedded down.
18. Don't throw litter about like that.
19. Picnickers are requested not to leave litter .
20. The park was strewn with litter after the concert.
21. Please put your litter in the bin provided.
22. Litter was strewn all over the field.
23. There was litter strewn all over the pavement.
24. Wear rubber gloves when handling cat litter.
25. Don't throw litter on the ground.
26. Animals reject the runt of the litter.
27. Be careful to dispose of your litter properly.
28. Litter in the pig sty has bedded down.
29. Her desk was covered in a litter of books and papers.
30. It was drilled into us at an early age never to drop litter.
1. The whole park is spoiled by litter.
2. The streets were full of litter.
3. Please do not leave litter after your picnic.
4. About 2% of fast-food packaging ends up as litter.
5. People who drop litter can be fined in some cities.
6. If you see litter in the corridor, pick it up.
7. There's litter everywhere. It's absolutely disgraceful.
8. Her room was in such a litter that she was ashamed to ask me in.
9. It is antisocial to leave one's litter in public place.
10. Why do you always litter up the table with all these newspapers?
31. On Wednesday we cleared a beach and woodland of litter.
32. Her room was in such a litter that she was ashamed to ask me in.
33. Our bitch should produce a fine litter. We mated her with John's dog.
34. It really makes me cross to see people dropping litter in the street.
35. The local council has pledged to clamp down on litter louts on the beach.
36. It is antisocial to leave one's litter in public place.
37. He pushed aside the litter of books and papers and laid two places at the table.
38. His room was a litter of old clothes, dirty crockery and broken furniture.
39. It really annoys me when I see people dropping litter.
40. You pick litter up in the park? That's very public-spirited of you!
41. A litter of notes, papers, and textbooks were strewn on the desk.
42. There will be fines for people who drop litter .
43. Why do you always litter up the table with all these newspapers?
44. He stuffed the newspapers into a litter bin and headed down the street.
45. The floor was covered with a litter of newspapers, clothes and empty cups.
46. Everywhere there is litter and animal dung.
47. But what if they drop litter?
48. These streets are full of litter.
49. The whole menagerie produced just a single litter.
50. You can be fined £100 for dropping litter.
51. Leaving litter in the wilderness is beneath contempt.
52. Immobilization of nitrogen occurs in both types in both sites but phosphorus is immobilized only in the fern litter.
53. Almost 250 car parks across the province will be cleaned to help raise awareness of the litter problem in the transport network.
54. A wren scrabbled in leaf litter a few yards away: tiny, rufous-brown, pert tailed.
55. Examples might include cleaning out the garage or picking up litter in the neighborhood.
56. He remembered Woil staying by the bench and the litter bin where the Men could reach him.
57. On occasions a feral cat will move into a burrow and have a litter down there.
58. Altecean street cleaners were piling the litter with their long rakes.
59. People who lived and worked near the building complained of crime, litter and other problems associated with the feeding program.
60. I am tired of picking up litter thrown by other people.
61. We measured things other than fire, such as leaf litter.
62. Drought resulted in decreased root growth and slower breakdown of soil litter, an important source of magnesium for forest trees.
63. People who discard their litter in the streets should have to pay heavy fines.
64. Never throw litter into ponds or streams. 10 Protect wildlife,[] plants and trees.
65. With a whoop he leapt over a huge spreading puddle where a drain was blocked with litter.
66. Our Balinese guide pointed to the decorated litter, a kind of oversized sedan chair, parked on the pavement.
67. Eventually I threw up into a litter bin attached to a crowded bus shelter on St George's Road.
68. At the informal meeting I had with and we discussed a procedure for dealing with litter.
69. A week ago he was successful ... 13 baby boas were produced in the same litter, 12 of them survived.
70. The cats shared their room with an overflowing litter tray.
71. A sharp eyed youngster should have no difficulty in spotting the loose change, that so often litter such areas.
72. She will make her nest in the sleeping quarters of the hutch where she will eventually have her litter.
73. She went on foot at first, past the litter of fallen trees.
74. A litter of truly wild rabbits taken into captivity and contained in a hutch can not be expected to live very long.
75. Our cat, Elsie, just had a litter of six kittens.
76. The vacant lot across the street is filled with litter.
77. If we were to introduce a new toy to a litter of puppies, they would play with it.
78. So if a litter tray is in too public a place, this too may drive them elsewhere.
79. Therefore, it pays a hungry hamster or a weak deer to miscarry a male-biased litter and retain a female-biased one.
80. Thereafter they fend for themselves and she is quickly into preparation for her next litter.
81. The Fibropower plant produces about 14 megawatts by burning the discarded litter from broiler chicken farms all over East Anglia.
82. Amid the clattering trams and the hurrying crowds at the Hackescher Markt, the golden litter bin stands out.
83. But any illegal littering of city streets is the domain of the four litter cops.
84. A final factor has to do with the position of the litter tray.
85. Some materials have the animals in them to begin with. Leaf litter, soil and rotting timber contain small animals.
86. Why not tear them up like everyone else and contribute to the litter found on every bookie's floor?
87. A third marked contrast, of enormous ecological and economic significance, is in leaf litter.
88. This means leaving faeces in a prominent place, rather than covering them up in the litter tray.
89. In one trial, installation of the equipment reduced infant mortality from 10 percent of the litter to 0.5 percent.
90. There is litter on the seats of the train I take to Westminster.
91. When you first introduce the litter tray, place the puppy here if you suspect that it is likely to use it.
92. And when I pretended to be a horse I got so excited I bumped into this litter bin and fell over.
93. The leaf litter of this remarkable plant is therefore bulky and relatively persistent.
94. You can use a large plastic cat litter tray as a dirt-box.
95. Many people feel that packaging creates a disproportionate amount of litter.
96. Fill this with a small amount of cat litter, having lined it first with newspaper.
97. An induced birth after thirty-six hours of false labor, the runt of a litter of twelve.
98. Members are able to fill in a form to notify the Club that a litter is due to be whelped.
99. After the lessons on the environment, children deposited much more litter in trash cans, rather than dropping it.
100. The occasional curtained litter or rickshaw sheltered its rich occupant from the sun as he or she ventured out on some errand.
101. It begins with a fluttering in the mould and rot of the leaf litter.
102. There was mayhem as shrapnel rained down on shoppers from devices placed in cast-iron litter bins less than ten yards apart.
103. Can a litter of kittens have more than one father?
104. The 130,000 tonnes of litter consumed each year has about half the calorific value of coal.
105. The empty ornamental pond was choked with rotten leaves, starlings blew about the place like avian litter.
106. Under and among the brambles was litter of all kinds, half bricks, broken bottles, sodden sweet papers.
107. The MacDonalds box has a useful life of only several minutes, but languishes for decades in litter or landfill.
108. When it snows in Boston, residents litter the streets with old furniture, barrels and a rusty washing machine or two.
109. There the litter will remain, imbibing milk and growing rapidly for five weeks.
110. I drive around today, gently despairing at some of the abysmal shapes that litter the roads.
111. In the fall, they are buried in the leaf litter.
112. A typical day includes offering information to dozens of tourists and picking up litter.
113. Always clear up after a picnic and never drop litter 9 Help to keep all water clean.
114. The worse for drink, he lurches away, staggering to a litter bin where he is sick.
115. A litter of cocaine bags and razor blades was found in the room.
116. There is no trace of litter, despite the hundreds of affluent shoppers who ebb and flow along these consumerist highways.
117. The secret in such cases is to increase the rate of emptying and cleaning the litter tray.
118. Cats hate to defecate where they eat and some people place the litter tray too near the animal's food dish.
119. The human tells the computer which one of the current litter of progeny to breed from.
120. Two Civic Patrol officers will work with the community to combat litter and graffiti.
121. The gutter between the sidewalk and granite slabs is cleared of leaves and litter.
122. The mess of pizza fragments, uneaten chips, beer-cans, papers, had been swept into the litter bin.
123. Tallis could see how invisible feet kicked up the leaf litter, broke and trampled bracken.
124. Bag of sand or kitty litter and traction mats.
125. The litter in the sheepfold bedded down.
126. Litter boys play truant from school are unimaginative.
127. The predicted value of total annual O_2 consumption by respiration in litter components showed that 21.04—24.38% weight loss was resulted from microbial respiration.
128. For the litter size,[] estimates of the proportion of total variance accounted for by paternally and maternally transmitted gametes were 1.1% and 2.3% respectively.
129. People who wouldn't go to the store for themselves will make the effort to get dog food or kitty litter.
130. Like many spiders, the Wolf spider shuns a web, preferring to lurk in the litter of pine needles and leaves until a potential victim happens its way.
131. Habitat: Indian Pipe is found on the forest floor in the leaf litter and mold.
132. Use old newspaper to line your kitty litter box or your kitchen garbage can.
133. For aeromedical evacuations, it can carry 74 litter patients and two medical attendants.
134. Due to poor carbon source for denitrification in the horizontal part of VF/HF constructed wetlands, the influence of adding cattail litter on nitrate removal and the effluent quality was investigated.
135. The fisherman casts the net into the sea and catches a litter barracuda.
136. Litter decomposition, rhizosphere soil, CO2 concentration, and ozone play important roles in nitrogen cycle.
137. Though we might not see it as we walk through wood or copse or forest, the soil and " dead " leaf - litter beneath our feet is alive and moving.
138. Those of tree litter at the foot of the issue of disturbing noise in the leaves rustle draggle voice, as if to groan.
139. MTGSAM was used in gametic imprinting effect analysis of two traits for Matou goats:body weight and litter size.
140. You spend your first couple of Saturday afternoons ambling round among dusty shelves, savouring a page or a chapter as you please, or fingering the piles of oddments that litter counters or tables.
141. Crossbred Duroc was not better than pure ones for litter size at birth.
142. Gasoline or gasoline mixed with frozen orange juice concentrate or cat litter.
143. Give a warm hugtothe second one, help hertopour litter, feel happy for her getting even more bonus, felicitate for her accompany.
144. The results demonstrated that soil fauna played an important role in litter decomposition during the freeze-thaw season in alpine forests of western China.
145. Is it only the riff - raff who leave litter about in the parks?
146. There were no detailed studies on litter and forest floor of Populus davidiana and Fraxinus mandshurica in this region.
147. Examples are government furniture, staff uniforms and accoutrements, litter containers , mailboxes and brief cases.
148. Ban the use of poultry litter as a feed ingredient for ruminant animals.
149. People have never really been told that a litter box has to be kept squeaky clean.
150. Wrap them up in used kitty litter or other pet droppings, the U.S. government advises.
151. Before weaning, a sow nurses her litter at frequent intervals.
152. Dodi is an extremely affectionate and healthy 4 month old ball of playfulness who can already urinate in his kitty litter tray. He is looking for a loving home for adoption.
153. Little drops of water, Litter grains of sand, make the mighty ocean and the pleasant land.
154. Defensive programming constructs have prevented many a defect[ ], but the constructs themselves tend to litter code with repetitive logic.
155. As mayor, he was chief pedagogue, urging bogotanos not to run red lights, dump litter or beat their wives, sometimes dressing up as "Super Citizen" in spandex to get the message across.
156. The sow leaves her stall only when it is time for mating or for transfer to the farrowing accommodation where she will give birth to her litter.
157. Sucking piglets are often pale and poor growing and 10 - 15 % may be affected in a litter.
158. Larvae – Woolly bear caterpillars curl up in thick layers of leaf litter for winter.
159. I was carried in a litter during the final stage of our journey.
160. Cousteau knew we should keep the seas clean. We should not litter the seas.
161. Robyn went out to Winchester Virginia found a litter of black Labs and brought home Chester.
162. Halle Berry said she would pick up litter in the streets to clear his path.
163. There are also some estimates of the efficiency of litter decomposition by Basidiomycetes in pure culture.
164. The program doesn't litter system folders, register, doesn't reduce the working speed of other programs.
165. Better planting models are seeking for, in which the Eichhornia crassipe plays a good role in purifying and does litter influence to channel's flow.
166. The union’s image was further harmed when a striker in Windsor was caught on video dumping rubbish and berating a family picking up litter in a park.
167. SALOME: Thou wilt do this thing for me Narraboth and tomorrow when I pass in my litter beneath the gateway of the idolsellers I will let fall for thee a little flower a little green flower.
168. When the material intercepting gate is cut off, the granular materials replenish into the scale hopper through the litter hole to achieve the predetermined value.
169. Because of its very low heritability in litter size of pig, the improvement of the litter size is limited by the conventional breeding technology.
170. Would like to litter back the rubbish to the litterbug!
171. A "star drug-sniffing Canadian labrador retriever" was cloned, resulting in a seven-puppy litter, six of which are now serving as drug-sniffing dogs across South Korea.
172. But at this very moment, a mobile litter hours per shift in wiping furniture, the floor is a light - coloured wood with half-long scars.
173. The results showed an occurrence of phytotoxicity with clear dynamic patterns during Zanthoxylum bungeanum litter decomposition.
174. The increase in litter sizes on top of the improving conception rates created an embarrassing position as the herd had increased in sow numbers to compensate for the drop in reproduction.
175. Their peduncles are long, whose flowers haver a litter drooping or slightly hide in the leaves.
176. Do not throw confetti, and Cashew Nut Shell does not litter bags.
177. For the litter size, variance components of maternal gametic effects were about twice than that of paternal gametic effects.
178. These dataes showed that Zigong black goat was a goat with advanges of the litter-bearing, the many lambs of per litter, the high fecundity and the perennial oestrus.
179. Besides UV, the blue and green light-wave bands in visible light can affect litter photodegradation.
180. Then the wastewater is pumped into and out of cells that contain a special gravel, akin to kitty litter, that is designed to offer lots of surface area for bacteria to grow.
181. The litter of autumn will become mulch, then humus for root and tender seed.
182. Detritus Fragments of dead leaf litter and products of the breakdown of organic material by decomposers.
183. It is not unusual to produce an excellent quality dog from an outbred litter.




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