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单词 Encouragement
1. With encouragement, Sally is starting to play with the other children.
2. Given the slightest encouragement, he'd be on his knees swearing eternal devotion.
3. Thanks for the encouragement.
4. Teenagers need love, encouragement and reassurance from their parents.
5. Her encouragement and support strengthened our resolve.
6. His expression lacked warmth or encouragement.
7. His words of encouragement were to no avail.
8. The teacher's words were a great encouragement to him.
9. His encouragement gave me a hot sense of uplift.
10. Her words were a great encouragement to them.
11. We raised her spirits with encouragement.
12. His encouragement buoyed her up during that difficult period.
13. Everyone needs a little bit of encouragement.
14. He assisted me with good counsel and encouragement.
15. She was given every encouragement to try something new.
16. Give plenty of praise and encouragement.
17. His encouragement was a great prop to her self-confidence.
18. Mick was always ready to offer advice and encouragement.
19. The crowd yelled encouragement at the players.
20. Children need lots of encouragement from their parents.
21. She needed no encouragement to continue .
22. He brightened up at their words of encouragement.
23. Getting the support of the Queen was a great encouragement to those involved in the project.http://
24. I take this moment to tell you today that I'm so grateful for the love that you give me.Your smiling face is like the sunlight which brightens my world.The comfort and encouragement you give to me help me through all the despair. Words can not express how much I feel for you.You're a wonderful wife who deserve all my love.Have a happy birthday!
25. At the nadir of her career, she was given a great encouragement by his marrying her.
26. For me, it has not yet been realized what the rest of one's life, is my greatest encouragement.
27. We shall all remember Mr Page for the kindly encouragement he gave us when we went so unwillingly to school.
28. I also had friends who gave me a great deal of encouragement.
29. We are all profoundly grateful for your help and encouragement.
30. From that day forth she gave me endless friendship and encouragement.
1. Getting the support of the Queen was a great encouragement to those involved in the project.
2. With encouragement, Sally is starting to play with the other children.
3. Given the slightest encouragement, he'd be on his knees swearing eternal devotion.
4. Thanks for the encouragement.
5. At the nadir of her career, she was given a great encouragement by his marrying her.
6. We shall all remember Mr Page for the kindly encouragement he gave us when we went so unwillingly to school.
7. Her encouragement and support strengthened our resolve.
8. His words of encouragement were to no avail.
9. His encouragement gave me a hot sense of uplift.
10. His encouragement buoyed her up during that difficult period.
11. He assisted me with good counsel and encouragement.
12. Lastly, I must say I owe all the achievements to the encouragement and help from my collegues and friends.
13. Raised by adoptive parents , Hill received early encouragement in her musical proclivities.
14. It was her teacher's encouragement that led her into acting.
15. I could never have achieved this without the encouragement of my husband and family.
31. The man was crooning soft words of encouragement to his wife.
32. With a little encouragement from his parents he should do well.
33. You need encouragement from people who understand what you are trying to do.
34. Perhaps I can offer a few words of encouragement to those who did not win any prizes this time.
35. He needs all the support and encouragement he can get.
36. Don't egg him on! He gets himself into enough trouble without your encouragement.
37. I draw great encouragement from the fact that the classroom is always full.
38. Throughout the editing of this book, we have had much support and encouragement.
39. Her talent might have lain dormant had it not been for her aunt's encouragement.
40. Lastly, I must say I owe all the achievements to the encouragement and help from my collegues and friends.
41. No amount of encouragement would make him jump into the pool.
42. The young writer owed his success to his teacher's encouragement.
43. The armed forces are now giving positive encouragement to applications from Asians and black people.
44. With a bit of encouragement, she could do really well.
45. He gave great encouragement to his students, especially if their passions happened to coincide with his own.
46. The encouragement of a friend spurred Chris into switching jobs.
47. His encouragement determined us to carry on with the study.
48. Raised by adoptive parents , Hill received early encouragement in her musical proclivities.
49. It was her teacher's encouragement that led her into acting.
50. The coach clapped the new member of his team on the back to suggest his encouragement.
51. I could never have achieved this without the encouragement of my husband and family.
52. Stephen nodded to him in encouragement.
53. He prepared words of encouragement as he came alongside.
54. Since when had fitzAlan needed encouragement to show anger?
55. West Indies can take encouragement from the match.
56. Despite encouragement(), he still couldn't call his stepfather dad.
57. Such bodies surely need little in the way of encouragement before making full and frank disclosure.
58. "But you're doing a great job," he added by way of encouragement.
59. A popular grass-roots councilwoman gives a few words of encouragement to much applause.
60. A little gentle encouragement is all that is needed to put this promising author into the ranks of the high-flyers.
61. Eventually, the field force commander joined in, all of them offering encouragement.
62. Nor was official support and encouragement limited to Catholic organisations.
63. He was shortly joined by the division commander, who offered me more encouragement.
64. We have appreciated so much the support, encouragement, prayers and interest of many from the fellowship over the last year.
65. Dormitory centres Within the catchment area of a burgh; basic services available; some growth potential and encouragement to industry.
66. Like a 996 it needs a lot of encouragement at the bars to start turning.
67. With his support and encouragement I took my first somewhat unsteady steps towards the production of a unit in financial accounting.
68. He gave enough encouragement to the army command without losing control of the situation altogether.
69. Susan, my long suffering wife, who never batted an eyelid as this project unfolded and gave me lots of encouragement.
70. Another measure that could boost employment is the encouragement of small-scale business enterprises.
71. The encouragement given made for a great rapport with the class and gave a stimulus to improve the lectures.
72. Her humor offered encouragement to children who faced cancer, and their courage in turn helped her face it.
73. Without her patience, sensitivity, and encouragement this project would never have reached completion.
74. Encouragement and real results are the essential ingredients required to nurture adequate supplies of willpower and to keep it growing.
75. I had the brigade commander over-head offering me encouragement over the radio.
76. And Christians can be involved in the local congregation for mutual ministry and encouragement and evangelism on a slightly larger scale.
77. Side by side, respirator patients provided comfort, encouragement, and community for one another.
78. I wanted the freedom and the encouragement to do the best I could for myself and my family.
79. There are very few facilities for the encouragement of effective communication in either church-related or general community development work.
80. As a beginner, she needs quite a lot of encouragement.
81. Provided their behaviour was sportsmanlike and safe, oarsmen found only encouragement and humour from a President who was always among them.
82. Together with the evident popularity of cathedral music, these are a cause of encouragement for church music in this country.
83. Jenkins' kicking, especially in the first half,(Sentence dictionary) gave little encouragement to his forwards.
84. In the more meaningful deadweight trade signals from the continent also offer buyers encouragement.
85. She needs advice and encouragement more than she would ever admit.
86. And, above all, provide plenty of cuddles, consolation, and enthusiastic, encouragement for every achievement!
87. But it needs some encouragement to port to Unix and substitute it for the server, rather than OS/2.
88. Children themselves needed more visual encouragement to react to enable the book to compete with the attractions of video and television.
89. Francine lacks confidence and needs a lot of encouragement and support.
90. A stagnant, slow moving and bad circulation of air is a direct encouragement to disease spores to settle and take hold.
91. Humbleness is good sense and wisdom. Modesty invites encouragement and support. Dr T.P.Chia 
92. I hope this account will give encouragement to Loach lovers to keep trying.
93. Elsewhere, on the south coast, the match between Ardingly and Eastbourne also reflected the open approach which deserves encouragement.
94. It is comforting to hear your team-mates shouting their encouragement during a contest. Sit with your back straight and head erect.
95. His family knew nothing of education and so gave him no support or encouragement, still less active aid.
96. It had to proceed through persuasion and encouragement - a difficult process with public-sector bodies, but almost impossible with major companies.
97. After his speech, he shook hands and offered words of encouragement to people in the crowd.
98. The Housing Act 1988 gave further encouragement to the breakup of the large housing estates remaining under local authority control.
99. But he kept your secret, Pamela, and would not own that you gave any encouragement to his addresses.
100. Barring the nightly message of encouragement captain Kardar stuck to his bathroom mirror, there were no instructions from the skipper.
101. I drew my own sword, shouting defiance and encouragement to the rest.
102. He knew that most people respond better to encouragement than to harsh criticism.
103. At the same time it gave encouragement to local amenity groups to press for improvements.
104. Here Congress has offered relatively mild encouragement to the States to enact higher minimum drinking ages than they would otherwise choose.
105. Children need lots of encouragement when they're learning new things.
106. This is an encouragement [ impetus ] to us.
107. Nine tenths of education is encouragement.
108. He is unstinting in his encouragement.
109. Traditional manorial organization provided scant encouragement for economic growth.
110. You will get no comradeship and no encouragement.
111. He had words of encouragement for each one of us.
112. Romeo , having this encouragement, would fain have spoken, but he was desirous of hearing more.
113. The "green shoots" crowd — those believing global recovery is nigh — drew special encouragement from a 2.2% rebound in real U.S. consumer expenditure in the first quarter of 2009.
114. You will be full of assuredness and be brave in receiving challenge with Personal Trainer's encouragement.
115. I knew they wouldn't sell; I saw this as a small gesture of encouragement.
116. It was not an easy task for Annie, who bashfully admitted that she is shy and lacking in self-confidence. Without the encouragement of and nomination by Dr.
117. Nanjing university sociology department professor ChenYouHua think, 80 s make only children encouragement policy "continuity have a problem".
118. In their company, Tom and Gerri are patient, kind and nonjudgmental, offering advice and encouragement and overlooking behavior that might make less generous spirits cringe.
119. It is a word of encouragement though,it's a sermon, it uses Hellenistic Jewish style--speech styles and rhetoric and Hellenistic Jewish exegetical techniques.
120. Armani began a free-lance design business in 1970 with the encouragement of his close friend Sergio Galeotti, and established his own men's wear label in 1974.
121. Were they really there, whispering wordless encouragement to her, or was this part of her dream?
122. Armed with expendable income and encouragement to claim their right to sexual pleasure, women could become consumers in a field previously reserved for men.
123. After encouragement from his sister, he mustered up the courage to go to the town employment services to apply for a temporary position.
124. When your children are well behaved, reward them with a few words of praise or encouragement, a hug, or a privilege.
125. From ill-considered deregulation of banking and derivatives to over-the-top encouragement of home ownership, Washington's fingerprints were all over the crisis.
126. The paper states that Chinese culture has always attached great importance to protecting the dignity between man and man, and good advice and encouragement is a good example for that.
127. Because of his encouragement, she won the best designer by her reformed cheongsam.
128. But it has the permissibility by law, especially, it is generally agreed that Encouragement of supplying opportunities is legitimate.
129. Investors hoping for fresh hints of an imminent cut in UK interest rates found little encouragement in the latest minutes of the rate-setting panel of the Bank of England, published today.
130. A discouraged platoon often needs encouragement to stay the course when they are exhausted and scared.
131. Rom. 15:5 Now the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to be of the same mind toward one another according to Christ Jesus.
132. At the least encouragement out would come my manuscript book, unabashed.
133. The cer- tain analysis of encouragement and supervision of managerial staffs and technical staffs made dynamic working hour managerial technique under the circumstance of CIM/MIS more completely.
134. He would talk incessantly if you give him a litle encouragement.
135. By adopting partial and general equilibrium analysis, this paper reviewed "lower import protection"-tariff policy and "moderate export encouragement"-export tariff rebate policy.
136. The first sentence of the Preface of the Christian Science textbook by Mary Baker Eddy gave me the encouragement I needed.
137. So far, there has been little encouragement from recent economic statistics.
138. Our general policy is to place moral encouragement first , material incentives second.
139. This declaration may give Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger the encouragement needed to launch a firm bid for Guti.
140. It took some GRS reader encouragement for me to actually explore the site's potential, but now that I know how it works, I'm hooked.
141. Bidoof: Oof ... I can't do anything for you all but give encouragement.
142. As a special sign of encouragement, we shall consider accepting payment by D/P during this sales pushing stage. We trust this will greatly facilitate your efforts in sales.
143. The Reds coach also had some words of encouragement for debutant Sterling,(http:///encouragement.html) but was keen to stress that it was a team performance that saw Liverpool come away with the three points.
144. In the 1970s under Anwar Sadat, and with encouragement from his wife Jehan, women made further gains. But since then progress has been stalled by the growing power of conservative religious groups.
145. The encouragement that young boys receive builds a greater self-confidence.
146. A very little encouragement would set her to talk and pour out all within her.
147. In a wonderful, unexpected way, it was old Samuel who gave Elizabeth encouragement.
148. At present, encouragement ways of enterprises mainly reflect the setting-up in material benefit; few enterprises have one encouragement mechanism that has intact theory and perfect system.
149. The author holds that the significance of spiritual encouragement lies in that it is of inexhaustibility, without commodity character.
150. The parental love and encouragement have been nurturing a young tree, which will surely grow into a gigantic one in the future.
151. It is boosting trade with Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, and sticking, with commendable doggedness in the face of little encouragement, to the task of making peace with Pakistan.
152. Now summarizes to the training main routine and the method, in the hope of mutual encouragement with expert and colleagues.
153. Alex Miller, an Ariel resident and Yisrael Beiteinu politician, issued a statement last week welcoming the decision as an "important shot of encouragement for the settlements".
154. Second Do not: Do not try to force them to do anything, should continue to give them encouragement and care.
155. The college students have formed their own concept of value, world outlook and special act way, so encouragement is more important for them.




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