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单词 momentarily
释义 Word family  noun moment momentum adjective momentary momentous adverb momentarily  mo·men·tar·i·ly /ˈməʊməntərəli $ ˌmoʊmənˈterəli/ ●○○ adverb  1  SHORT TIMEfor a very short time 片刻地,短暂地 SYN briefly She was momentarily lost for words. 她一时语塞。 Jimmy paused momentarily. 吉米停顿了片刻。2  American EnglishSOON very soon 马上,立刻 Mr Johnson will be with you momentarily. 约翰逊先生马上就来。Examples from the Corpusmomentarily• I'll be with you momentarily.• He was momentarily a bit taken aback.• But to no avail; his ears would only come forward momentarily, and would then return to the backwards position again.• Stafford was momentarily at a loss.• Asked if he had ever considered doing costume work outside wrestling, Ojeda was momentarily at a loss.• She rolled each syllable and stilled it momentarily in her throat.• Billy had lost track momentarily of where he was or how he had gotten there.• Mr Ewing will see you momentarily, sir.• He checked, but only momentarily, then he had jumped down on to the track a knife in his hand.• Spoleto paused momentarily to speak with reporters.• The recorder came in with an adagio-like slowness and gravity, momentarily wobbled off-key, then·men·tar·i·ly adverbChineseSyllable   Corpus for time a short very




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