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单词 missing link
释义  ˌmissing ˈlink noun [countable]  1  SOLVE/FIND THE ANSWERa piece of information that you need in order to solve a problem 〔解决问题〕必要的一环,缺失环节 Could this be the missing link in the search for a cure for cancer? 这会不会是癌症治疗方法探索过程中的缺失环节呢?2. the missing link SAan animal which was a stage in the development of humans from apes, whose bones have not yet been found 缺环〔指猿进化到人类的过程中或许存在过的一种过渡动物〕Examples from the Corpusmissing link• Police continue looking for missing links in the Stewart murder case.• Here the missing link is frequently the directly observed contextual detail which is so crucial in anthropological field work.• The modern expression does not include the missing link, spirituality.• David Henshaw of Bristol University says the discovery is the missing link that shows how power lines can cause cancer clusters.• The steam engine was the missing link.ˌmissing ˈlink nounChineseSyllable  piece need you Corpus of information a that




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