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单词 misprint
释义  Related topics: Newspapers, printing, publishingmis·print /ˈmɪs-prɪnt/ noun [countable]  TCNMISTAKEa small mistake, especially a spelling mistake, in a book, magazine etc 印刷错误► see thesaurus at mistakeExamples from the Corpusmisprint• Galway might be a misprint for Galloway, so that the herd was in fact White Galloways.• It can't really cost £20 - it must be a misprint.• I thought it must have been a misprint.• In the last sentence, "unclear" is a misprint for "nuclear".• It's always risky writing about misprints.• Dmitri had been checking it for misprints and left it to get messed up like this.• Greater care, also, in the proofreading would have prevented a number of misprints in the presentation material.• So here, and it comes out even in the misprints.mis·print nounChineseSyllable  small a a spelling mistake, mistake, Corpus especially




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