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单词 must
释义  must1 /məst; strong mʌst/ ●●● S1 W1 modal verb (negative short form mustn’t)  1  (past tense had to)MUST to have to do something because it is necessary or important, or because of a law or order 必须 → have to, oblige All passengers must wear seat belts. 所有乘客都必须系安全带。 It’s getting late. I really must go. 天晚了,我真的必须走了。 You must work hard. 你必须努力工作。 We must all be patient. 我们都必须耐心。 Must I pay now? 我必须现在付款吗? For the engine to work, the green lever must be in the ‘up’ position. 要启动引擎,绿色操纵杆必须在“上”这一挡。 Accidents must be reported to the safety officer. 出了事故必须向安全员报告。n RegisterIn everyday English, people usually say someone has to or has got to do something rather than say they must do something, which can sound slightly formal or emphatic:Everyone has to wear a seat belt.I‘ve got to go at four o’clock.Do I have to pay now?2  used in negative sentences to say that something should not happen, because of a rule or law or because of the situation 〔用于否定句中,指制度、法律规定或形势决定某事不应发生〕 You mustn’t talk to your mother like that. 你不应该那样和你母亲说话。 This book must not be removed from the library. 本书不得带出图书馆。 We must never forget how much we owe to these brave men. 我们一定不能忘记要对这些勇士心存感激。 No one must disturb him while he’s sleeping. 他睡觉时谁也不准打扰他。5 GRAMMAR 语法• Do not use must not to say that it is not necessary for someone to do something. Instead, use need not or do not have to . 表示不必做某事不要用must not,而要用need not或do not have toYou need not (NOT 不说 must not) work through the exercises in order.不必按顺序做习题。3  MUSTused to say you think something is very likely to be true or very likely to have happened 一定,肯定〔表示推测〕 Sam must be nearly 90 years old now. 萨姆现在肯定将近90岁了。 His new car must have cost around £20,000. 他的新车肯定花了两万英镑左右。 You must have been really upset. 你一定很难过。 There must be something wrong with the engine. 一定是引擎出了问题。 Karl must’ve seen ‘Star Wars’ six or seven times. 《星球大战》卡尔一定看过六七遍了。4  SUGGEST spoken used to suggest that someone should do something, especially because you think they will enjoy it or you think it is a good idea 应该〔用于建议别人做某事,尤在认为某人会喜欢或认为所提建议是个好主意时使用〕 You must come and stay with us in London sometime. 你一定得找个时间来伦敦,到我们这儿住住。 ‘We must do this again, ’ he said. ‘I’ve enjoyed it thoroughly.’ “我们一定要再来一次,”他说,“我玩得太开心了。”5  especially British English spoken used to say that you intend or want to do something 一定要〔表示打算或想要做某事〕 I must call her tonight. 我今晚一定要打电话给她。6  I must admit/say/confess spoken used to emphasize what you are saying 我得承认〔用于强调所说的话〕 I must say, it gave me quite a shock. 我得说,这让我非常震惊。7  (why) must you ...? spoken used to tell someone that their behaviour upsets or annoys you (为什么)你非要…? 〔告诉某人其举止令人生气或困扰〕 Must you spoil everything? 你非得把一切都弄糟吗? Why must you always be so suspicious? 为什么你非要总是这样多疑?8  a must-have/must-see/must-read etc informal something that is so good, exciting, or interesting that you think people should have it, see it etc 必有/必看/必读等的东西 The exhibit is a must-see for anyone interested in Japanese art. 对于对日本艺术感兴趣的人来说,这件展品是必看之作。 a must-read novel 必读的小说9  if you must (do something) LET/ALLOW spoken used to tell someone that they are allowed to do something, but that you do not approve of it or agree with it 如果你硬要(做某事) All right, come along, if you must. 好吧,如果你非要一起去,那就去吧。 If you must smoke, please go outside. 如果你一定要吸烟,请到外面去吸。10  if you must know spoken used when you answer a question that you think someone should not have asked, because it is slightly impolite 如果你非要知道用于回答认为别人不该问的问题,因为提这个问题不太礼貌〕 Well, if you must know, I’m thirty-six. 好吧,如果你非要知道,我三十六岁了。 → you must be joking at joke2(2)n GRAMMAR: Comparisonmust• You say that you must do something: I must get a new key.• Don’t use ‘to’ after must. ✗Don’t say: I must to get a new key. • You use must not when saying someone should not do something, for example because it is dangerous or wrong: You must not leave without telling me where you’re going.• You say that something must have happened, or that someone must have done something, when you are fairly sure that this is true, based on what you know: They must have caught an earlier train.have to• You say that you have to do something: She has to do some shopping. • You use don’t have to when it is not necessary for someone to do something: You don’t have to leave yet. • You use had to instead of ‘must’ when talking about the past: He had to get up early the next day. THESAURUSmust do something used when saying that it is very important that someone does something, because someone in authority or a rule says this, or because of the situation 〔因为当权者要求或规则规定,或因为形势需要〕必须做某事You must be home by midnight. 午夜之前必须回家。He must not smoke in here. 他不可以在这里吸烟。I must remember to call her. 我一定要记得打电话给她。have to do something to need to do something because it is necessary or important 〔因为有必要或重要而〕必须做某事,不得不做某事I have to go home early. 我必须早点回家。She has to talk to him first. 她必须先和他谈谈。be obliged to do something to have to do something, because of a rule or law, or because of the situation you are in 〔因为法律、行业或社会规范的规定〕被迫做某事Members of parliament are obliged to declare all their financial interests. 议会议员必须公开他们全部的经济收益。nHe was obliged to admit required to do something formal to have to do something because of a rule or law – used especially in written notices and official documents 必须做某事〔尤用于书面通知和官方文件〕New students are required to register with a doctor. 新生必须去医生那里登记。have an obligation to do something (also be under an obligation to do something) to have to do something because it is the duty of someone in your position to do it, or because you have officially agreed to do it 有义务做某事The landlord is under an obligation to keep the building in good repair. 房东有义务妥善维护房屋。be forced/compelled to do something to have to do something that you do not want to do, because you are in a situation that makes it impossible to avoid 被迫做某事She was forced to retire early due to ill health. 她因病被迫提早退休。Examples from the Corpusmust• The $55 passport fee must accompany your application.• The longer-term affect of television on the House must await further research.• Identification must be carried at all times.• Elsa must be furious with her.• To create these things, we must begin by remembering that we are all in this together.• You must come and visit us in Houston.• And he must eat some salad.• The capital asset of the farms had little importance for most yet in some areas the value must have been substantial.• This stereo must have cost a lot of money.• Cox must have forgotten all about our appointment.• Certainly it must help them locate a mate and induce a feeling of social togetherness.• As a prior step, however, we must look at the second general form of political behavior, political actions.• We must make every effort towards peace.• The plants must need watering by now.• Production costs must not exceed $400,000.• Poor Madame, I thought, how deeply she must resent my usurping her place.• I must stop by sometime and thank her for all her help.• I must thank Gene for showing me his method of flashing.must2 /mʌst/ noun [countable usually singular]  NEEDsomething that you must do or must have 必须做的事;必不可少的东西 Warm clothes are a must in the mountains. 御寒衣物在山里是必不可少的。Examples from the Corpusmust• Citronella candles are a must at an outdoor do.• Goggles are a must for skiing while it's snowing.• The site covers several kilometres, so good walking shoes and a hat are a must.• These friendly classes are so popular, numbers are restricted and booking is a must.• Come dessert time, the fresh guavas in cream or the not too sweet, ultra creamy flan is a must.• In the absence of a hood a good cover glass is a must.• But, before leaving the Thatcher phenomenon, a glance at the Falklands War and what preceded it is a must.• It comes with eight megabytes of random access memory, a must since it also comes with Windows 95.• Another must is the excursion to Hallstatt and Gosau, two of the most beautiful spots in the Salzkammergut.Origin must1 Old English moste, from motan “to be allowed to, have to” must2 (1800-1900) → MUST1must1 modal verb →5 GRAMMAR1 →n GRAMMAR2 →n REGISTER1 →THESAURUS1must2 nounLDOCE OnlineChinese  do have it Corpus to to something because




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