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单词 mustachioed
释义  Related topics: Hair & beautymus·ta·chi·oed, moustachioed /məˈstæʃiəʊd, -ˈstɑː- $ -ʃioʊd/ adjective  DCBhaving a moustache, especially a large one 留着八字须的Examples from the Corpusmustachioed• The senior one was a fearsome, mustachioed amateur cello player who addressed every class in a terrifying bawl.• Inside, mariachis offer to sing songs about the mustachioed bandit turned saint or the modern-day outlaws.• Gave ten thousand dollars for it to a little mustachioed froggy art dealer on the Boulevard Haussmann.Origin mustachioed (1800-1900) mustachio “(large) mustache” ((16-21 centuries)), from Italian mustaccio; → MUSTACHEmus·ta·chi·oed adjectiveChineseSyllable  a Corpus a especially having large one moustache,




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