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单词 misplace
释义 Word family  noun place placement placing displacement replacement adjective displaced misplaced replaceable verb place displace misplace replace  mis·place /ˌmɪsˈpleɪs/ verb [transitive]  LOSE/CAN'T FINDto lose something for a short time by putting it in the wrong place 〔因放错地方而〕暂时丢失,一时找不到〔某物〕;把…放在一时记不起的地方 SYN mislay Oh dear, I seem to have misplaced the letter. 哎呀,我好像忘了把信放在什么地方。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusmisplace• The papers arrived but were misplaced in the mailroom.• The priceless tapestry was unharmed, nothing was taken off the altar, nothing was moved or misplaced that he could see.mis·place verbChineseSyllable  by a Corpus for lose time to putting something short




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