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单词 Austerity
1. A peculiar austerity marked his judgments of modern life.
2. China's austerity program has cut domestic consumption .
3. War was followed by many years of austerity.
4. It was an era of austerity.
5. Once she took office Ellie instituted stringent austerity measures.
6. Russians have faced years of austerity after communism's fall.
7. I learn about the beauty of austerity and renunciation.
8. Then, a successful austerity package was introduced.
9. Apple Computer Inc. kicked off its austerity program yesterday.
10. Austerity measures introduced to combat the continuing economic crisis included cutbacks in the financial privileges enjoyed by government ministers and civil servants.
11. It has also resorted to austerity policies which have affected prices(), employment and real wages.
12. The report demonstrated that the 1980s austerity measures had disproportionately affected blue collar workers in comparison with white collar workers.
13. The austerity measures included a freeze on civil service appointments, pay and promotions.
14. The austerity and uniformity of much modern architecture made sculpture superfluous.
15. The govern-ment was forced to row back on an austerity plan that would have involved wage cuts.
16. Falls in the price of oil had provoked the government four years previously to impose an austerity programme.
17. Industrial action On June 6, 1990, there was a 24-hour nationwide strike to protest against the latest austerity measures.
18. The government could afford a slight relaxation of its austerity.
18. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
19. Sooner or later some country will refuse to practice the prescribed domestic austerity necessary to satisfy the international lenders of last resort.
20. The three parties had disagreed on major issues and the coalition had been undermined by national discontent over recent austerity measures.
21. To say that long-term success depends on more structural reform and more austerity is not a comfortable political message.
22. He had been its implacable scourge, its unbending critic, preaching and practising austerity and revenge.
23. They were both sitting, this time, though the man's austerity had relaxed very little further than that.
24. Ever since September 1988, Mr Li's government has been pressing an austerity programme to cool the economy.
25. Low inflation, competitive pressure and a continued focus on fiscal austerity depress projected raises, Hewitt says.
26. Canterbury was certainly not moving in the direction of Cistercian austerity in Anselm's time.
27. Cobbled together from 26 provisional decrees and executive orders, the economic-recovery programme is an ambitious inventory of investment and austerity.
28. The hard men at the finance ministry have promised to review the austerity measures at the end of this month.
29. This has the effect of rounding the contours and losing some of the austerity of the unadorned triads.
30. The decision was reportedly taken in response to the government's current austerity programme.
1. A peculiar austerity marked his judgments of modern life.
2. War was followed by many years of austerity.
31. The Solidarity trade union staged a nationwide day of protests against government economic austerity policies on May 22.
32. The scandal fuelled popular resentment at time of high unemployment and economic austerity.
33. However, other austerity measures have been imposed which have checked spending on education.
34. Then, on top of the craziness and alleged corruption, populist Bucaram last month announced an economic austerity program.
35. The austerity plan was likely to involve the dismissal of thousands of government employees.
36. The austerity measures affected primarily spending on health, social welfare, defence and overseas development assistance.
37. She had longed to be a bad girl in those post-war years, those austerity years.
38. But a spiraling deficit and weakened franc forced him to adopt austerity policies in 1983.
39. Like his father there was something daunting, almost terrible about him an austerity suggestive of ferocity.
40. Meanwhile, the resistance movement settled down to an in-and-out-of-all routine relieved by austerity on the farm.
41. I at once sensed the physical austerity and the quality of social and intellectual superiority characteristic of the best public schools.
42. Compared to the austerity depicted at the start of the tour, the carved mahogany bed and canopy seem positively indecent.
43. Although the Benedictine rule imposed specific obligations upon each individual, it was rarely severe to the point of austerity.
44. In 1991 Soglo instituted an austerity program and privatized many state enterprises, a trend continued by Kerekou.
45. A community famed for exuberant high living suddenly decided that austerity was the better part of valour.
46. In the mid-1980s the government had already begun to implement austerity measures which cut spending and led to price rises.
47. A new economic commission was set up to monitor the success of the austerity measures.
48. The fifth plenum announced austerity measures to tackle the worsening economic situation and called for stronger party leadership and unity.
48. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
49. But the public is persuaded that deficit reduction comes first, which spells austerity for science and much else.
50. He loved the country deeply. Beneath his bluff exterior was an immense austerity.
51. Again the overall approach is Spartan in its self-denying austerity and yet has a wholly characteristic eagle-eyed intensity.
52. She renounced the role of tragic widow with an austerity that irritated her would-be saviours.
53. They completely failed and were driven to policies of austerity before they even got started.
54. Various international bodies warned of the need to impose radical austerity measures without delay if adverse trends were to be reversed.
55. Many convey in the physical appearance of their subjects the traditional Roman virtues of austerity and respect for authority.
56. With important municipal elections due in October, they were unwilling to be associated with his highly unpopular economic austerity policies.
57. These comprised a respect for the old, for those in positions of authority and for austerity of manner and appearance.
58. A programme of strict economic austerity agreed with the International Monetary Fund is dead.
59. Voters would remember that austerity and unemployment had begun during the regime of Francois Mitterrand.
60. But it remained to be seen whether the ambitious plan would withstand the impact of possible future austerity measures.
61. It can take stringent austerity measures.
62. Martin became accustomed to a life of great austerity.
63. The advent of war led to a greater austerity.
64. Austerity was a new idea at Chrysler.
65. Foreign investments are not affected by austerity measures.
66. Salvation lay in socialism, virtuous austerity and nonalignment.
67. Say,() how's this for socialist austerity?
68. Players are demanding that their clubs pay a new super tax on high earners imposed by the Italian government as part of its latest austerity package.
69. Left-leaning analysts have been quick to take issue with that argument, saying that fiscal austerity perpetuates joblessness, and have been attacking economists associated with it.
70. The surprise downgrade of Italy's sovereign debt overnight by Standard and Poor's exposes the fatal flaws of pushing through draconian austerity measures on a nation experiencing economic weakness.
71. In this isolation you do achieve certain powers, a certain quality of austerity and abstemiousness, which give a sense of power.
72. The public has continually rejected austerity measures, making leaving the euro more likely than ever for the southern European nation.
73. The Greeks have met the terms of their fiscal austerity program.
74. It did nothing to reconcile widening divisions, particularly between Europeans and Americans, over the merits of short-term budget austerity.
75. As far as an austerity program, here in Ireland, this is it - 138 pages of details of how the Irish government will cut spending and raise taxes.
76. Italian Parliament is expected this week to rush through the drafting of the austerity program.
77. The idea that imposing austerity is political hara-kiri is widely held.
78. The economy contracted 0.5% in the fourth quarter,[sentence dictionary] reviving fears that the austerity program introduced by the coalition government may derail the economic recovery.
79. And with civil servants hard-hit by the latest round of austerity cuts, working to rule has become the norm.
80. If the news headlines are filling you with the dread of creditors deserting countries, multilateral bailouts, swingeing austerity and job threats, that's not the complete story.
81. What would you rather have : Austerity Britain or Weimar Germany?
82. If Italy deteriorates, Spain would likely follow, and even greater pressure would be placed on France, which already has initiated an austerity program to preserve its AAA rating.
83. But has the chief promotor of national austerity missed a trick?
84. M. Mabeuf, in his venerable, infantile austerity, had not accepted the gift of the stars; he had not admitted that a star could coin itself into louis d'or.
85. Their will be no "moral hazard" from this bail out because the austerity program being forced on the Greeks and others will be no picnic.
86. But forced austerity has triggered big drops in national outputs, so the debt burdens become even more unsupportable.
87. Spain, in the gun sights of the bond vigilantes, could not avoid being shorn of Fitch's triple-A rating, although parliament approved the government's austerity program -- by one vote.
88. How the Italians are facing up to austerity with a stiff upper lip!
89. Tergiversate, which dates back to 1645, edged out several other words related to ongoing economic troubles, including austerity, occupy, and jobs.
90. Austerity, a second and unappetising choice, can easily choke recovery.
91. In the long run, "I think time is on the side of the euro," he said, provided countries stick to austerity budgets.
92. John Osborne's kitchen sink classic, 'Look Back in Anger', which we think of as epitomising post-war austerity, is really about the emergence from that era into a more affluent, complex world.
93. The austerity measures will have little immediate adverse effect on the average Moroccan.
94. He rejected the austerity program advocated by the International Monetary Fund.
95. A member of the main, reformed branch of Cistercian monks, characterized by austerity and a vow of silence, established in1664 at La Trappe Monastery in northwest France.
96. And it's true that bond investors have turned on governments with intractable deficits. But there is no evidence that short-run fiscal austerity in the face of a depressed economy reassures investors.
97. However, the failure of austerity program, so that Socrates discredited to the "villagers again."
98. Austerity is self-defeating: when everyone tries to pay down debt at the same time, the result is depression and deflation, and debt problems grow even worse.
99. If an austerity diet is given at the wrong time the birds will not pick up enough for their nuptial moult and your breeding will suffer.
100. But as the EU's poorest country undergoes an austerity program to boost investor confidence, some are nostalgic for the more certain days of communism.
101. BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The euro zone's overall budget gap fell last year but deficits in Greece and Portugal were higher than expected, underlining the challenges presented by their austerity programs.
102. Afterward, the Chinese central bank announced new monetary austerity measures.
103. On the contrary, if people "seek generous without economy", i. e. , devoted to expanding their businesses without austerity, they will not come to good at the end.
104. Cameron strikes a Churchillian tone when he talks about the nation's austerity plans.
105. Arledge, citing the Greek government's austerity plan as an example.
106. Our anxiety about an austerity drive in industrialised countries is clear.
107. As a result austerity measures across much of Europe must focus on cutting spending.
108. First, the Keynesians are right to observe that, for the rich world as a whole, there is a danger of overdoing the short-term budget austerity.
108. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
109. Greek government's austerity program has attracted widespread public discontent, protest-related activities has been going on for nearly a month.
110. The strike, against the government's planned austerity measures, coincided with marches in several European countries.
111. Futures markets were proposed in early 1988, but their implementation was delayed by an austerity program begun in September 1988 and economic difficulties, the China Daily said.
112. FOR a brief interlude after the mid-terms Americans seemed seduced by the siren song of Germanic austerity.
113. Hi, well, I am not surprised. But obviously austerity, notwithstanding what's going on in Luxembourg, austerity very much the way of the world as far as Europe is concerned.
114. Austerity is prompting a re - think in other areas too.
115. The strike is the latest in a series by public employees in protest at worsening economic conditions and government austerity measures.
116. Players in the first division are protesting at being asked to pay a new super tax on high earners imposed by the Italian government as part of its latest austerity package.
117. Emergency austerity programmes in some countries will put a drag on growth.
118. In Portugal, in fact, the leaders of the main parties have just announced plans to push through a substantial austerity program.
119. Ministers insisted there would be no backsliding on the government's hardline austerity programmes after data showed that Britain's economy grew by just 0.2% in the spring.
120. The region's profligate economies will struggle for longer as austerity kicks in.
121. Austerity falls on the young while my generation enjoys the untaxed proceeds of three house price booms, shutting out the next generations from home ownership.
122. This new era of financial austerity has reduced the funds available for domestic health programmes as well as for official development assistance.
123. Greece has an austerity program in place, it is being monitored, and the euro-zone countries will make cash available until the deficit is under control.
124. The euro has strengthened and the dollar weakened in recent days as policymakers have inched toward a new bailout for Greece along with a new austerity program from Athens.
125. QuticCritics say the austerity plan will hurt the power specially poor especially.
126. I always have a unexpressible austerity to the gesture of a look-blue lady sitting in the blue scene of winter.
127. They will also look at the latest austerity measures announced by Spain and Portugal.
128. In its wisdom, the troika imposed policies of severe austerity and deregulation consistent with the neoliberal ideology of the EU.
129. The bleak IMF - imposed austerity packages hurt(), but seemed to do the trick.
130. Contrary to Mr Krugman's fears, there is little evidence from actual budget plans that the world's finance ministers are embarking on an immediate collective austerity drive.
131. President Raul Castro called for austerity measures including cutbacks in official travel and bonuses.
132. Are tanks going to be sent into Dublin if Ireland doesn't stick to its austerity program?
133. But that money is conditional upon a tough austerity program.
134. Its bare - stage style of presentation anticipated the scenic austerity of later years.
135. The way to change the phases of slacken production,[] inexpedient circulation is to realize the limited austerity.
136. It was for religious and temperamental reasons - Puritanism and parsimony - that Alfred kept his family in such austerity.
137. Why get to the threshold of real estate experience austerity policy?
138. The Greek economy shrank 5.5 percent over the past year under the weight of austerity measures and punishingly high interest rates.
139. The scope of her ambition echoes that found in Syntagma Square, where opposition to an EU/IMF bailout and its accompanying austerity measures has morphed into a broader critique of social injustice.
140. Fifty-eight years after the film Roman Holiday introduced the Vespa to the world, Hollywood has reclaimed it as a symbol of this new age of austerity.
141. World Bank or International Monetary Fund austerity packages in return for debt renegotiation are central to neoliberal programs.
142. Before the confidence vote, Prime Minister Mario Monti told the senate of the urgent need to tackle the nation's dire economic problems. He then set out his austerity programme.
143. Tens of thousands of European trade unionists have demonstrated in the Hungarian capital Budapest. The protesters oppose tough austerity measures imposed by many governments.
144. EU diplomats said Socrates had privately reassured other leaders that no matter which government emerges after new elections, it would stick to the austerity program.




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