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单词 metamorphosis
释义  Related topics: Biologyldoce_222_emet·a·mor·pho·sis /ˌmetəˈmɔːfəsɪs $ -ˈmɔːr-/ noun (plural metamorphoses /-siːz/) [countable, uncountable]  1  formalCHANGE FROM ONE THING TO ANOTHER a process in which something changes completely into something very different 彻底的变化,质变 SYN transformation It took me some time to undergo the metamorphosis from teacher to lecturer. 我经历了很长时间才从普通教师转变成讲师。 the metamorphosis of China under Deng’s economic reforms 在邓领导的经济改革下中国经历的蜕变 →5  See picture of eggs 卵, larva 幼虫, butterfly 蝴蝶, pupa 蛹 →4  See picture of 见图 metamorphosis2  HBa process in which a young insect, frog etc changes into another stage in its development 〔幼虫、蝌蚪等的〕变态 变形,蜕变 Beetles undergo a complete metamorphosis in their life cycle. 甲虫在它们的生命周期里要经历一个完全变态过程。Examples from the Corpusmetamorphosis• Those lacking confidence in their own scientific skills and knowledge, are undergoing a metamorphosis with a 20-day course at Teesside Polytechnic.• In one of my close acquaintances at B.P., rationing and shortages seemed to effect an eccentric metamorphosis.• When this imperceptible metamorphosis took place, it would not be long before another marriage was arranged.• Books and movies appear to be undergoing the same kind of metamorphosis worldwide that is transforming the music business.• Allocating them to niches of higher or lower favour on a cabbalistic tree, they claimed to detect some principle of metamorphosis.• Further spotlighting that metamorphosis, Bush's budget used tones of moderation to describe its effort to rein in spending.• At the piano chord to signal the metamorphosis, the panel flies open revealing the picture of a dead face.• The metamorphosis was something to behold.Origin metamorphosis (1500-1600) Latin Greek, from meta- ( → META-) + morphe “shape”met·a·mor·pho·sis nounChineseSyllable  in completely something changes something into Corpus a process which




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