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单词 nursery
释义 Word family  noun nurse nursery nursing verb nurse  Related topics: Pre school, Gardening, Agriculture, Babiesnur·se·ry /ˈnɜːsəri $ ˈnɜːr-/ ●●○ noun (plural nurseries) [countable]  1. SEPa place where young children are taken care of during the day while their parents are at work 托儿所2. DLGTAa place where plants and trees are grown and sold 苗圃3. nursery education/unit/teacher etc British EnglishSEP education etc for young children from three to five years old 幼儿园教育/幼儿园机构/幼儿园教师等 → nursery school4. a room in a hospital where babies that have just been born are looked after 〔医院的〕保育室5. old-fashionedDHB a baby’s bedroom or a room in a house where young children play 婴儿卧室;儿童活动室Examples from the Corpusnursery• It was a room that might, in time, become-a nursery.• They need constant attention, constant vigilance, like a nursery of children.• In the nursery she could do what she wanted when she wanted.• This keeps him happy until it is time to go to the nursery by which time she has cleared up the mess.• There was the nursery, the school-room, and the drawing-room: there were three lots.• Such families would therefore have no legitimate claim to nursery provisions and other facilities.nur·se·ry nounChineseSyllable  during Corpus of care children a taken where young are place




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