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单词 middle-of-the-road
释义  ˌmiddle-of-the-ˈroad adjective  1  MODERATEmiddle-of-the-road ideas or opinions are not extreme, and so most people are likely to agree with them 〔观念、看法〕中间路线的,中间派的;温和(路线)的 a party offering safe, middle-of-the-road policies 政策保险、走温和路线的政党2. middle-of-the-road voters or politicians have ideas that are not extreme 〔选民或政治家〕不极端的,温和的3  informal ordinary and not new, different, or exciting 普通的,一般的,平凡无奇的 Their first album was quite good, but the second was very middle-of-the-road stuff. 他们的第一张专辑相当好,但第二张却很一般。Examples from the Corpusmiddle-of-the-road• The figures are relative to a middle-of-the-road estimate of the course of the economy during the next twenty years.• We should have had, at best, a continuous middle-of-the-road government which could never have taken radical reforming measures.• Both were too sensitive about the middle-of-the-road, liberal, humanitarian public.• The Independent has remained independent from political allegiances though it too favoured a middle-of-the-road political outcome in the 1987 election.• The President's choice of a middle-of-the-road Republican with a strong record of educational reform received considerable bipartisan approval.• We grew up in a world of chainstore high fashion, middle-of-the-road revolution, cover-version original pop music.• Now, their last record was very nice and all the rest but it's very middle-of-the-road stuff.• He made a direct appeal to middle-of-the-road voters.• Wilson appealed to middle-of-the-road voters.ˌmiddle-of-the-ˈroad adjectiveChineseSyllable  opinions and ideas not or middle-of-the-road are extreme, Corpus




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