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单词 metallic
释义  Related topics: Colours & sounds, Industryme·tal·lic /məˈtælɪk/ adjective  1  Ca metallic noise sounds like pieces of metal hitting each other 似金属撞击的 The key turned in the lock with a loud metallic click. 钥匙在锁里转动发出金属撞击的咔嗒声。 The pans made a metallic clatter as they crashed to the floor. 那些锅哐啷一声摔到地上。2  a metallic voice is rough, hard, and unpleasant 尖利刺耳的 He spoke in a thin, metallic voice. 他说话时嗓音尖细刺耳。3  a metallic colour shines like metal 〔色彩〕似金属的,像金属般闪烁的 He drives a metallic red van. 他开一辆有金属光泽的红色货车。4  a metallic taste is bitter and unpleasant, like metal 金属味的 The gum left a horrible metallic taste in my mouth. 口香糖在我嘴里留下令人难受的金属腥味。5  TImade of metal or containing metal 金属制的;含金属的 metallic particles 金属微粒Examples from the Corpusmetallic• a metallic blue jacket• The theoretical upper temperature for this to happen with metallic compounds is about 40K.• Something hard and metallic, concealed in the shadows, sliced into his leg.• This involved heating zinc ore and charcoal with metallic copper in a closed vessel to about 1000°C.• Earth has an actively convecting dense metallic core that produces and sustains a strong magnetic field.• a metallic, female voice• It had a rusty, metallic flavor, like nails on his tongue.• The eyes of the Scribbled Anthias have a mysterious metallic green lens.• There was a metallic grey VW Golf parked outside cabin fifteen.• The result is a fine-grained rock containing small traces of metallic iron.• metallic minerals• I loved the metallic smell of solder as it dripped in small puddles, hardening on the workbench before·tal·lic adjectiveChineseSyllable  of pieces hitting metal noise like a Corpus metallic sounds




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