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单词 Literal
1. What is the literal meaning of this word?
2. His interpretation of the music was rather too literal.
3. His story is incredible in the literal sense of the word .
4. The literal meaning of the word " cat " is an animal.
5. The literal meaning of 'television' is 'seeing from a distance'.
6. The emergency signal SOS has no literal meaning.
7. A literal translation of 'euthanasia' would be 'good death'.
8. Dennis is a very literal person.
9. He made a literal interpretation.
9. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
10. Her interpretation of the music was too literal.
11. He was saying no more than the literal truth.
12. His views on the literal truth of the Bible brought him into conflict with other Christian leaders.
13. He tended toward literal interpretations and preferred unambiguous answers.
14. It's twist-and-go in its most literal sense.
15. But there we go, getting too literal again.
16. It's all painfully literal, and rather old-fashioned.
17. A literal translation would be estrangement.
18. For Kane a poetic metaphor became a literal truth.
19. From literal chump to deserving champ.
20. The literal rule is a rule against using intelligence in understanding language.
21. The comparison is a literal one as far as the abbeys and other religious houses in the list of libraries here are concerned.
22. A literal translation is given of the Arabic themes to highlight the partial loss of orientation through discontinuity of theme.
23. The word has a metaphorical as well as a literal meaning.
24. In many cases, the people there are fighting, in a literal sense, for their homes.
25. It is difficult for many people to accept a literal interpretation of the Bible.
26. A trade war is not a war in the literal sense.
27. You need to demonstrate to the examiners that you have more than a literal understanding of the text.
28. How many of the popular novels of the past evoke derision rather than appreciation if we read them in too literal a spirit!
29. As Leon Brittan has pointed out, the phrase doesn't even carry the same literal meaning in every language.
30. Mr Gow made it clear that he was not referring to small men in any literal sense.
1. What is the literal meaning of this word?
2. His story is incredible in the literal sense of the word .
3. The literal meaning of the word " cat " is an animal.
4. The word has a metaphorical as well as a literal meaning.
5. The literal meaning of 'television' is 'seeing from a distance'.
6. In many cases, the people there are fighting, in a literal sense, for their homes.
7. The emergency signal SOS has no literal meaning.
8. He made a literal interpretation.
31. A text would entail its interpretation only if meaning was exhausted by sense, the coded or literal meanings studied by semantics.
32. That method is frequently used in conjunction with the schematic method of interpretation and, to a somewhat lesser extent, the literal method.
33. It was also expressing, on the most literal level, my determination to survive.
34. Often the first separation was literal, through hospital isolation and quarantine, practices firmly established during the 1916 polio epidemic.
35. Butboth Fiennes and West imply that he is as much imprisoned by monarchy as by literal incarceration.
36. When, however, Origen himself came to write a commentary on Matthew 19: 12 he strenuously opposed a literal exegesis.
37. Rather, the hearer is intended to use the literal meaning in figuring out what the speaker actually intends to communicate.
38. A literal offering of bread and wine has in the course of time been included in the eucharistic ritual.
39. The Home Office says the changes will close a loophole to organisations such as the Literal Democrats which appear designed to confuse.
40. Todorov's analysis of the Decameron tales is based on a very rigorous and literal use of linguistic categories.
41. The joining of forces of the young and old represents a literal means of reconnecting tenses.
42. No. 1 with a bullet, in the most literal sense.
43. The fact that literal retaliation by bodily mutilation was legally allowed does not necessarily mean it was practised.
44. Being written in different programming languages, there was no literal similarity between the programs.
45. They had the imagination of their times and the literal seriousness required for the absolute invention of their entire lives.
46. It is a fundamentalist statement of belief in the literal truth of the bible.
47. The literal meaning is not conclusive: the ordinary reader knows all about irony.
48. Other artists have created even more literal images, on a huge scale.
49. But if the news item in the Inquirer was the literal truth, Daine was dead.
50. Their styles range from literal oils to more impressionist mixed media works.
51. The resulting deep distrust provoked by social surfaces leaves Chandler unimpressed by anything as literal as an economic recovery.
52. Therefore, on the literal meaning of the words used, the applicants must fail.
53. Ray S., who came to see me, was not a carpenter in the literal sense but a millwright.
54. The struggle for a free intelligence has always been a struggle between the ironic and the literal mind. Christopher Hitchens 
55. These are collocational ties which in many cases defy literal interpretation, and have to be understood metaphorically.
56. Backstage there exists a very Boys R Us attitude: espritdecorps in its most literal sense.
57. But the Ahlbergs have no time for literal interpretations of their work.
58. Cronenberg maintains that a literal visualisation would have cost US$400 million and been banned in every country in the world.
59. It seems that Freemantle was uneasy about poems which even in the most literal sense made the poet look bad.
60. But railways have also had a powerful literal effect upon religious movements around the world.
61. For example, a literal translation by some one not familiar with its deeper cultural meaning may result in serious mistakes.
62. Within the family it is usually the words and their literal meaning which take primary importance.
63. In a literal sense, the management of the school has depended on him or her.
64. As I read, it seems to me that this is not his literal meaning.
65. She felt as though she were sinking into its blue fabric in the most literal way.
66. No-one above the pathological level has any trouble with literal language - defined in psychological terms as language with immediate sensory feedback.
67. There is also growing differentiation between colloquial and literal vocabulary.
68. The literal and metaphorical juxtaposition of drama and game is what I want to explore here.
69. Having said that, scientists are currently working on an atomic toolkit in the most literal sense.
69. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
70. One collection of such gives insight into the literal way spiritual truths were inculcated.
71. A literal copy of a computer program infringes copyright if made without the consent of the copyright owner.
72. Cornerville man describes the gang member and his relationships in a very literal sense.
73. This doesn't work with video, which is a literal medium demanding believable characters in believable situations.
74. This may vitiate a literal translation.
75. A literal translation of the name Tapies is "walls.".
76. What is the literal meaning of the word?
77. Don't stop at the literal meaning of the word.
78. How does he act like a literal slave driver?
79. No literal portrait would ever of her justice.
80. The literal meaning of'Geodesy'is'Dividing the Earth '.
81. Why there is literal error every time?
82. Therefore , Europeanization is closely related with literal translation.
83. Maimonides God takes no literal shits, only allegorical ones.
84. Defines the literal node in a query expression tree.
85. We can get the answer by literal interpretation.
86. Treat the format string as a literal.
87. Sometimes, literal rule of interpretation (or literalism ) does not work. The following court transcripts a good example.
88. Appending a 0 (zero) to a literal integer constant causes it to be interpreted as octal .
89. Understanding and master party class object, make clear party class to teach the problem that place should be aimed at, tuitional content thereby. 2, the preparation of literal data.
90. The article provides emphatically a method of classification and indexing of Chinese words:logical semantic analysis of literal similarity.
91. This value attribute uses the XPath concat function to combine the literal string 'Hello' with the current value of the Name element in the model.
92. The article emphasizes that in idiomatic translation, cultural connotation should be given a consideration as well as literal expression.
93. St. John's eyes, though clear enough a literal sense, a figurative one were difficult to fathom.
94. What if you want to include the literal matched pattern in the replacement text?
95. Literal code fragments are stored and output in their original format.
96. A floating literal consists of an integer part, a decimal point, a fraction part, ane or E, an optionally signed integer exponent, and an optional type suffix.
97. However, it is obvious that the novel is in many ways conventional, in the literal sense ofthe traditional Bildungsroman.
98. Literal punishment: for example, in the Code of Hammurabi, where someone's ox kills a child, then the ox owner's child is killed.
99. Beginning with the very literal American Standard Bible(), she adds additional words in brackets that help provide understanding of the meaning of the original language.
100. Why You Can't Kill Him: Earth laws don't apply to coenobite Pinhead, who's a literal hellraiser, enslaved to the god Leviathan.
101. These literal, word-for-word, "translations" puzzle some foreigners. Those who know Chinese culture, on the other hand, think of them as an interesting phenomenon.
102. The article emphasizes that in idiomatic translation, cultural connotation consideration asas literal expression.
103. Indeed, the ego made the world and body-the literal state of mindlessness -to keep us from gaining access to the mind, the source of the only problem and its solution.
104. In mechanics aspect, Archimedes did not leave any literal dissertation behind.
105. The smash - up of the Drivers'world is expressed in images of literal violence.
106. A literal string refers to the text between the opening and closing tag of an HTML control.
107. Faddy short messages refer to those short literal messages which have a high frequency of copy, a fast speed of popularity, a vast area of spreading and a great power of influence.
108. Comparison of Virile Beauty between " Twenty - four Literal Criticisms " and " On Sublimity "
109. For the translation of English idioms, literal, liberal and literal plus liber al translation can be used.
110. With the rise of literal Zen, Zen Koan had became the object of enlightenment, Koan's influence became even wider.
111. A string literal was expected, but no opening quote character was found.
112. Let us come back to the term " literal translation ".
113. Possible tokens include start/end element, switch code page, entity, processing instruction, tokenized string, literal string, various extension tokens, and opaque data.
114. You can search for strings in vi using the / command, specifying the pattern to match either as a literal string or as a regular expression.
115. This function literal does a pattern match on the message instance to decide how to handle the message.
116. Their character lets my ground experience literal glamour, their character or let me touch, or let me sob deeply, or let me to one's heart's content laughs or make me contemplative flounder.
117. We believe in his virgin birth, sinless life, earthly miracles, substitutionary death on the cross, bodily resurrection, ascension into Heaven, and literal second coming.
118. A program is ill-formed if one of its translation units contains an integer literal that cannot be represented by any of the allowed types.
119. The literal and colloquial phenomena in Min dialect have invoked the interests of the academia, and subsequent discussions on different sub-groups of the dialect.
120. Add an enumeration literal of RED, and set its value to 10.
121. Mercury is a planet of travel, not always in the literal sense of the word, but in the metaphorical sense; that is, you like to be continually exposed to new ideas and experiences together.
122. Invalid literal data format. Literal data must be specified either as an array, or a tab-delimited string.
123. Literal interpretation, and insensitivity to context, are not marks of rationality but mental disorders.
124. In terms of product categories, most of the real estate and cosmetic use "Literal Similarity with Original Appearance", while the rest use mainly "Literal Similarity with Design Appearance.
125. Strangely in an age that prizes gender-neutral language, that is the literal plural of "Rom", a Romany word meaning man or husband.
126. For Cao Pi , his merits, according to Lu Xun, was his influence upon the development and change of Jian-an Literature and his advocate of the floweriness and grandness of literal style.
127. And replace the false Audio, the formation of the literal meaning of the transfer of names.
128. Notice how Origen is still playing with these notions of a literal reading and a higher elevated spiritual reading.
129. Xiaochun references a very literal history of painting,(/literal.html) jarringly reinterpreted through the synthetic medium of computer-manipulation as well as photography.
130. What are the advantages of using a symbolic constant rather than a literal constant?
131. For the subclasses MAX and MARG of minimal unsatisfiable formulas, we show that the variable and literal renaming problems are equivalent to the graph isomorphism problem GI.
132. Search settings include choosing case sensitivity, scope, and whether or not to interpret the search string as a regular expression or as a literal string.
133. Of course, the author of "hegemony in space" is not the literal meaning of "to occupy space, " meaning , but the Chinese must be the next "World Space" in their own piece of "living space"!
134. An interface operation is not restricted to only a document literal non-wrapped or RPC literal binding style.
135. We can write a literal integer constant using one of three notations: decimal, octal, or hexadecimal.
136. The absence of the word "is" in the Greek was important to Zwingli because Luther had chosen to hang his entire argument on the literal meaning of that word.
137. Epistolary literal theory is an important form of literal theories in the history of literary criticism in China.
138. Proponents of the second view believe that the literal meanings of the constituents do contribute to the overall idiomatic meaning of the idiom, and therefore(), idioms are analyzable.
139. Dishes suitable for such a literal translation method, direct clear.
140. Whatever type you choose, the createValue method in PrimeDatatype converts the literal string into this kind of object, as Listing 5 shows.
141. When I first started writing, my words were very literal. Later they were rich, but wispy, hardly there at all.
142. English Standard Version (ESV), an "essentially new literal translation, " follows the tradition of the King James, American Standard Version, and Revised Standard Version.
143. On the screen, where it's all so literal, there's no way to avoid the creepiness.
144. Christian theologians of a more liberal persuasion would tend to interpret Elijah's eschatological significance in a less literal sense.
145. Wrapped Document/Literal pattern provides highly interoperable web service design and has been accepted in the service provider community as a de facto standard while defining the Web Services.
146. This view reflects a very literal interpretation of means to be affected by video game - playing.
147. He did not hesitate to subtract terms with literal coefficients.
148. I countered by saying that the Catholics believed in the literal inspiration of Saint Jerome's Vulgate, and the two books were different.
149. Medieval theologians will talk about this: they'll use the term literal,they'll use the term allegorical, they'll use the term anagogical, and they'll mean by that three different meanings.
150. In addition, because the literal block data is stored in memory, little or no massaging of the in-memory data is required before writing it to disk, greatly reducing CPU overhead.
151. And in the mists of a Roman night, the dilemma also remains. On the one hand, Bellarmine , bureaucrat, defender of the Church, believed the Bible was the literal word of God.
152. Within a statement, you can use variables, expressions, and literal data such as strings and numbers.
153. Fifty-three pairs of shoes later, the 56-year-old man can say he's walked through six continents and 64 countries, owning up to the literal meaning of "world traveler, " CBC reports.
154. Educational objective is a kind of literal expression, which focusing on educational idea and educational behavior.
155. Choosing a date generates an XPath literal expression as input to the function representing the chosen date and time.
156. We find this very literal approach to be limiting and potentially problematic.
157. Shuowenjiezi is the China's first dictionary with radical scheduling of analyzing the shape of characters systematically, probing into the character source, Examinating the literal meaning.
158. Using the method of literal data, this paper analyzed two main evaluation methods for curative effect which is commonly used comparing with self random comparison design and Ritalin curative effect.
159. Sun Yirang is a famous philological and ancient literal scholar in late Qing Dynasty.
160. However, all parameter values are enclosed in single quotes, which makes the contents within the quotes a literal string.
161. In England, there mainly are the literal rule, the golden rule and the mischief rule.
162. A backslash followed by the $ character results in a $ character in the text literal , without doing any variable substitution.
163. Alliteration, assonance and consonance are three main rhetorical devices, and literal translation, interpretation and naturalization are the main translation approach.
164. Preprocessing number does not have a type or a value; it acquires both after a successful conversion (as part of translation phase 7, 2.1) to an integral literal token or a floating literal token.
165. The not quite literal translation of this phrase is: that old trout.
166. In the literal sense of the word , I heard nothing.
167. In my relatively free versions of some of Transtr?mer's poems I have attempted to steer a middle ground between Lowell's rangy, risk-taking rewritings and the traditional, strictly literal approach.
168. Every character string literal has a character set and a collation.
169. Preprocessing number tokens lexically include all integral literal tokens (2.13.1) and all floating literal tokens (2.13.3).
170. Changes have been made to the JavaFX Data which is a textual format for storing graphics following JavaFX Script object literal syntax. An FXD schema was created for this release.
171. In the Enumeration Literal wizard ( Figure 29) that pops up, enter the literal name as CD.
172. Besides, in the position of the dynast, Cao Pi was naturally incapable of opposing the assertion of using literal works to maintain the body of teachings on social relationships.
173. The Schematron processor performs a preprocessor pass during which it does a literal string substitution of the parameter with the given value.
174. Fou Lei is a well-known scholar, art critic and literal interpreter. Fou Ts'ong and Fu Lei are not only friends but also colleges in researching music.
175. The integer part, the optional decimal point and the optional fraction part form the significant part of the floating literal.
176. If you have a value that never changes in your application, you can define a named constant and use it in place of a literal value.
177. either in the literal sense or, more generally, in developments driven by resonance between the ideas of different workers.
178. SHEAHEN: You were given the literal translation of Boublil's libretto . Did you stick closely to that text?
179. A translator provides services to his hirer, who needs him to convey not only the literal meaning by another language, but also the attitudes, the strategy, and the thinking way behind.
180. If a function literal is anonymous, there should be one space between the word function and the ( (left parenthesis).
181. We render the opening lines of Beowulf in literal modern English below.
182. In the literal description part for special trademark or brand, the clause "or the product with equivalent performance" also applied to each Bidder.
183. The Kleene * does not have to be escaped, so an expression in which you want to match a literal asterisk (*) must have the asterisk escaped.
184. It consists of a floating-point literal or decimal integer followed by the lower-case letter i.
185. At that time, she tried to reconcile the biological, geological sciences and the literal interpretation of the Bible, the "Creation Science" interest.
186. For liberal, white South Africans of her generation, there were, says Gordimer, two births; the literal one, and the moment of realisation that something in the culture around them was wrong.
187. These statements are conceptualized as triples, each of which has a subject predicate, which is also a URI; and an object, which is a URI or literal data value.
188. This is no doubt more capable than the Document/literal model, which relies on the natural tree structures to represent data objects.
189. We must also remember not to break the literal string into separate lines, unless the string we are comparing to is similarly broken.
189. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
190. Basically include data of literal material, blueprint, chart, computation, photograph, recording, kinescope to wait.
191. But in this case,Origin this great allegorizer, is insisting on the literal reading.
192. Flames shoot from the mouth of a literal burner who just shotgunned a can of lamp oil.
193. Literal translation, free translation, and transliteration are the main approaches for name translation.
194. Fig . 2 Relationship between mating frequency and average longevity of males of Spodoptera literal.
195. They do not provide word - for - word or literal interpretation, nor do you want them to do so.
196. This word should not be taken in its literal sense.
197. They actually believe that these are three different meanings that are in the text itself: the anagogical meaning,the allegorical meaning, the literal meaning.
198. This can be used to embed straight quotation marks ("), spaces, leading slashes, carets, or any other literal characters in a parameter or switch value, with the exception of switch names."
199. Passing a character - string literal would be a compile-time error.
200. This refers to the legal provisions of the literal meaning than the legislative intent of narrow, literal meaning than to make broad interpretation.
201. Clause-clause interlingua transformation mechanism refers to the equivalent transformation of word to word, phrase to phrase, and clause to clause, including both literal and free translation.
202. The discovery of Noah's ark would reinforce a literal interpretation of the Bible, says Claude Mariottini, an Old Testament professor at Northern Baptist Seminary outside Chicago.
203. Depending on dialect, the literal translations ranged from "bite the wax tadpole" to "female horse stuffed with wax."
204. Or maybe Forks was making me crazy in the literal sense of the word.
205. Literal translation, especially word-for-word translation is a frequently employed strategy at present, leading to English signs of poor readability and almost incomprehensibility.
206. In base-pointer addressing mode, the register has the base address and the literal number has the offset.
207. White space can appear within a preprocessing token only as a part of a header name or between the quotation characters in a character literal or string literal.
208. So, Biblical doctrines, such as the inerrancy of Scripture, the virgin birth, God supernatural creation of the world out of nothing, and even the literal resurrection of Christ were scuttled.
209. From the literal point of view, this is the case, but if the cost of structure decomposition about B2C and match cost structures and entities, you will find that this is just a numbers game.
210. Naively literal, the signs garble English into hilariously strange phrases: one, outside a bathroom for disabled people read as "Deformed Man's Toilet".
211. The goodwife of this toilet is a typical completist, according to the understanding of literal, that is to say pursues perfection.
212. The most natural,straightforward,literal,flat-footed interpretation.
213. The use attribute provides 2 different options, literal and encoded.
214. Detailed analysis shows that, if some heuristic pruning algorithm is used to avoid the incensement of the probability of OOV, literal translation corpus will exert more contribution on the SMT model.
215. This test verifies the helper method output by using a literal string value that contains double quotes.




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