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单词 baggy
释义  bag·gy /ˈbæɡi/ adjective  LOOSEbaggy clothes are big and do not fit tightly on your body 〔衣服〕宽松下垂的,肥大的 OPP tight She was wearing jeans and a baggy T-shirt. 她穿着一条牛仔裤和一件宽松的T恤衫。 →4  See picture of 见图 LOOSE 1 →5 see picture at 见图 loose1Examples from the Corpusbaggy• I like T-shirts as long as they're really baggy.• Bill was wearing a polo shirt and baggy blue pants.• It obviously showed, but I wore big baggy clothes.• The man who got out wore baggy cotton fatigues and knee-boots.• She had always had grey hair, scraped back into a no-nonsense knot and wore baggy knitted suits.• a baggy red sweater• Pulling on the soft, baggy shirt she slept in, she sat on the bed and massaged her legs.• Miguel was wearing one of his new silk shirts, baggy whites, and loafers.bag·gy adjectiveChineseSyllable  are do Corpus baggy and big clothes not




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