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单词 mention
释义  men·tion1 /ˈmenʃən/ ●●● S1 W1 verb [transitive]  1  MENTIONto talk or write about something or someone, usually quickly and without saying very much or giving details 提到,说起,谈到 Was my name mentioned at all? 我的名字被提到过吗? Some of the problems were mentioned in his report. 其中的一些问题在他的报告里提到了。mention something to somebody I mentioned the idea to Joan, and she seemed to like it. 我向琼说起过这个想法,她似乎很喜欢。mention (that) He mentioned that he was having problems, but he didn’t explain. 他提过他碰到了一些问题,但没有细说。 It’s worth mentioning (=it is important enough to mention) that they only studied a very small number of cases. 必须说明的是他们仅研究了几个个案。 As I mentioned earlier, there have been a lot of changes recently. 正如我刚才所说的,最近变化很大。 She mentioned in passing (=mentioned in a quick unimportant way) that you had just been to Rome. 她只是随口提了一下你刚刚去过罗马。now you mention it (=used to say that you had not thought about something until the speaker mentioned it) 你倒是提醒我了 Now you mention it, I haven’t seen her around lately. 你倒是提醒我了,我最近没有见过她。fail/omit/neglect to mention something (=not mention something you should mention) 没有提及(应该提的)某事 The report failed to mention that most of the landowners do not live on their properties. 报告并未提及,大多数地主并不在他们的地产上居住。5 ► Don’t say ‘mention about’ something. Mention is followed by a direct object: She didn’t mention her mother.不要说 ‘mention about’ something,mention 后面跟直接宾语: She didn’t mention her mother. 她没有提及她的母亲。► see thesaurus at sayn GRAMMAR: Patterns with mentionMention is a transitive verb and must be followed by an object. You say: He mentioned a book he’d read. ✗Don’t say: He mentioned about a book. You say: She mentioned that she might be late. ✗Don’t say: She mentioned about she might be late.2  don’t mention it spokenTHANK used to say politely that there is no need for someone to thank you for helping them 不用谢 ‘Thanks for the ride home!’ ‘Don’t mention it.’ “谢谢你捎我回家!”“不用客气。”3  not to mention something AND/ALSOused to introduce an additional thing that makes a situation even more difficult, surprising, interesting etc 更不用说某事物了 Pollution has a negative effect on the health of everyone living in the city, not to mention the damage to the environment. 污染对生活在这个城市里的每一个人的健康都有害处,更不用说对环境的破坏了。 It’s too far to walk, not to mention the fact that it’ll probably be closed by now anyway. 走着去太远,再说,很可能现在都已经关门了。4. be mentioned in dispatches British EnglishMENTION to have your name on an official list of people who have been brave in battle, as an honour 〔因作战勇敢而〕受到提名表扬n COLLOCATIONSphrasesas I mentioned earlierAs I mentioned earlier, it will cost a lot of is worth mentioning that (=it is important enough to mention)It is worth mentioning again that most accidents happen in the home.mention something in passing (=mention something without much detail, especially while you were talking about something else)She mentioned in passing that she had an eight-year-old (that) you mention it (=used for saying that you had not thought of something until someone else mentioned it)I’ve never been to his house either, now that you mention to mention something (=deliberately not mention something)I omitted to mention that I had not been to university.forget to mention somethingI must not forget to mention how kind he was to us.avoid mentioning somethingThey both avoided mentioning John, though Anne longed to talk about him.mention somebody’s nameWhy does he look angry every time I mention Clare’s name?to mention but a few (=used when you are only giving a few examples)She had taken a number of classes, including photography, art, and pottery, to mention but a few. THESAURUSmention to talk or write about something or someone, usually quickly and without saying very much or giving details 提及,说起〔一般指简略提起,并不细说〕Kate had mentioned his name a few times, but I had not met him before. 凯特好几次提过他的名字,不过我以前没见过他。Jack mentioned that you might be looking for a new job. 杰克说起你可能在找新工作。refer to somebody/something to say something about someone or something in a conversation, speech, or piece of writing 〔在交谈、发言、文章中〕提到某人/某事物He had earlier referred to difficulties in gathering evidence. 他之前提起过很难搜集证据。It was not clear which case he was referring to. 不清楚他指的是哪种情况。touch on something to briefly mention a subject during a speech, lesson, piece of writing etc 〔在发言、课堂、文章中〕提及某个话题This problem has already been touched on in Chapter 4. 这个问题在第4章提过。bring something up to start to talk about a particular subject during a conversation or meeting 〔在交谈、会议中〕提起某个话题I didn’t want to bring up the subject of money. 我不想提钱这个话题。I knew you’d bring that up! 我就知道你会提这件事!raise to mention a subject that people should start to discuss or think about. Raise is more formal than bring something up 提出,提起〔大家应该讨论或想到的话题;比bring sth up更为正式〕He promised to raise the issue with the prime minister. 他答应向首相提出这个问题。They raised a number of points. 他们提出了一些看法。broach to mention a subject that may be embarrassing or upsetting, or that may cause an argument 提及〔令人尴尬、不快或可能引起争议的话题〕I was reluctant to broach the subject of payment. 我不愿提付款这个话题。cite formal to mention something as an example or proof of something else, or as a reason for something 引用,援引〔某事物作为例子、证据或原因〕Hong Kong is often cited as an example of this kind of economic system. 香港常被引为这种经济体制的例子。allude to something formal to mention something in a way that is deliberately not direct 间接提及某事物;影射[暗指]某事物Many of the ancient Greek poets allude to this myth. 许多古希腊诗人都用这个神话故事作典故。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusmention• "Why didn't you tell me?" "It didn't seem worth mentioning."• We didn't really discuss the price, but somebody mentioned a figure of £300.• An Inhibition as mentioned above, is rarely used.• As mentioned at the beginning, oil paints dry by oxidisation.• As I mentioned earlier, not all children who are aggressive display these physical characteristics.• As I mentioned earlier, sales this year have been lower than expected.• When you were talking to Barbara, did she mention her mother at all?• When I mentioned her name, he looked embarrassed.• Did I mention I saw Lee and John yesterday?• Then he remembered that Liz had mentioned in passing that her father was a lawyer.• Now that you mention it, I did think she was behaving a little strangely last night.• As mentioned, later on we will talk about the importance of being a brand.• The insurance industry has all the power, not to mention our friend Chuck Quackenbush as state insurance commissioner.• He mentioned something about a party, but he didn't say when it was.• At that stage the inspector did not mention spent nuclear fuel.• I forgot to mention that I won't be in tomorrow.• Eve mentioned that you might be looking for a temporary job.• It is worth mentioning that young children are particularly vulnerable to accidents in the home.• She mentioned this every year until the year our parents died and she betrayed me, paying me back.• She had started having nose bleeds, but when she mentioned this to her doctor, he told her not to worry.• Did he mention where he went to school?• He didn't mention which limb to mention something• But he failed to mention one key appeal: fun.• For some reason Ted neglected to mention the deals when he was responding to questions from the board.• They offered no explanation for why they failed to mention the excessive airborne formaldehyde last week.• New Labour failed to mention the theatre in one of its early cheerleading manifestos for Cool Britannia.• Scriven had neglected to mention this in his presentation.• Modern censures on Herodotos for failing to mention this obstacle have, here as often, been proved unjustified.• Why then omit to mention Walter?mention2 ●●○ noun [countable usually singular, uncountable]  MENTIONwhen someone mentions something or someone in a conversation, piece of writing etc 提及,说起mention of He made no mention of his wife’s illness. 他没有提起他妻子生病的事。at the mention of something At the mention of a trip to the seaside, the children got very excited. 一提起去海边玩,孩子们就非常兴奋。 They all get a mention (=they are all mentioned) in the book. 他们在书中全都被提到了。deserve/merit (a) mention There is one other person who deserves special mention (=is especially worth mentioning for something they have done). 另外还有一人值得特别一提。 → honourable mentionn COLLOCATIONSverbsmake no mention of somethingNelson made no mention of his family; he talked only of his work.get/receive a mentionThis type of research rarely gets a mention in the media.deserve/merit a mentionThe village was large enough to merit a mention in the 11th century Domesday Book.adjectivesa brief mentionDillon makes only a brief mention of the idea in his book.special/particular mentionMrs. McMillan deserves particular mention for all her hard work.a passing mention (=a brief mention when other things seem more important)There was only a passing mention of the event in the paper.phrasesbe worthy of mention (=deserve to be talked about)This book is particularly worthy of mention for the clarity of its writing.the mere mention of something (=the fact of saying something that seems unimportant)The mere mention of his name caused her to burst into tears.Examples from the Corpusmention• The case even got a mention in some of the national newspapers.• Players not even worth a mention now can change everything with a good game or two.• Omit any mention of a short-term job that you left on poor terms?• Mr Franks made no mention of any changes at the top of the company.• Faculty minutes likewise make no mention of any admissions decision concerning him.• There was no mention of a pay rise.• Ever since Ben had first found that single mention of him in the journals.• Two other specialist texts deserve special mention.• Tonight, she figures her contribution on the court is worth special mention.• Please don't switch off at the mention of maths, if you can use a calculator, you an do this.• The next thing to disappear without mention was the Ransome.special mention• deserves a special mention, because unlike most directories, is a topics are and by expert guides.• David Whitehead of the University of Sheffield received a special mention and a prize of £100.• Two of these behaviors deserve special mention.• Parents' groups deserve special mention.• And there are neighbouring glens on the east side of the watershed, also lovely and deserving of special mention.• In a month-long seat belt campaign during 1992, this group received special mention and considerable media attention.• The chairman thanked all committee members, with special mention of Violet Scrace's Friday coffee mornings.• Tonight, she figures her contribution on the court is worth special mention.Origin mention2 (1300-1400) Old French Latin mentio, from mens “mind”men·tion1 verb →n GRAMMAR1 →n COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1mention2 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  write something to talk Corpus or someone, usually and about or quickly




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