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单词 menial
释义  Related topics: Occupationsme·ni·al1 /ˈmiːniəl/ adjective  BOJOB/WORKmenial work is boring, needs no skill, and is not important 〔工作〕枯燥的,无需技术的,不重要的 a menial job 枯燥的工作 She did menial tasks about the house. 她干一些琐碎的家务活。Examples from the Corpusmenial• Today they are qualified for only the most menial employment.• Belknap was unable to find anything but menial labor.• Even well-trained women were forced into menial labor.• I had acquired the true menial mentality.• Ten workers performing the most menial tasks imaginable were picked at random from the processing line.• But hiring such people means that you have to pitch in and be willing to do the menial tasks yourself.• She performed her duties faithfully, reserving to herself the most menial tasks.• This mournfully bright menial Val wore high heels and a black beret.• The outcome of this educational vacuum is low-paid, menial work.Related topics: Occupationsmenial2 noun [countable]  BOJOB/WORKsomeone who does menial work, especially a servant in a house 干粗活的人〔尤指家仆〕Examples from the Corpusmenial• As such, they were treated as menials, on a level with cooks, footmen and other servants.• Other cartoons are lifeless; plenty of sitcoms offer droll toddlers and clever menials, bringing down their betters with disparaging asides.• To the notables and the men of affairs, Sergeant Janeway was a picturesque menial at the vestibule of inside dope.• They were no longer the oppressed, wretched teen menials who must take orders, toe the line.From Longman Business Dictionarymenialme‧ni‧al /ˈmiːniəl/ adjective menial work needs little skill and is badly paidHe worked his way through college by taking menial jobs in the vacation.Origin menial1 (1300-1400) Anglo-French meiniee “household”, from Latin mansio; → MANSIONme·ni·al1 adjectivemenial2 nounChineseSyllable  is boring, needs work menial is Business skill, no Corpus and




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