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单词 backwoodsman
释义  Related topics: Parliamentsback·woods·man /ˈbækwʊdzmən/ noun (plural backwoodsmen /-mən/) [countable]  1. COUNTRYSIDEsomeone who lives in the backwoods 边远地区的居民2. British EnglishPGP a member of a political party or parliament, especially the House of Lords, who is not very active politically and only sometimes votes, attends meetings etc “蛮荒”党员[议员](指政治上不太积极的政党成员或议员,他们只是偶尔投票或出席会议,尤指上议院议员〕Examples from the Corpusbackwoodsman• There are certain backwoodsmen fighting on crop assurance while 70-80 % of the industry is behind it.• Lord Hesketh, the government's chief whip, knows that backwoodsmen need delicate handling.back·woods·man nounChineseSyllable  the lives someone Corpus in who backwoods




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