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单词 Slower
1 Be slow in choosing a friend; slower in changing. 
2 Please tell the driver to go slower.
3 We soon outstripped the slower runners.
4 Current economic activity is markedly slower than during the go-go years of the mid to late 1980s.
5 The train went slower and slower until it stopped altogether.
6 The traffic got slower and slower until it was stationary.
7 She soon outstripped the slower runners.
8 Don't overlook the slower students.
9 Long grass makes the field slower.
10 The economy faces a year of slower growth.
11 He was caught out while lapping a slower rider.
12 Progress was slower than expected.
13 Tell the driver to go slower.
14 I can't walk any slower.
15 I began to walk slower and slower.
16 His heart rate was 30 beats per minute slower.
17 Teaching assistants have time to help the slower pupils.
18 If you go slower,[] you'll see much more.
19 Could you go a little slower?
20 Let's wait up for the slower ones.
21 Sound travels slower than light.
22 He matched his stride to her slower pace.
23 They walk very slow. In the comparative both slower and more slowly are used:Can you speak slower/more slowly?
24 You should only pass a slower vehicle if it is safe to do so.
25 The pace of life is much slower on the islands.
26 She swam the 400 metres medley ten seconds slower than she did in 1980.
27 Of course, the overland route is much slower than going by air.
28 He has moved to Spain, seemingly to enjoy a slower style of life.
29 As a teacher you have to adjust your methods to suit the needs of slower children.
30 It works only in the veins, where the blood flow is slower.
1 Please tell the driver to go slower.
2 Current economic activity is markedly slower than during the go-go years of the mid to late 1980s.
3 The train went slower and slower until it stopped altogether.
4 The traffic got slower and slower until it was stationary.
5 Don't overlook the slower students.
6 Progress was slower than expected.
7 Sound travels slower than light.
8 The captain decided to take Snow off and try a slower bowler.
31 He's a good teacher, but he doesn't have much patience with the slower pupils.
32 The captain decided to take Snow off and try a slower bowler.
33 Main line services can be very quick, but travelling on the branch lines is much slower.
34 So for wheelchair users it's definitely slower by rail.
35 Telephones used to have slower rotary dials.
36 I changed in Edinburgh to a slower train.
37 The result: slower growth,[] higher inflation and financial instability.
38 Background activities generally involve slower processes.
39 Time felt slower when we do nothing but wait. Toba Beta 
40 This is slower than an audio cassette recording.
41 However, the vehicle seems slower to move off.
42 They may not face the dreaded inner-city bureau queue but the less frequent presentation of serious enquiries makes training slower.
43 By contrast he is equally adept at setting a tone of meditative rapture in the slower movements.
44 Long, easy nonwords gained responses from the skilled readers which were no slower than those to short, difficult nonwords.
45 Bush Tucker Man used to live off the land and, indeed, anything that ran fractionally slower than he did.
46 Earnings fell shy of forecasts because of slower demand from customers that make personal computers.
47 Here they become wider and slower and often carry considerable quantities of sand and silt.
48 A human neurone is about a million times slower than a switch in a digital computer.
49 She had justified her behaviour to herself on the basis that the police would have been much slower and more painstaking.
50 Jenny ran slower and slower, complaining all the way of various aches and pains.
51 He heard her climb the last flight, getting slower every day.
52 The gap specialists are fast fliers whereas those in the canopy are slower and more manoeuvrable.
53 The average cost then increases at a slower rate and eventually approaches the marginal cost.
54 Share values were depressed by expectations of slower economic growth and higher unemployment.
55 The slower you do sit-ups, the harder the movement is to do.
56 Both fast and slow responses were slower after sleep loss.
57 Drought resulted in decreased root growth and slower breakdown of soil litter, an important source of magnesium for forest trees.
58 Slower varieties maturing in two months or more need to be sown in July to ensure a lengthy October harvest.
59 That was slower growth, in percentage terms, than many of its peers enjoyed.
60 All patients ate normal food, but some reported more thorough mastication and slower swallowing than before.
61 Too much hype, slower demand for its computer workstations, and increased competition.
62 Although Alice was slower than others in serving customers, she was never late and seldom absent.
63 There is little doubt that their handwriting skills develop at a slower pace than their linguistic skills.
64 The hard drive is slower than the one on the Dell.
65 Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot,[/slower.html] and anyone going faster than you is a maniac? George Carlin 
66 Life seventy years ago was at a slower pace and people were able to cope more easily with upset routines.
67 Cortical neurons are often silent-George often sees human temporal lobe neurons that respond at rates slower than once per second.
68 I'm sorry. I still don't understand. Can you say it slower?
69 The trend towards slower population growth appeared more and more in wealthier countries and regions.
70 This means that spending continues to rise, but at a slower pace than had been previously planned.
71 Adam sneaked into fourth place on 20.63sec, a quarter of a second slower than Christie.
72 They immediately began to produce stronger pulls than me at a slower, more measured speed.
73 Profits were dampened by slower workstation sales and snags in disk-drive production.
74 Some investors took that as evidence of slower consumer spending.
75 They crossed the line with an average lap time of 30 minutes. 28.5 minutes slower than Nigel Mansell.
76 When you listen to their records they're always a lot slower than you perceive them to be.
77 The Schaumburg, Illinois, company blamed the earnings decline on lower prices and slower sales.
78 Countries with slower population growth saw their average percapita incomes grow 2.5 percent more than those with more rapid population growth.
79 Moreover, he could control his descent, and could come down slower or quicker as he wished.
80 The academic community was slower in rising to the challenge.
81 This probably contributed to the slower growth in labour productivity at that time.
82 And slower learners should have three years instead of two to do their A-levels.
83 The more you struggle, the slower the words flow, the stiffer they get.
84 Patients after acute pancreatitis had slower duodenal juice protein and amylase turnover rates but trypsin turnover was not different with controls.
85 Shubunkins and comets are slower growing but can still reach a length of 8-10 inches.
86 Technological gains and slower projected growth in energy-intensive industries will restrain the rate of increase, the department says.
87 Decision-making tends to be much slower and this is often the reason for such slowness.
88 Higher interest rates often raise concern about slower economic growth and weaker corporate profits.
89 If you consider yourself slower than the pathfinder then start late.
90 The package would cross the Wall by another safer but slower route.
91 A Metropolitan train roared up non-stop to Wembley Park and a slower Jubilee passed it, stopping at the platform below.
92 Any other action, like travelling faster or slower in a vacuum, is forbidden.
93 He aimed for Benny's stomach - it would be a slower, more painful death that way.
94 Oesophageal transit and acid clearance have also been shown to be slower in these patients.
94 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
95 The locals go to suicidal lengths to overtake vehicles travelling only marginally slower than themselves.
96 Three years later, he returned; heavier, slower, but with a new kind of fire in his belly.
97 Progress on debt relief has been miserably slow; it would probably have been even slower without the pledges made in Cologne.
98 Left-wing politicians are in favor of a slower conversion to capitalism.
99 Mining exports fell 1. 2 percent last month due to slower sales of copper and salt, the Finance Ministry said.
100 Canals were appreciably slower and the advantage of improved roads actually increased in this respect.
101 Poppy oil in fact is paler, slower drying than linseed.
102 Phone-ins on radio can provide speedy feedback, but by and large feedback is much slower in the mass media than in interpersonal communications.
103 The cursor, by the way, appears boldfaced but blinking at a slower rate than the cursor in the text itself.
104 In the water he started out on a fast crawl, then switched to a slower backstroke.
105 In theory the slower the trickle the better, so you would need a huge filter to treat a heavily-loaded tank.
106 Wouldn't it be nice if we could go back to the days when life was slower than it is today.
107 Were it running more slowly, all geologic activity would have proceeded at a slower pace.
108 I missed the slower trains with the lounge cars and the rackety wheels.
109 Some teachers devote too much time to helping their slower students and neglect the brighter ones.
110 They more than offset weaker export sales and a slower buildup of inventories of unsold goods.
111 On alternate days walk at a slower pace to help you build up a regular habit of walking.
112 There would be higher taxes and, at best, much slower growth in public spending.
113 The orchestra was not playing it in time, so I made them rehearse it at a slower tempo.
114 It invites us to reflect on history with a slower pulse-rate, history in the longer term.
115 This was part of it: his new life would mean a slower pace, cleaner air, getting into shape.
116 Forecasters suggested the economy will experience much slower growth this year than previously thought.
117 Add in the slower pitches ad lower bounce and Hick was able to take full advantage.
118 There is a tendency for illnesses to become more prolonged, less intense and for the recovery to be slower.
119 To determine these it is necessary to use a slower method such as atomic absorption spectroscopy or neutron activation.
120 Sales across the country were slower than expected this year as consumers grappled with higher debts and concern about a weaker economy.
121 Just a little slower, maybe let the needle slip back down toward eighty, maybe seventy.
122 The higher the number, then the slower the shutter speed.
123 A logical net searches while learning, so its learning process is slower than that of Wisard.
124 Flat or falling prices for key commodities also signal price stability, and slower growth.
124 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
125 The increase was at a slower pace than in the second quarter, however, suggesting gains in efficiency may be peaking.
126 These will maintain growth but at slower rates than with live food.
127 Because the elderly often experience a decline in liver function, these drugs are metabolized at a slower rate.
128 They drove by again and then again, each time slower and more menacingly.
129 The closer you sail(), the slower you go and viceversa.
130 Inside the room he could distinctly hear his own breathing - the sharp intake of air, followed by the slower exhalation.
131 With a yet slower rhythm than the polar ice, the tides of civilization ebbed and flowed across the galaxy.
132 The balancing slower growth was supplied by the portmanteau of miscellaneous services.
133 The alternative for Clinton is to adopt a slower approach supported by the Pentagon and many in the White House.
134 Old News was slower and quieter, but also more respectful.
135 The low-density lipoproteins, also known as the beta lipoproteins have an electrophoretic mobility which is slightly slower than the prebeta fraction.
136 Or alternatively, if time is passing at a slower rate on the moving train.
137 In the laboratory, males had a significantly slower rate of growth, but still matured earlier than females.
138 With the slower speeds the qualifying heats as well as the race itself were almost injury-free this year.
139 He kept fading into the oncoming traffic or blindly passing slower vehicles at the most inopportune moments.
140 Research on the station will ramp up slower than expected because of smaller crews and limited resources.
141 In the twentieth century official statistics showed the number of cattle rising at a slower rate than the number of people.
142 The slower the speed, the finer the grain and the greater the resolving power of these films.
143 It runs slower low down compared to what it does higher up.
144 Breathing becomes slower, then more shallow and finally the shooter holds about half a breath and squeezes the trigger.
145 Expectations for waning inflation coincide with the anticipation of slower economic growth.
146 Any slower rate, as for example in the first half of the eighteenth century, allowed real wages to rise.
147 Slower growth in wages would produce a cut of about 4 percent in real terms.
148 In terms of technological progress,the public is slower than focus group. Toba Beta 
149 The effector processes become slower and less powerful but these effects are not so marked or so consistent.
150 But this was not just the effect of slower markets and smaller volumes on commission and fee income.
151 This leaves the unfortunate animal to crawl away and die a much slower death than if hounds had caught him.
152 Because everything is standardized, slower children fall further and further behind while good students often grow bored in the classroom.
153 McNeill Alexander adopted a different analytical technique, and came up with a much slower dinosaur than Bakker's.
154 Corky's taking an age typing them all in - even slower since I threatened to give him a good lashing!
154 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
155 Gastric clearance of indigestible markers was significantly slower in patients with than in those without cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy.
156 Mist silvering the droplets on the bare thorns Slower than the change of daylight.
157 The ionophore-induced responses were much slower than those induced by forskolin.
158 One reason to bet on slower economic growth today was a drop in retail sales reported for last week.
159 The same trend happens in the rural areas, although at a slower pace.
160 For example, last year it became evident that terminal responses at peak times were becoming much slower.
161 Impulsively, the Squat swung the trike to pull alongside, so that one wheel dragged on the slower strip.
162 If you have an older computer with a slower modem, stick with an online service.
163 First(), on-line services tend to be considerably slower for Web browsing than ISPs.
164 In general riders don't like chicanes, especially the slower ones.
165 The EEG typically shows a spike and wave pattern that is slower than the 3-per-second discharges associated with absence attacks.
166 Search times are usually slower than magnetic disks, because the reading head has to follow a track.
167 The duration of larger-scale and slower processes is more difficult to measure.
168 Gears connect the motor and sheave in slower systems.
169 Quite simply, random access is slower than sequential access.
170 Hadn't we wait up for the slower ones?
171 Don't wolf down your food. Eat slower.
172 Disk drives are much slower than solid-state memory is. They are much less reliable, too, because they depend on moving parts.
173 Sorrow makes us go slower and more considerately, and introspect our motives and dispositions.
174 Nell was none the slower in going away for this remark.
175 The structure of pastilles was more compact and the pastille purification rate was slower at lower solidification temperature, however the yield of pastilles was higher.
176 Incrementing an undefined local variable is 9 - 10 times slower than a pre - initialized one.
177 India has been slower than China to develop infrastructure in Myanmar and to benefit from its natural resources but appears to want to redress the balance.
178 She added that worries about tight supplies and unrest in the Middle East will outweigh concerns about U.S. gasoline demand destruction or slower Asian demand due to inflation.
179 The zealots'charge ability allows it to more easily chase down and destroy the slower - moving mauraders.
180 We are unthinkable, in future 10 years, the client can want higher price, fewer choice, or slower transmissive .
181 The purpose of the electric heating element in the choke is to assure slower choke opening.
182 Again we call the faster wave the longitudinal and the slower wave the shear shock wave.
183 This could also be the year that China's economy begins to shift to a significantly slower and more sustainable rate of economic growth.
184 But Democratic co-chair Sander Levin says a slower approach will lead to better deals.
185 Information in the world is slower and more cumbersome,[] but very dependable.
186 Code that was compiled without any optimization flags resulted in code that was approximately five times slower, so be sure to always compile with -O2 or -O3.
187 The rub is that a slower rate of money growth will also cause a reduction in spending and a credit contraction, which in turn will cause financial and economic problems.
188 Do fast - growing LDCs behave differently technologically from slower growers?
189 The falling price of oil also overshadowed a Labor Department report showing that U.S. workers' efficiency grew at a slightly slower pace in the second quarter.
190 For high-fidelity emulations that include cycle accuracy, simulated CPU pipelines, and caching behaviors, the actual speed difference can be on the order of 1000 times slower.
191 This company probably would have had slower top-line growth than Groupon or LivingSocial, but would have built a stronger foundation for an enduring company.
192 The captain decided to take Jeff off and try a slower bowler.
193 Genius in addition to and simpleton only a the step separate, they are heel bedlamite also only a separate, because the simpleton walks slower than genius, the bedlamite walks quicker than genius.
194 Grouse Mountain often has warmish, wet winters that could lead to mushier, slower ice.
195 To discuss the self-excitation vibration theory of the NC machine creeping phenomenon for the feed system's parts rotation velocity is a little slower.
196 Compared with Silurus meridionalis Chen, whose external appearance was similar to the local catfishs, the local catfish grew slower.
197 The dual mode feature is ideal for a beginner who wishes to learn how the car steers and drives at slower speeds.
198 "In the slow light (with a group velocity slower than c) case, the central part of the main wave packet follows the group velocity, " Du explained.
199 Relatively, rumen fungi had a less number and slower growth rate compared with rumen bacteria.
200 If it is far from chosen range of weights to goal area, the search space is wider, goal area is narrower, search time is longer and training speed is slower.
201 The impact: a shackled global economy growing at a much slower pace than in previous decades.
202 If we had to reset a database to a known state before each unit test, the tests would be quite complex and certainly would run slower than we desire.
203 Even though function-based iteration represents a more convenient method of iteration, it is also quite a bit slower than loop-based iteration.
204 Covariance matrix can get bands with ample information content but it is a model educed under normal distribution condition, in addition its defect is large numbers of data, slower disposing speed.
205 Camels are ridable. They are slower than most horses, but tougher and have a slightly higher charge damage.
206 That is three-tenths of a percent slower than initial estimates, but still the fastest rate in about six years.
207 Useand you'll find the pump clock ticking slower, regardless of your current strength or ability.
208 Although sequential processing is generally slower than parallel, sometimes it is necessary to produce correct results.
209 But even more important for Greinke was the improvement of his secondary pitches. His slider has more velocity than ever before, while both his curveball and change-up are slower this season.
210 Dycosacryl UV and UV free radicals, compared to less shrinkage, and curing speed or slower.
211 "We looked into installing a variable speed drive on the press, " explains Yager, "so we could stamp the aluminum at the slower speed and the steel at the original speed."
212 On your testing hardware you can adapt the FRAMES_PER_SECOND to an ideal value, but what will happen on faster or slower hardware?
213 These include Opera Turbo, the company's compression technology that makes surfing on slower connections more bearable, visual tabs, a smarter spell checker, and a faster rendering engine.
214 The best class reunion of all is where everyone looks older, fatter, softer, slower, balder , dumber and poorer than you do.
215 Trading programs tend to be undemanding and run well on older, slower machines.
216 In a quick, lively tempo, usually considered to be faster than allegretto but slower than presto. Used chiefly as a direction.
217 The raw data is smoothed and represented by two lines, one faster, the other slower.
218 The captain decided to take Peter off and try a slower bowler.
219 Having evolved when the pace of life was slower, the human brain has an inherent defect that prevents it from absorbing several streams of information simultaneously and acting on them quickly.
220 Reflection is much slower than direct code when used for field and method access.
221 Even when a program contains only a single thread running on a single processor, a synchronized method call is still slower than an unsynchronized method call.




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