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单词 cadenza
释义  Related topics: Musicca·den·za /kəˈdenzə/ noun [countable] technical  APMa difficult part of a long piece of music, which a performer plays alone in order to show his or her skill 华彩乐段〔乐曲中展现表演者技巧的独奏乐段〕Examples from the Corpuscadenza• Lunchtime on a day in June, cadenza in the rising wind: is there anything wrong with a one-man band?• If you look at it within that context, these cadenzas by Leppard are rather conventional.• Indeed there are no really weak moments vocally, although I am not convinced by the style of all the vocal cadenzas.Origin cadenza (1700-1800) Italian → CADENCEca·den·za nounChineseSyllable  piece of Corpus which a part of music, long difficult a a




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