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单词 mawkish
释义  mawk·ish /ˈmɔːkɪʃ $ ˈmɒː-/ adjective  EMOTIONALshowing too much emotion in a way that is embarrassing 自作多情的,多愁善感的 SYN sentimental a mawkish love story 无病呻吟的爱情故事 —mawkishly adverb —mawkishness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusmawkish• He can combine tenderness and humour without becoming mawkish.• Oh, really, she told herself crossly, you're becoming mawkish!• Matthew came by her, and held open the door to the small room with a mawkish bow.• A mawkish exercise, but one that everyone enjoys - to step about this cluttered suburb like a daytime ghost.• Then, perhaps feeling that his gesture was mawkish, he looked embarrassed, took the flowers out and backed away.• Despite a few mawkish moments, much of the exhumed material sounds top-drawer.• The movie is set to a mawkish score.Origin mawkish (1600-1700) mawk “maggot” ((15-19 centuries)), from Old Norse mathkrmawk·ish adjectiveChineseSyllable  that too in showing way much is Corpus a emotion




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