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单词 matter-of-fact
释义  ˌmatter-of-ˈfact adjective  EMOTIONALshowing no emotion when you are talking about something exciting, frightening, upsetting etc 就事论事的;不带感情的;实事求是的matter-of-fact about Jan was surprisingly matter-of-fact about her divorce. 简对待她的离婚出奇地淡然。matter-of-fact voice/tone Use a matter-of-fact tone when disciplining your children. 管教孩子时语气要就事论事。 —matter-of-factly adverbExamples from the Corpusmatter-of-fact• There was something practical, matter-of-fact about the boy.• He was also more than a little scandalised at the girl's matter-of-fact acceptance of what had happened.• But even in the most matter-of-fact and determined plans there was always an element of unreality.• The condom advertising campaign is going to be very straightforward and as matter-of-fact as possible.• This may be by way of theory, or on more matter-of-fact lines about technique or such questions as composition.• It was matter-of-fact, the way some one might say it looks like rain.• A spokesman listed the casualties in a detached, matter-of-fact tone of voice.• There cancer is not feared and dreaded, but is treated in a matter-of-fact way as an everyday occurrence.• We were surprised at the matter-of-fact way Judith described her husband's death.• When pressed he would explain the secret of his success, in a shy, matter-of-fact way.• She spoke of death in a calm, matter-of-fact way.matter-of-fact voice/tone• About D and M, in a bright little matter-of-fact voice.• He picked up the sheet of paper and began to read in a slow, matter-of-fact voice.• He spoke it all in a very matter-of-fact voice.• Arthur Ransome illustrates how a matter-of-fact tone can match the no-nonsense approach of children; and so on.ˌmatter-of-ˈfact adjectiveChineseSyllable  are you about Corpus frightening, when emotion no talking something exciting, showing




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