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单词 back
释义  back1 /bæk/ ●●● S1 W1 adverb  1  return to place 回原处RETURNRETURN in, into, or to the place or position where someone or something was before 回到原处 I’ll be back in a minute. 我马上回来。 Put that book back where you found it! 把那本书放回原处!back in/to/into etc Rory plugged the cable back into the socket. 罗里把缆线插回插座。 I feel like going back to bed. 我想回去睡觉。go/get/head etc back We ought to try and get back before it gets dark. 我们应该尽量在天黑之前回去。 He was back home by half past eleven. 他是11点半之前回家的。 It’s possible to travel there and back in a day. 到那里一天来回是可以的。n Grammar• You go back to a place: We decided to go back to Athens.I’m going back to school tomorrow.• You go back home: It’s time to go back home. ✗Don’t say: go back to home2  AS BEFOREPASTas before 和以前一样 in or into the condition or situation you were in before 恢复原状 Gary woke at 4 am and couldn’t get back to sleep. 加里凌晨4点钟醒来后就再也睡不着了。 It took me a long time to get my confidence back. 过了很久我才找回自信。 If you decide to marry him, there will be no going back (=you will not be able to get back to your previous situation). 你要是决定嫁给他,就没有回头路可走了。go/get back to (doing) something There’s no way I’m going back to being poor. 我无论如何都不会让自己再过穷日子。 It’ll take a while for things to get back to normal. 要过一阵子才能恢复正常。3  HOME TOWNTOWNprevious place 以前的地方 in or to a place where you lived or worked before 在以前的地方;回到以前的地方back in/at She was the one who had fired him from his first job back in South Africa. 她就是以前在南非的时候炒他鱿鱼、使他失去第一份工作的人。back home (=in the place that you come from and think of as your home) 以前在老家 It reminded me of evenings back home. 这让我想起了以前晚上在老家的时候。4  NOT FORWARDSBEHINDbackwards 向后面 in the opposite direction from the way you are facing 向后面;在后面 OPP forwards He glanced back at the house. 他回头看了一眼那房子。 Kirov stepped back a pace. 基洛夫往后退了一步。 She tilted her head back to look at him. 她仰起头来看着他。5  REPLYANSWER/REPLYreply/reaction 回答/回应 if you do something back, you do it as a reply or reaction to what someone has said or done 回复,回应 Can I call you back later? 我稍后再给你回电话好吗? I’ll pay you back on Friday. 我星期五还钱给你。 ‘No, thanks!’ he shouted back. “不用了,谢谢!”他大声地回答。 If he hits you, you just hit him back. 如果他打你,你就还手打他。6  return STH to SB 把某物还给某人 if you give something, get something etc back, you return it to the person who first had it, or you have it returned to you 归还;取回 Can we have our ball back, please? 可以把球还给我们吗? I want all my books back as soon as you’ve finished with them. 你看完书之后马上全部还给我。 Give me back that letter! It’s none of your business! 把那封信还给我!跟你无关!7  THE PASTPASTin the past 在过去 in or towards a time in the past 以前,从前,过去;追溯至 a pile of newspapers dating back to the 1970s 一堆20世纪70年代的报纸 A lot of emotional problems can be traced back to childhood. 许多情感问题都可以追溯到童年时期。 Looking back on it, I should have known he was unhappy. 现在回想起来,我早该知道他当时并不开心。 At times, I think back to my life in Moscow. 有时候我会回想起我在莫斯科的生活。back in The house was built back in 1235. 这房子始建于1235年。three years/two months etc back (=three years etc ago) 三年/两个月等之前 His wife died a couple of years back. 他妻子几年前过世了。 He called me a while back. 他刚才打电话给我了。8  AGAINagain 再次 once again 再次,又一次 Go back over your work to check for any mistakes. 检查一遍你的作业有没有错误。 Liverpool were back level again two minutes later with a superb goal. 两分钟以后,利物浦队一记精彩的进球将比分再次扳平。9  sit/lie/lean back RELAXEDto sit or lie in a comfortable relaxed way 舒舒服服地坐/躺/倚着 Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! 坐好,放松,好好欣赏节目吧!10  AWAY FROM somethingMOVE something OR somebodyaway 离开 away from a surface, person, or thing 离开〔某个表面、人或物〕 She pulled the bandage back very carefully. 她非常小心地拉开绷带。 Her hair was brushed back from her face. 她的头发往后梳着。 The woman nodded and stood back, allowing Patrick to enter. 那女人点点头,退后让帕特里克进去。11  back and forth MOVE something OR somebodygoing in one direction and then in the opposite direction, and repeating this several times 来回地 We travel back and forth all the time between Canada and England. 我们一直是在加拿大和英格兰之间来回跑。 He was pacing back and forth. 他在来回踱步。12  BOOKTOWARDStowards beginning 往开始的地方 towards the beginning of a book, film, or computer document etc 往前,往回 Turn back to the summaries at the end of section 1.5. 回到前面1.5节最后的总结。 Clicking on the icon will take you back to the previous web page. 点击这个图标可以回到前一网页。 Wind the tape back to the beginning. 把磁带倒回到最前面。Examples from the Corpusback• If a starfish loses a leg, it grows back.• If Jamie rings, tell him I'll call him back.• That's mine! Give it back!• Gradually, the children came trickling back.• It took me a year and a half to come back.• I left a message, but I haven't heard anything back.• Then she turns on her heel, comes back, and demands to know why N J stood her up.• He stepped back and fell.• Michelle looked back at him over her shoulder and smiled.• I was making $15 an hour back at the hospital.• Some time during the afternoon they decided not to go back but to stay overnight.• Play the tape back for me, okay?• Carol yelled back, "If it's so easy, you come and have a go!''• He'd tried to study it back in the Store.• I should be back in time for dinner.• Can you call me back later?• I lay back like a king lion and let her romp.• He was too wet and cold to think about going back out into the rain.• He looked back over his shoulder.• She left home in 1995 and hasn't been back since.• It helps when I have the option to go back to defense.• I stepped back to let them pass.• I woke up at 4 a.m. and couldn't get back to sleep.• It was a beautiful day, so I decided to walk back to the office.• It's time I got back to work.• I'll have to get back to you on that.• Do you think Ron and his wife will get back together?• I'll check back with you sometime next week.there and back• "How far is it to Milwaukee?" "It's about 30 miles there and back."• How long will it take to drive there and back?• It only takes four hours, there and back.• About eighty miles up there and back?• Besides, she would not be alone - only on the journey there and back.• I ran all the way there and back.• It took me no more than five minutes there and back.• In six months, could both passages, there and back, be effected?• To climb up to it takes time nine or ten hours to get there and back - but no special skill or nerve.• Air transport there and back guaranteed: same day.• What they called married back there and back then.go/get back to (doing) something• He wouldn't go back to bed.• Then Leo went back to Harvard.• He went back to his room and closed the door.• The company has had to go back to its pre-poll tax database, known as the Historic Voters Roll.• All they seemed interested in was guzzling platefuls of sausages and going back to the counter for more.• I can't get back to the garret until tomorrow.• No, don't go back to the house, Jane, on such a lovely night.back home• A fantasy, but a lovely one, and one that she would miss when she went back home.• He's glad to be back home.• He would tell Odysseus how to get back home.• The Plot Every day, Johnny took his three goats to pasture and then back home.• She had graduated from a Lutheran Bible college back home, and at one time she had seriously considered becoming a nun.• I was hoping there was, cos it's about time I got back home - it's getting pretty late.• He was back home, showered, changed and in bed by eleven forty-five.• They are moving back home to Arizona, back home to Oregon, back home to Tennessee.a while back• But I think you were right, a while back.• He did mention it a while back.• I should have transferred to pastoral a while back.• Worse than that, in a way, was the butter one a while back.• You were icy a while back.Related topics: Human, Furniture, Newspapers, printing, publishing, Sportback2 ●●● S1 W1 noun [countable]  1  BODYpart of your body 身体部位 a) HBHHBAthe part of the body between the neck and legs, on the opposite side to the stomach and chest 背部,背脊,后背 The cat arched its back and hissed. 那只猫拱起背发出嘶嘶的声音。 My feet were sore and my back was aching. 我脚酸背痛。 Keep your head up and your back straight. 抬起头,挺直背。 To avoid back problems, always bend your knees when you lift heavy objects. 为防止背部出现问题,提重物时一定要曲膝。 He lay on his back and gazed at the ceiling. 他仰面躺着,眼睛盯着天花板。 Johnny was lying flat on his back in the middle of the floor. 約翰尼正仰面直直地躺在地板中央。 Anna stood with her back to the window. 安娜背对窗站着。on somebody’s back (=carried on someone’s back) 某人背上背着 The girl appeared again, now with a little baby on her back. 那女孩又来了,这次背上背了一个小婴孩。 b) the bones between your neck and the top of your legs 脊骨,脊柱 SYN spine He broke his back in a motorbike accident. 他在一次摩托车事故中摔断了脊梁骨。2  PARTBACK OF somethingnot at front 不在前面 [usually singular] the part of something that is furthest from the front 后面,后部 OPP front a T-shirt with a picture of a snake on the back 后背印了一条蛇的T恤衫back of He kissed her on the back of her head. 他在她后脑勺上亲了一下。 Her window faced the backs of the houses. 她的窗户对着这些房屋的后面。in the back (of something) (=used especially about the back of a vehicle) 在(某物)后部〔尤指车辆〕 Two men were sitting in the back of the car. 两名男子坐在汽车的后排。at the back (of something) a small shop with an office at the back 后面有一间办公室的小商店in back (of something) American English (=in or at the back of something) 在(某物)后部 Kids should always wear seat belts, even in back. 小孩子每次都应该系安全带,即使是坐在后排位置。out back American English (=behind a house or other building) 在房屋[建筑物]的后面 Tom’s working on the car out back. 汤姆在屋后弄汽车。round/out the back British English (=behind a house or building) 在房屋[建筑物]的后面 Have you looked round the back? 房子后面找过了没有?3  SURFACEBACK OF somethingless important side 较为不重要的一面 [usually singular] the less important side or surface of something such as a piece of paper or card 〔纸或纸牌等的〕背面,反面 OPP front Paul scribbled his address on the back of an envelope. 保罗把他的地址草草地写在一个信封的背面。 The credits are listed on the back of the album. 制作人员名单列在专辑的背面。4  CHAIRDHFBACK OF somethingpart of seat 座椅的一部分 the part of a seat that you lean against when you are sitting 椅背,靠背back of He rested his arm on the back of the sofa. 他把胳膊搭在沙发的靠背上。5  BOOK/NEWSPAPERTCNBACK OF somethingbook/newspaper 书/报纸 [usually singular] the last pages of a book or newspaper 〔书报的〕末尾 OPP frontat the back (of) The sports pages are usually at the back. 体育版通常在最后。in the back (of) The answers are in the back of the book. 答案列在书后。6  at/in the back of your mind THINK ABOUTa thought that is at the back of your mind is one you try to ignore because you do not want it to be true 在内心里〔指不希望某个想法是真实的〕 At the back of her mind was the thought that he might be with someone else. 她内心里觉得说不定他是和别的什么人在一起呢。put/push something to the back of your mind He tried to push these uncomfortable thoughts to the back of his mind. 他尽量把这些不安的念头抛诸脑后。7  back to back a) BACK OF somethingwith the backs towards each other 背靠背 Stand back to back and we’ll see who’s tallest. 背靠背站好,我们来看看谁个子最高。 b) SERIEShappening immediately one after the other 一个接一个的,连续发生的5 a couple of back-to-back wins for the team球队一场接一场的胜利n He performed up to three times a day, often back to back. → back-to-back18  back to front British English a) in an incorrect position so that what should be at the back is at the front 前后倒置地 You’ve got your sweater on back to front. 你把毛衣前后穿反了。 b) doing something the wrong way round and starting with the part that should be at the end 顺序颠倒地 He got the commands back to front and the program didn’t work. 他把指令颠倒了,程序没有运行。9  behind somebody’s back SECRETif you do something behind someone’s back, you do it without them knowing 在某人背后,背地里 I don’t like the idea of the two of them talking about me behind my back. 我不喜欢他们俩在背后议论我。 I should have realized that he’d go behind my back (=do something without telling me). 我早该想到,他会背着我去干的。10  when/while somebody’s back is turned if something happens when your back is turned, it happens when you are not able to see or know what someone is doing 在某人转身的时候〔指在看不见或不知道的时候〕 What are your kids up to when your back is turned? 你的孩子在你不知道的时候会搞些什么鬼?11  get/put somebody’s back up British English informalANNOY to annoy someone 使某人生气,使某人产生反感,惹怒某人 Simone was the kind of person who was always putting people’s backs up. 西蒙娜是那种老是惹人生气的人。12  get (somebody) off somebody’s back spokenANNOY to stop annoying someone with a lot of questions, criticisms etc, or to make someone stop annoying you in this way (使某人)不烦扰某人 Maybe the only way to get him off my back is to tell him the truth. 也许,要他不来烦我,唯一的办法就是告诉他实话。 Do me a favour and get off my back! 劳驾,别烦我好不好!13  be on somebody’s back spokenFORCE somebody TO DO something to be trying to make someone do something they do not want to do 逼某人做,硬要某人做 Why are you and Dad always on my back? 你和爸爸为什么总是要逼着我干这干那?14  on the back of something as a result of something that already exists or something you have already done 由于某事物〔指已存在的某物或已做成的某事〕 The company should be able to generate business on the back of existing contracts. 依靠现有的这些合同,公司应该能开展业务。15  on the backs of somebody using the work of a particular group to achieve something that they will not get any advantage from 依靠某人〔指依靠从中得不到好处的某一群体〕 Economic prosperity was won on the backs of the urban poor. 经济繁荣靠的是城市里的贫民。16. FOOTBALL ETCDSsports 体育运动 a defending player in a sports team 后卫 SYN defender17  the back of beyond FAR informal a place that is a long way from other places and is difficult to get to 遥远偏僻的地方 It’s a nice little cottage but it really is in the back of beyond. 这小别墅不错,不过地方实在偏远。18  be (flat) on your back a) to be lying on your back – used to emphasize that someone seems unlikely to get up soon (直直地)仰卧〔用于强调某人一下子起不来〕 He was drunk and flat on his back on the street. 他喝醉了,直挺挺地仰卧在街头。 b) to be so ill that you cannot get out of bed 卧病在床 Their best player was flat on his back in hospital. 他们的最佳球员在医院里卧病不起。 c) if a business, country, economy etc is on its back, it is not successful 〔生意、国家、经济等〕不景气,疲弱 The UK market was flat on its back. 英国市场疲软。19  put your back into it informalWORK HARD to work extremely hard at something 全力以赴,拼命 If we really put our backs into it, we could finish today. 如果我们加把劲,今天能干完。20  be glad/delighted/pleased etc to see the back of somebody/something to be happy that someone is leaving or because you no longer have to deal with something 很高兴看到某人离开/某事结束 No, I’m not too upset that he left – in fact, I was glad to see the back of him. 才不呢,他走了我并不难过——其实我很高兴他走了。 I can’t wait to see the back of this project, I can tell you (=I will be happy when it ends). 说实话,我巴不得这个项目早点结束。21. have your back to/against the wall informalDIFFICULT to be in a difficult situation with no choice about what to do 陷入绝境,被逼得走投无路22  at your back a) BEHINDbehind you 在…后面 They had the wind at their backs as they set off. 他们出发时顺风。 b) supporting you 支持 Caesar marched into Rome with an army at his back. 凯撒在军队的支持下长驱直入罗马。23. on your back informal not polite if someone achieves something on their back, they achieve it by having sex with someone 在床上搞定〔指通过与别人发生性关系而达到目的〕24  high-backed/straight-backed/low-backed etc DHFBACK OF somethingwith a high, straight, low etc back 高背的/直背的/低背的等 a high-backed chair 高背椅 → know something like the back of your hand at know1(3), → turn your back on somebody/something at turn1(7)Examples from the Corpusback• And lately, our defensive backs have responded with interceptions.• She had her hands tied behind her back.• The cat wanted her back rubbed.• Megan has some trouble with her back.• The autopsy report said Woldemariam was shot twice in the back.• Cashmere sports jackets hung on the back of their chairs, insurance against an encounter with air-conditioning.• What's written on the back?• The Leader and the thin man were seated on a pile of saddles and saddle-bags with their backs against the wall.• Martha came forward to help, and Miss Mary looked carefully at Colin's thin white back, up and down.round/out the back• Anna did not go to the front door but round the back.• I moved through the kitchen, peering out the back door before I exited.• In the front door, with their nasty trunks probing into everything, and I shoo them out the back.• Mariana mimed a lean-to round the back.• The outbuilding used as a mortuary was round the back.• He went round the back of the house and inspected the incinerator, now full of partly glowing but mainly black ashes.• Fogarty finished his double rye and Jack swigged the last of his coffee royal, and they went out the back the back (of)• Michael kicked him in the back, the force of the blow sending Tommy across the dirt-strewn floor.• They argued, and Jimmy was slugged in the stomach, pushed to the ground and kicked in the back.• He puts me in the back seat with my coat over my knees.• You can get shot in the back.• Hector sits in the back seat of the front row, nearest the door.• He was shot twice in the back of the head while sitting in a cafe.• As he spoke a cab appeared, a grimy little robot jitney with the other Twin in the back.• They give a proud tour of the five-bedroom country home set way in the back of a gated development.Related topics: Music, Gamblingback3 ●●● S2 W3 verb  1  SUPPORTsupport 支持 [transitive]SUPPORT A PERSON, GROUP, OR PLAN a) to support someone or something, especially by giving them money or using your influence 资助;支持 The scheme has been backed by several major companies in the region. 这个计划得到了该地区几家大公司的资助。 Some suspected that the rebellion was backed and financed by the US. 有人怀疑那次叛乱有美国在背后支持并提供资金。 government-backed loans 政府担保的贷款 b) (also back up) to support an idea by providing facts, proof etc 支持,证明 His claims are not backed by any scientific evidence. 他的说法没有任何科学依据。► see thesaurus at supportn Grammar Back is usually passive in this meaning.2  MOVE somebodymove backwards 向后移动 [intransitive always + adverb/preposition, transitive]BACK/BACKWARDS to move backwards, or make someone or something move backwards (使)后退back into/out of/away from etc She backed into a doorway to let the crowds pass by. 她退到门口让人群过去。back somebody into/towards/out of etc something He began to back her towards the open door. 他开始逼着她朝开着的门退去。back something into/towards/out of etc something I backed the car into the garage. 我把汽车倒进车库。3  BACK SURFACEput STH on the back 加背衬 [transitive]CSPUT to put a material or substance onto the back of something, in order to protect it or make it stronger 给…加背衬 The photograph is backed with cardboard. 在照片后面垫上硬纸板。 a plastic-backed shower curtain 衬有塑料的浴帘nGrammar Back is usually passive in this meaning.4  BE BEHINDbe behind STH 在某物后面 [transitive]BACK OF something to be at the back of something or behind it 在…的后面 The Jandia Peninsula is a stretch of white sands backed by a mountain range. 汉迪亚半岛是一片依傍山脉的白色沙滩。nGrammar Back is usually passive in this meaning.5  MUSICmusic 音乐 [transitive]APM to play or sing the music that supports the main singer or musician 伴奏;伴唱 They performed all their hits, backed by a 40-piece orchestra. 他们在一支40人乐队的伴奏下,演唱了他们所有的热门歌曲。nGrammar Back is usually passive in this meaning.6. HORSE/DOG RACErisk money 下注 [transitive]DGG to risk money on whether a particular horse, dog, team etc wins something 下赌注于7. back the wrong horse SUPPORT A PERSON, GROUP, OR PLANto support someone or something that is not successful 下错赌注,支持了输家 PHRASAL VERBS8 back away phrasal verb a) BACK/BACKWARDSto move backwards and away from someone or something, especially because you are frightened 〔尤指因害怕而〕躲开,向后退,退缩 from She backed away from the menacing look on his face. 他一脸凶相,吓得她直往后退。b) STOP DOING somethingto stop supporting a plan or idea, or stop being involved in something 不再支持,逐渐退出 from The government has backed away from its nuclear weapons strategy. 政府已经放弃核武器战略。9 back down phrasal verb LOSE A GAME, COMPETITION, OR WARACCEPTto admit that you are wrong or that you have lost an argument 承认〔错误〕;退让;认输 Both sides have refused to back down. 双方都不肯退让。10 back off phrasal verb a) BACK/BACKWARDSto move backwards, away from someone or something 退后,后退 She backed off and then turned and ran. 她一步一步往后退去,然后转身跑了。b) FORCE somebody TO DO somethingto stop telling someone what to do, or stop criticizing them, especially so that they can deal with something themselves 放过,不去管〔某人〕 I think you should back off for a while. 我想你应该放手一阵子。 Back off, Marc! Let me run my own life! 走开点,马克!我的生活我自己来安排!c) STOP DOING somethingto stop supporting something, or decide not to do something you were planning to do 退出,放弃 Jerry backed off when he realized how much work was involved. 杰里知道有多大的工作量之后,就放弃了。 from The company has backed off from investing new money. 公司已不再投入新的资金。11 back onto something phrasal verb OPPOSITE/FACEif a building backs onto something, its back faces it 〔建筑物〕背靠,背对 The hotel backs onto St Mark’s Square. 这家宾馆背靠圣马可广场。12 back out phrasal verb PROMISEto decide not to do something that you had promised to do 变卦,打退堂鼓;食言 It’s too late to back out now. 现在反悔已经太晚了。 After you’ve signed the contract, it will be impossible to back out. 签好合同之后你就不可以变卦了。 of The government is trying to back out of its commitment to reduce pollution. 政府当初承诺减少污染,可现在又想打退堂鼓。13 back up phrasal verb a) back somebody/something ↔ upPROVE to say or show that what someone is saying is true 证实某人的说法,为某人作证;证明某事 Jane would back me up if she were here. 要是简在这儿,她可以为我作证。 There’s no evidence to back up his accusations. 他的指控没有证据支持。 These theories have not been backed up by research. 这些理论尚未获得研究证实。b) back somebody/something ↔ up to provide support or help for someone or something 支持[帮助]某人/某事 The plan’s success depends on how vigorously the UN will back it up with action. 这个计划成功与否,取决于联合国是否会积极采取行动予以支持。 The police officers are backed up by extra teams of people at the weekend. 到了周末,警察会有增派人员支援。 → backupc) TDto make a copy of information stored on a computer 〔在计算机上〕(给…)做备份 Make sure you back up. 你一定要做好备份。back something ↔ up These devices can back up the whole system. 这些装置可以为整个系统备份。back something ↔ up onto something5 Back all your files up onto floppy disks.把你所有的文档都复制到软盘上去。n Back all your files up onto a storage device or Cloud. → backupd) TTC especially American English to make a vehicle move backwards 倒(车) The truck stopped and then backed up. 卡车停下来,然后倒车。back something ↔ up I backed the car up a little. 我把汽车往后倒了一点。e) BACK/BACKWARDSto move backwards 向后移动,往后退 Back up a bit so that everyone can see. 往后点让大家都能看得见。 → backupf) if traffic backs up, it forms a long line of vehicles that cannot move 〔车辆〕排起长队,堵塞 The traffic was starting to back up in both directions. 两个方向的车辆都开始排起了长龙。g) if a toilet, sink etc backs up, it becomes blocked so that water cannot flow out of it 〔马桶、洗涤槽等〕堵塞→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusback• We backed a horse named Travelling Light that finished first at 10-1.• Uncle Barry backed Arsenal to win the FA Cup.• The stage was backed by a light blue curtain.• There is no known cure but the illness can be treated - by medication backed by practical and caring support.• The three tenors were backed by the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra.• The plans for a new shopping mall are backed by the city council.• The crime bill is backed by the Democrats.• In the end Krushchev backed down and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.• Which team did you back for the Super Bowl?• I wouldn't park there -- it's going to be very difficult to back out again.• I backed the car into the garage and walked round to the front door of the boarding house.• Several major insurance companies have agreed to back the healthcare reforms.• Morris carefully backed the truck into the shed.back something into/towards/out of etc something• A pickup truck backs slowly out of a space and taps the bumper of a nearby minivan.• Angelita, announcing that she will be right back, walks out of the room.• He backed slowly out of the room, which had become hers.• She nods her head, steps back a step out of the way of him spreading toward her white shoes.• Then, without waiting for yes, no, or another bout of silence, he backed quickly out of the library.• They remained aloof from the front row out of disdain and from the back row out of a sense of responsibility.• You can back yourself out of the room that way.Related topics: Linguisticsback4 ●●● S2 W3 adjective [only before noun]  1  BACK OF somethingat or in the back of something 后面的,后部的 OPP front You’ll be sleeping in the back bedroom. 你睡后面的卧室吧。 Turn to the back page. 翻到背页。 I keep my keys in my back pocket. 我把钥匙放在后兜里。 There was the sound of giggling from the back row. 后排传来咯咯的笑声。 The rabbit had one of its back legs caught in a trap. 兔子有一条后腿被夹子夹住了。 → back door2  BEHINDbehind something, especially a building 在〔建筑物〕后面的 OPP front the back garden 屋后花园 We left by the back gate. 我们是从后门离开的。3  BACK OF somethingfrom the back 从后面的 The back view of the hotel was even less appealing than the front. 这家旅馆从后面看比前面还要难看。4  back street/lane/road etc TTRROAD/PATHa street etc that is away from the main streets 偏僻的街道/小巷/马路等 a short cut down a back lane 从小巷走的一条近路5. back rent/taxes/pay etc MONEYmoney that someone owes from an earlier date 拖欠的租金/税款/薪水等6. back issue/copy/number TCNa copy of a magazine or newspaper from an earlier date 过期的报刊7. SL technical a back vowel sound is made by lifting your tongue at the back of your mouth 〔元音〕舌后的,舌根的Examples from the Corpusback• It allows the vehicle to manoeuvre without tearing itself apart on the back axle.• Capshaw sent him out the back door to avoid whoever it was keeping guard in the front.• The burglars broke into the house through the back door.• Yet it will soak up heavy bumps that would otherwise bounce the back end off the ground.• They waited by the back entrance.• The car was later found parked on a back parking lot of the complex.• You can put your suitcase on the back seat of the car.• The kids should sit in the back seat.• a back view• the back wall of the factory• I took the back way out of town.From Longman Business Dictionarybackback /bæk/ verb [transitive]1to support someone or something, especially by giving money or using your influenceThe board backed Mr Standley, who plans to cut costs.Shareholders have backed a plan to build a second plant.2FINANCE if SECURITIES are backed by particular assets, they are supported by income from themThis new generation of securities is backed by aircraft leases, royalty streams from films, student loans and auto loans. → see also asset-backed security under security → back something → up→ See Verb tableOrigin back2 Old English bæcback1 adverb →n GRAMMAR1back2 noun →10-24back3 verb →n GRAMMAR1 →n GRAMMAR2 →PHRASAL VERBS1back4 adjectiveLDOCE OnlineChinese  or to place the where or Corpus position in, into, someone Business




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