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单词 hound
释义  Related topics: Animals, Other sports, Petshound1 /haʊnd/ noun [countable]  1. HBADSOa dog that is fast and has a good sense of smell, used for hunting 猎犬2. HBADHP informal a dog 狗Examples from the Corpushound• The carcass is then pulled apart, but that is a natural thing for hounds to do.• Hark! her hounds are baying through the town.• A gangling mixed breed of Labradors and mongrel hounds and terriers.• I have been informed that this once happened, with the death of a number of hounds.• After a mile or two they passed an old farmer and asked him if he had seen Sir Hugo and the hounds.• Soon after, came the hounds.hound2 verb [transitive]  1  FOLLOWto keep following someone and asking them questions in an annoying or threatening way (不断)骚扰,烦扰 → harass After the court case, Lee was hounded relentlessly by the press. 案件审结后,李不断受到新闻界的骚扰。2  hound somebody out (of/from something) LEAVE A JOB OR ORGANIZATIONto make things so unpleasant for someone that they are forced to leave a place, job etc 迫使某人离开(某事物) SYN drive out The family were hounded out of their home by 18 months of abuse. 遭受了18个月的骚扰之后,那家人不得已搬家了。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpushound• BBut Porter was hounded by death threats from the moment he took office.• She had been hounded by her ex-boyfriend for months.• Nehru was also hounded by part of the press led by the Daily Express, almost to the day of his death.• The couple found themselves hounded by photographers as they left the church.• Boorda would have been hounded by questions from reporters.• Indeed, some expect Clinton to be hounded even after he leaves office.• And now that Soo-Il no longer enjoyed the power of his office, creditors were not afraid to hound him.• There the Dark Elves had been demoralised by the Witch King's defeat and hounded relentlessly by guerilla forces.• You really think it's the police who've been hounding us?Origin hound1 Old English hundhound1 nounhound2 verbChinese  and good a that Corpus dog has is fast a




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