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单词 bachelor
释义  bach·e·lor /ˈbætʃələ $ -ər/ ●○○ noun [countable]  1  MARRYa man who has never been married 未婚男子,单身汉 Gerald was 38, and a confirmed bachelor (=a man who has decided that he will never marry). 杰拉德38岁,抱定主意独身。 The Crown Prince was Japan’s most eligible bachelor (=a rich young man who has not yet married). 皇太子是日本最理想的适婚男子。► see thesaurus at married2. Bachelor of Arts/Science/Education etc a first university degree in an arts subject, a science subject etc 文学士/理学士/教育学士等 → BA, BSc, BEdExamples from the Corpusbachelor• His home had the look of a bachelor flat - clean but empty.• Uncle Bill was a bachelor, and I liked biding with him best.• Jim moved to another state, defaulted on child-support payments, and proceeded to live the life of a care free bachelor.• Ben was the only bachelor among all the married couples and felt quite out of place.• Now that Derek's bachelor days were over he'd have to start behaving in a more responsible manner.• This dated back to Roman times when bachelors led the bride to the ceremony and married men escorted her back.eligible bachelor• Many would regard him, I think, as an eligible bachelor.• I have it on good authority, meanwhile, that Manny is an eligible bachelor.Origin bachelor (1200-1300) Old French bacheler, probably from Medieval Latin baccalarius “farmer, squire, student”bach·e·lor nounChineseSyllable   Corpus man has been married a never who




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