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单词 speed
释义 Word family  noun speed speeding adjective speedy verb speed adverb speedily  Related topics: Photography, Drug culturespeed1 /spiːd/ ●●● S2 W1 noun  1  of movement 运动的 [countable, uncountable]SPEEDFAST/QUICK the rate at which something moves or travels 速度,速率 The truck was travelling at a speed of 50 mph. 卡车正以 50 英里的时速在行驶。 particles that travel at the speed of light. 以光速运动的粒子 RegisterIn everyday English, people usually talk about how fast something or someone is rather than using the noun speed: 在日常英语中表示多快, 人们一般说 fast, 而不用名词 speed What speed was he going? → How fast was he going? 他当时有多快?2  of action 行动的 [countable, uncountable]SPEED the rate at which something happens or is done 〔事件发生或进行的〕速度speed of the speed of change within the industry 该行业内部的变革速度 a high-speed computer 一台高速电脑 The population was growing at great speed. 人口在快速增长。3  fast 快速的 [uncountable] the quality of being fast 快,快速 The women’s basketball team has talent, speed, and power. 这支女子篮球队天赋、速度和力量兼备。with speed She acted with speed and efficiency. 她的行动快速有效。at speed British English a van travelling at speed 快速行驶的小 货车4  photography 摄影 [countable] a) TCPthe degree to which photographic film is sensitive to light 感光速度 b) TCPthe time it takes for a camera shutter to open and close 快门速度 a shutter speed of 1/250 second 1/250 秒的快门速度5. drug 毒品 [uncountable] informalMDD an illegal drug that makes you very active 苯丙胺,脱氧麻黄碱,快速丸〔一种兴奋剂〕 SYN amphetamine6  five-speed/ten-speed etc TTBhaving five, ten etc gears 五速的/十速的等 a ten-speed bike 十速自行车7  up to speed having the latest information or knowledge about something 跟上形势,了解最新情况 Some school officials are only now getting up to speed regarding computers. 有些学校官员在计算机方面现在才刚刚跟上形势。 John will bring you up to speed (=tell you the latest information). 约翰将会为你介绍最新情况。 → full speed/steam ahead at full1(18) COLLOCATIONS – Meanings 1 & 2verbsincrease your speed 增加速度He increased his speed until he was running flat out. 他不停加速,直到全速奔跑。gain/gather/pick up speed (=go faster) 加速The Mercedes was gradually picking up speed. 那辆梅赛德斯逐渐加速。reach a speed 达到某速度The trains will reach speeds of 140 mph. 火车时速将可以达到每小时140英里。maintain a speed (=keep the same speed) 保持速度The aircraft is designed to maintain a steady speed. 飞机被设计得可以定速飞行。reduce speed (=slow down deliberately) 〔有意地〕减速She reduced speed as she approached the village. 她快到村子的时候放慢了速度。lose speed (=slow down without wanting to) 〔无意地〕减速nThe engine made a strange sound and we lost speed.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + speedan average speed 平均速度Our average speed was 88 mph. 我们的平均速度是每小时88英里。a constant/steady speed 恒定/稳定的速度The disc revolves at a constant speed. 光碟以恒定速度旋转。a top/maximum speed (=the highest possible) 最高速度The car has a top speed of 132 mph. 这车最高时速是132英里。wind speed (=the speed of the wind) 风速nThe average wind speed will be about 14 knots.air speed (=the speed of a plane in relation to the air around it) 空速phrasesat high/great speed 以高速The train was travelling at high speed. 列车正在高速行驶。at low/slow speed 以低速Even at low speed, an accident could mean serious injury for a child. 即使是低速行驶,交通事故也可能会使孩子受重伤。at full speed (=running, driving etc as fast as possible) 以全速He ran past us at full speed. 他全速从我们身边跑过。at/with lightning speed (=very quickly) 以闪电般的速度nHe moved with his usual lightning breakneck speed (=very quickly) 以不要命的速度nHe drove away at breakneck speed.speed + NOUNa speed limit 速度限制The speed limit is 40 mph here. 这里限速每小时40英里。a speed restriction 速度限制New speed restrictions have been introduced. 新的速度限制已经推行。a speed camera (=designed to photograph vehicles going too fast) 测速照相机nMost GPS systems will warn you when there are speed cameras.Examples from the Corpusspeed• The Earth moves round the Sun at a speed of 30 km per second.• The train's designers claim it is capable of attaining speeds in excess of 350 kph.• Keep driving at a constant speed until I tell you differently.• The Embraer 120 turboprop is equipped with twin propellers designed to spin at a constant speed.• Internet advertising, until recently flourishing, is hitting its first speed bump.• Not surprisingly, our overall supply posture as well as its speed of response improved markedly.• sensors which monitor speed and body movement• the internal processing speed of a computer• Puncturing the three blisters received while trying to impress fellow teacup riders with spin speed, get in line for Matterhorn.• Palace lacked the speed of thought, the wit and the crisp execution that their boss displayed in his post-match press conference.• What was the speed of the car at the time of the accident?• For barbell take a note of the light, the colour of the water, the speed of current and the temperature.• The speed at which everything then happened made it all seem rather unreal: I just couldn't get comfortable.• The speed of change in the region has stunned everyone.• The Ferrari Testarossa has a top speed of 188 mph.• Watch your speed when the roads are a speed of• At room temperature, atoms normally fly around at speeds of hundreds or thousands of miles per hour.• Local-area networks transmitting data at speeds of between 10 megabits per second and 100 megabits per second also exist.• Birds of prey have been registered nose-diving at speeds of up to 1 l 0 miles an hour.• They drove several miles at speeds of up to a hundred and twenty miles an hour.• The force proceeded southeast at a speed of 18 knots, zigzagging at intervals of five to ten minutes. 2.• A pea-sized projectile is hurtled into a target at speeds of up to sixteen thousand miles an hour.• Objects from space hit the Earth all the time-at speeds of more than 10 miles a second.• Shaun Gooch had turned his car into Akers Way at speeds of around eighty miles an speed• The train was already travelling at speed when she tried to open the carriage door.speed2 ●○○ verb (past tense and past participle sped /sped/ or speeded)  1  [intransitive always + adverb/preposition]FAST/QUICK to go quickly 快行,疾走 The car sped along the dusty highway. 汽车在尘土飞扬的公路上疾驰。2  [transitive always + adverb/preposition]FAST/QUICK to take someone or something somewhere very quickly 快速运送 An ambulance sped her to the hospital. 一辆救护车把她快速送往医院。3  be speeding SCCSPEEDto be driving faster than the legal limit 超速驾驶 I got caught speeding on the A40 yesterday. 昨天我在 A40 号干线公路上超速行驶被逮到。4  (also speed something ↔ up) [transitive] to make something happen faster 加快,促进 OPP slow down This news should speed his recovery. 这个消息应该会加快他的康复速度。5 speed by phrasal verb FAST/QUICKif time speeds by, it seems to pass very quickly 〔时间〕很快地过去,飞逝 The weeks sped by and soon it was time to go back to school. 几个星期转眼过去,很快又要开学了。6 speed up phrasal verb FAST/QUICKto move or happen faster, or to make something move or happen faster (使)加快速度 OPP slow down The truck speeded up going down the hill. 卡车在下山时加快了速度。speed something ↔ up The new system will speed up the registration process. 这个新系统将加快注册过程。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusspeed• She also wants the Legislature to increase penalties for drivers who speed in school zones.• This could speed the spread of labeling.• The changing nature of the corporation speeded this along.• To speed up publication the presentations have been used unaltered so the book lacks a coherent style or structure.• He says that the technique has meant they can speed up research time, helping to stay ahead of the field.• Now, inexplicably, just as he was about to reach his goal, things had suddenly speeded up.• With warming temperatures, the life cycle speeds up.• People visibly speeding will also get reported and residents will occasionally be joined by officers.Origin speed1 Old English sped “success, quickness”speed1 noun →REGISTER1 →COLLOCATIONS1speed2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  at travels or something the moves which rate Corpus




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