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单词 Electric field
1 The interaction is strong, as it involves the electric field of the radiation and the electric charge of the electron.
2 The emergence of the concept of electric field provides a particularly striking, if somewhat technical, example.
3 When subjected to an electric field, ceruloplasmin migrates as an alpha2-globulin. 178.
4 The electric field of the radiation can then resonate with the vibrations of the charge ions, transferring energy to them.
5 The photoconduction response under strong electric field is discussed.
6 The electric field distribution behind the telescope is calculated.
7 Then,[] isopotential and electric field intensity lines are plotted.
8 The invention discloses a high-voltage pulse electric field treatment chamber for continuous liquid-state food sterilization.
9 Distinct areas of electric field also exist when different jet distances are applied, and the intensity in each area tends to degression.
10 The model involved in particle charging equation, electric field and charge conservation equation, gas conservation equations of mass and momentum, particle mass and momentum equation.
11 In a constant electric field, a charged particle experiences constant acceleration.
12 Fresh claret was processed by high-voltage pulsed electric field with changed electric-field intensity, the treatment results suggested that some changes in wine chromaticity.
13 The field concept became increasingly better defined as the relationships between the electric field and other electromagnetic quantities were more clearly specified.
14 Since the protein exhibits electrical neutrality at its isoelectric point, it is unable to migrate in an electric field. 162.
15 Consequently in a static diamond there are no charged atoms to interact with the electric field of infrared radiation.
16 Last century, the physicist Michael Faraday showed that there is no electric field within a conductor.
17 The ceramic's crystals polarise in one of two alternate states when energised by an electric field.
18 The gas mixture of N 2 and H 2 in the silex glass gas casing is activated by the high intensity electric field , and possesses chemical activity.
19 The coupling of each neighboring subdomains is realized by vector transmission condition, and the electric field distribution in the cavity is found by iteration.
20 By means of Faraday's law of induction and Lorentz's formula of force, the relativity of induced electric field was given concisely.
21 They sort left from right versions using circularly polarised light, whose electric field corkscrews through space in a left or right-handed direction.
22 Then a simple analytical formula is obtained, which expresses the constitutive relation between polarization P and loading electric field E of ferroelectric materials.
23 Applying basic magnetofluiddynamic theory, the author analyzes the model flowing in plasma sheath under the combined action of magnetic and electric field.
24 The electron density distribution in active zone, is analyzed and the helmholtz equation met by electric field is deduced. The numerical results ind...
25 The edge pre-breakdown of planar-type avalanche photodiode(APD) is resulted from the intense electric field at the junction bend.
26 The phenomenon of large cathode emission current of diamond in a low electric field is reported, and the several emission mechanisms are summarized.
27 The nozzle is equipped with a graphic Photo - electric conversion signal synchronization changes of the electric field.
28 The experimental results showed that the columnar crystal spacing presented a tendency of straight climb with the increase of impulse electric field voltage.
29 A magnetic field may be represented in the same manner as an electric field.
30 Methods After the lipase was treated with different strength of direct and alternate current electric field, ultraviolet spectra of lipase before and after being treated were measured.
31 The method is based on the approximation of passive electric field problem into a Finite Resistance Network problem.
32 The experimental results show that: the relative limit height of the superplastic bulging increases by 15% with the strong electric field.
33 By use of numerical approximation method, the paper uses the polynomial to approach segmentally the transient electric field from dipole dipole array.
34 Those electrons that happen to be in the accelerating phase of the strong electric field of the plasma wave will be accelerated to obtain extremely high energy.
35 The dielectric barrier surface discharge process is simulated using Poisson's equation and drift-diffusion equation and the distribution history of electron, ion and electric field is gained.
36 The electric eel , for example, is a freshwater predator that can produce a large electric field around its body, strong enough to stun prey and ward off enemies.
36 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
37 This forms the basis for our mathematical expression for the electric field.
38 This method is different from usual method, we use the concept of electric flux and principle of superposition for the electric field.
39 The Hall electric field and the Lorentz force produce forces in the same direction upon the holes. Therefore, both the linearity and the sensitivity of the magnetic field sensi...
40 When air passes through the electric field, mushroom poison can be destroyed, and dust can be adsorbed by a negative plate.
41 The effects of vaporization under the HVEF are the linear superposition of the vaporizing effects in non-electric field and of the vaporizing effects in only having the electric field.
42 It is analyzed that electrode surface sticks dirty spot unevenly and electric field varies irregularly during welding the phosphorized weldment by 3-phase DC projection welder secondary rectification.
43 On assumption that the surface of the conductive body is uniformly charged, the method for evaluation of the electric field and potential distribution is insignificant in practice.
44 A special device with arranged steel electrodes and controlled interferential electric field in water pool was designed.
45 Using MATLAB software, paint Far Zone structure of the magnetic field and electric field intensity strength graphics, so visual, clearly expressed electric dipole radiation field characteristics.
46 The electrode end-spraying contact is very important for metallized film capacitor, especially under high electric field pulse condition.
47 In their study of electricity, physicists defined electric field intensity.
48 For symmetrically charged particles, the external electric field does not change the symmetry of the initial charge distribution as the coagulation time increases.
49 If a direct current electric field was applied to a polluted soil, the contamination would be motivated in a different way by the electroosmosis and electromigration.
50 Fortunately, when a laser or charged particle beam is sent through a plasma, interaction with the plasma can create a longitudinal electric field.
51 The analytical expressions about surface electric field intensity and voltage undertaken by main junction and ring junction are presented.
52 High-voltage electric field combined with high temperature may lead to thermal breakdown and ageing of insulator for ESP.
53 The lamellar morphology of Al-Cu eutectic alloy in electric field(including direct current and alternate current) was examined.
54 In electrostatics, it had been put forward that the electric field energy equals to the total of self-energy and the mutual-energy of charged bodies system.
55 The experimental results show that the amplitude of vibration decreases and the resonance peak moves to higher frequency as the strength of electric field increases.
56 Distributing of electric field intensity and voltage current characteristic inside and outside corona layer are educed.
57 Influences of electric field applying during solution process on mechanical properties, fracture characters and precipitates in aged alloys are studied.
58 The effects of electric field treatment on the microstructure and deformation behavior of GH4199 superalloy were studied.
59 The self adaptation of data preparation in the preprocessing on calculating electric field has been investigated in this paper.
60 The results show that the multiple current pulses appeared per half cycle due to the feedback electric field generated by charges accumulated on the dielectric surface.
61 The special microcomputer software for calculation of slot electric field is worked out with fe method, and the field distribution in stator slot winding of large generator is calculated.
62 Static charge produces an electric field around its space, materials with mass produce a gravity field around the space.
63 The ambipolar electric field is important and the ambipolar diffusion flux is of the same order of the ion diffusion level.
64 The reverse breakdown voltage is influenced by change of electric field after electron irradiation.
65 Cisplatin was discovered in 1964 by a biophysicist when he did an experiment to study the effect of electric field on growth of bacteria.
66 Based on Poisson Equation,[/electric field.html] an analytical model is proposed for the 2 dimensional surface electric field profile of the planar junction with a single step filed plate structure for the first time.
67 Major occupational hazard factors at the plant studied included dust, noise, poisonous chemicals, and extremely low frequency electric field.
68 The dependence of the dynamic yield stress on the electric field can becomes clear with the log-log plot of Figure 3.
69 The charged dusts under the force of the air flow and electric field rush forward to the collecting electrode and are trapped finally.
70 While transformation efficiency was influenced by electric field intensity and pulse time when electroporation method was applied.
71 In order to calculate electric field of polarized spherical dielectric medium, a simple physical model was built.
72 This is the first experimental observation of the modification of the magnetism in thin-film ferromagnets by an electric field.
73 The employment of the singular value decomposition technique eliminates the interior resonance problem which suffered from the electric field integral equation.
74 The empirical formula for calculating the maximum electric field strength of the particle in a non uniform field is derived.
75 The intensity of electric field lines can be observed from this sketch map.
76 The vibration response performances of the rotating beam with respect to the intensity of the electric field and the rotating speed are presented.
77 The changes of focusing structure parameters caused by the DC-clearing electric field of storage ring were researched.
78 As the basis of other physical fields, electric field distribution directly affects the production of aluminum reduction cell.
79 The analytic expressions of deflection and displacement of the beams for various boundary conditions were obtained under combined electric field and uniformly distributed load.
80 The process of N 2 discharge in direct current electric field is simulated by Monte Carlo method.
81 Maximum of transformation efficiency is achieved by proportionating combination of electric field intensities and pulse time.
82 Morphology has apparent effects on electric field threshold of space charge initiation.
83 A quadrupole electric field driven by a rectangular wave voltage can be used for mass selective storage and analysis.
84 Theliquid crystal molecule is realigned with space cycle electric field.
85 The formula shows that the more the dielectric coefficient, the smaller the maximum electric field strength within cover contact.
86 Week 10 Conductor in static electric field, capacitor and capacity of conductor, dielectric in static electric field, Gauss theorem in dielectric medium.
87 The seepage diffusibility of leaching solution and its wetting ability to fractured rock mass can be enhanced or weakened by the electric field.
88 In brief, the birefringence is varied eletronically by means of a controlled applied electric field.
89 The results show that the electric field treatment increases the ductility of GH4199 alloy but no evident influence on the strength.
90 In electric field calculation: electric field in circuit breaker is described by cylinder Laplace equation.
91 To analyze the performance of this new FSP, the electric field distribution formula is derived by Gaussian electric flux theorem and the superposition principle.
92 Cross Talk between parallel Microstrip lines due to Electric Field Coupling for different R-C values Compared with weak coupling and zero source resistance assumption in the culprit circuit.
93 The finite difference technique is used to simulate the electric field and the electron trajectories in a field-emission display device (FED) with flat form cathode.
94 Anodic bonding applied in the joining of solid electrolyte borosilicate glass and silicon is achieved with bonding machine in the assistance of static electric field.
95 The quenching microstructure of low carbon steel after austenizing with and without DC electric field was studied.
96 To create plasma, they applied an oscillating (radio frequency) electric field to the gas using two disk-shaped electrodes located near the top and bottom of the chamber.
97 The equations of the electric field of annular linear electric charge are solved using computer.
98 The 3D distribution of electric field in GEM (Gas Electron Multiplier) electrode is calculated based on the finite element method.
99 In the melting process, the shape of the unmelted ice showed obvious difference, the top of the ice in the high voltage electric field was concave and this ice was electricized with negative charges.
100 The secondary emission may induce charge accumulation, change electric field distribution and produce ions which may cause the damage to the cathode through ion bombardment.
101 Thus it is electric field which triggers the photochemical process.
102 CONCLUSION: The local negative electric field that is brought about by action potential can directly initiate and participate in myelination in the CNS.
103 In this paper, the vortex electric field, displacement current and total current is deduced by means. of mathematics.
104 In this paper, the influence of electric field, flux and flux rate on the formation of electron radiation defects in silicon have been investigated.
105 The dependence of the critical field of unwinding FLC's helix on temperature and frequency in ferroelectric liquid crystal FCS101 under ac electric field is measured.
106 Nonlinear electric field transient finite element equation is performed based on the backward Euler method and the Variational principle.
107 We propose and show that the integral of magneton for the neutral atom of coherence along its motion-path in electric field will contribute to a geometric phase.
108 Kidney (Phaseolus vularis L. ) seeds before sowed were treated with 167KV/M electric field intensity at 0 (control), 3,5, and 10 minutes.
109 The inversed polarization will disappear under a strong electric field and the single excited state of a polaron will dissociate into a polaron and a bipolaron.
110 The model considers the drift velocity saturation of carriers and influence of parasitic bipolar transistor. As a result, electric field profile of n drift in LDMOS at on state is obtained.
111 At the same time, the electric field lessenes percentages of intergranular delamination and increases transgranular fracture and microscopic plastic deformation.
112 More than 5 - year production related experience in HVAC or electric field preferred.
113 For example, with the addition of second phase, the decreased coercive electric field Ec will improve piezoelectric performance of the NBT ceramics.
114 If the electric field added is unchangeable, what produces is the direct current.
115 Express the unit and dimension for the electric field in terms of unit and dimensionality of charges, if we take the permittivity of the empty space as dimensionless quantity.
116 The problems of steady current in conductors were discussed when the intrinsic Hall electric field existed at the inside of the conductors.
117 Overlapping method applies out electric field to electrodeposit, and uses the insulation layer to prevent the crystal particle between the layers from growing.
118 When we put an electron in an electric field, we say it is " pulled " .
119 An electric field is a space an electric force exists.
120 Coulomb's Law: a distribution of stationary charge produces a static electric field ( electrostatic field ) .
121 The phase velocity of the plasma wave approaches the velocity of light due to the action of the longitudinal electric field.
122 The change of ion energy due to the intraglobular electric field preexisting in the enzyme molecule is also investigated.
123 The full study on electric-field (ER) effects coupled with magnetic field (MR) effect and the charge carrier mobility in these materials at electric field seems to be lacking.
124 First. using Fourier's transformation, the 3-D boundary value problem of electric field of point source on a 2-D anisotropic geoelectric section is converted into a 2-D boundary value problem.
125 The effects of temperature and electric field strength on the electric desalting were studied in the dynamic simulated desalting unit in this paper.
126 Objective To study the effect of electric field direction on the percutaneous penetration of the non-ionic drug caffeine mediated by skin electroporation and iontophoresis.
126 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
127 But it seemed unlikely that sharks could use their ampullae of Lorenzini to detect electric field pulses that last only a few thousandths of a second.
128 The calculation results of electric field agree with results of type tests.
129 The sensor circuit comprises a constant voltage source for supplying a voltage to the electrode to generate an electric field in a dielectric medium.
130 The build-in internal electric field caused by the anisotropy of wurtzite structure has been considered.
131 Normally, in a photovoltaic cell, electrons knocked free by photons are then carried away by an electric field within the photovoltaic material to a contact wire.
132 Using plane class fat double-decked model, from potential barrier penetration angle discussion high pressure electric field to cell membrane permeability influence.
133 The results show that the effect of remanent polarization is similar to that of electric field and should not be ignored.
134 The temperature distribution a Pulsed Electric Field ( PEF ) treatment chamber was measured a model test method.
135 Induced by exterior electric field , semiconductor microcrystal doped glasses show better optic properties than glasses and crystals.
136 Under geoelectric field, the quantity of methane gas seepage in coal increases approximately linearly with voltage or electric field strength.
137 Moreover, the optimum process parameters for the superplastic deformation of duralumin LY12CZ under an electric field are presented.
138 The electric field can transfer to F2 region along the geomagnetic field line and by means of the fountain effect it can results in the PSO of the equatorial anomaly.
139 Airtightness as well as uniform electric field is of great importance to the stability of the electrolysis system.
140 In response to an outside electric field, the electron wave is slightly distorted or displaced.
141 Conversely, applying excitation electric field, medium to generate mechanical deformation, called the inverse piezoelectric effect.
142 Any electric dipole moment would align itself with the the electric field.
143 Therefore, the deteriorated insulator and its position can be detected by analyzing the space axial electric field change of insulator string directly.
144 When an electric field is applied to the electrodes the piezoelectric material translates this into a mechanical strain along its radial axis, causing it to vibrate.
145 According to Poisson equation, the expressions of the electric field intensity and the current density were deduced respectively.
146 The electron density distribution in active zone, is analyzed and the helmholtz equation met by electric field is deduced. The numerical...
147 The dielectric behaviour of antiferroelectric lead zirconate titanate has been studied by measuring the polarization and capacitance changes with the electric field.
148 A new method adding shielding ring was provided to poise the distribution of electric field and improve the performance of divider.
149 It is found that in a high electric field electrons can transit from the valence band to the conduction band, which is demonstrated to be Zener tunneling in organic semiconductors.
150 If an electric field is applied to a solution of nanorods.
151 An alternating electric field in synchrony with the orbital frequency of the particle produces acceleration.
152 Objective To observe the recovery, proliferation and growth of Proteus Mirabilis (PM) and Pseudomonas Aeruginosa (PA) in a low frequency weak electric field (LFWEF).
153 Phase images by electrostatic force microscopy show that pentacene with different orientation has different response to the applied electric field from Au tip.
154 The dust concentration distribution on the electric field section in ESP is not uniform, this is one of reasons to produce secondary blowing dust.
155 It migrates to a unique position within the electric field in a given length of time.
156 This paper presents a biological cell model to analyze the action of oscillating electric field, oscillating magnetic field(OMF)and the induction field induced by OMF on cells.
157 This formula ex presses clearly the physical property that the electric field ergy is made up of the self-energy and mutual energy.
158 The electric field, equations of boundary conditions and calculation formula of apparent resistivity are derived for azimuthal anisotropy layered media with DC method based on anisotropic Ohm's law.
159 Electrostatic ion cyclotron wave ( EIC ) can induce anormalous resistivity and parallel electric field.
160 A dimension — lowering hybrid algorithm for computing electric field by charge — simulation method ( CSM ) is presented.
161 OK. In general you could extend this analysis to include vibrations, rotations, energy in a magnetical field, electric field, et cetera. Any questions?
162 The refractive indices and phase delay of NLC in electric field was presented on the basis of the calculation of liquid crystal director distributions.
163 They state that a moving electric charge will generate a magnetic field while a shifting magnetic field similarly creates an electric field.
164 The high-pressured electric field causes the cell membrane cross membrane potential to have the change, namely barrier height change.
165 Electrorheological fluid (ERF) is a kind of colloidal suspension whose apparent viscosity is variable in response to the strength of electric field.
166 We simulate an image of electric field and electric potential of point charge.
167 The direction of the electric field vector is indicated in each picture.




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