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单词 Mars
释义  Related topics: AstronomyMars /mɑːz $ mɑːrz/ noun  TTSthe small red planet that is fourth in order from the Sun and is nearest the Earth 火星 → Martian the enormous volcanoes known to exist on Mars 已知在火星上存在的大量火山 →4  See picture of 见图 SOLAR SYSTEMExamples from the CorpusMars• Why does Mars have ancient floods, but no water on the surface today?• Even quite small bodies can penetrate the tenuous atmosphere of Mars and cause erosive explosions on its surface.• The color of Mars. 2.• In 1873, however, one was found on a trajectory that brought it in to cross the orbit of Mars.• This impact, or a later one, blasted the rock off the surface of Mars and sent it flying towards Earth.• Phil Revell boards a virtual mission to Mars for a preview flight.• Both Phobos and Deimos always keep the same side toward Mars.Mars nounChinese  planet that Corpus the in small fourth from the order is red




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