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单词 malapropism
释义  mal·a·prop·is·m /ˈmæləprɒpɪzəm $ -prɑː-/ noun [countable] literary  MISTAKEan amusing mistake that you make when you use a word that sounds similar to the word you intended to say but means something completely different 近音词误用〔指误用发音近似而意义完全不同的词语〕Examples from the Corpusmalapropism• In spite of his inane malapropisms, he can talk circles around everyone else in the book.• This is really a kind of malapropism.Origin malapropism (1800-1900) Mrs Malaprop character who uses words wrongly in the play The Rivals (1775) by Richard Sheridan, from French mal à propos “not appropriate”mal·a·prop·is·m nounChineseSyllable  mistake make Corpus use when that you you an amusing




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