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单词 magician
释义 Word family  noun magic magician adjective magic magical adverb magically  Related topics: Performing, Occupationsma·gi·cian /məˈdʒɪʃən/ noun [countable]  1. MAGICa man in stories who can use magic 〔故事中的〕巫师,术士 SYN sorcerer, wizard2. APBOan entertainer who performs magic tricks 魔术师,变戏法的人 SYN conjurerExamples from the Corpusmagician• The first act in the talent show is the Great Gregorini, a magician.• Yeah, they hired a magician to come and do magic and he was really terrific.• After all, Seldon was not a magician.• They were fascinated by him, as if he were a magician, which of course he is.• The little magician did take seven wickets but he had to bowl 97 overs to get them.• There he learned his second craft, that of magician.• And then the genie told him about the magician disguised as the holy woman.• The mystic and the magician are examples of contrasting approaches.• We watched in amazement as the magician made all the rings·gi·cian nounChineseSyllable  magic can use in stories man Corpus a who




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