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单词 bench
释义  Related topics: Daily lifebench1 /bentʃ/ ●●● S2 W3 noun  1  SEAToutdoor seat 户外座椅 [countable]TBD a long seat for two or more people, especially outdoors 〔尤指户外的〕长凳,长椅 We sat on a park bench. 我们坐在公园的长椅上。2  in a law court 在法庭the bench SCT a) the seat where a judge or magistrate sits in a court of law 法官席 Would the prisoner please approach the bench? 请犯人走近法官席好吗? b) SCTthe position of being a judge or magistrate in a court of law 法官职位 He was appointed to the bench last year. 他去年被任命为法官。sit/serve on the bench (=work as a judge or magistrate) 担任法官3  sports 体育the bench DSthe seat where members of a sports team sit when they are not playing in the game 替补队员席 Batts and Dorigo are on the bench tonight. 今晚巴茨和多利哥是替补队员。 Simpson came off the bench to play in midfield. 辛普森离开替补席上场打中场。4  parliament 议会benches [plural] British EnglishPGP the seats in the British parliament where members of a particular party sit 议员席 There was cheering from the Conservative benches. 保守党的议员席那边响起了欢呼声。 → backbench, backbenches, front bench5  TABLEtable 桌子 [countable]TICWORK/DO WORK a long heavy table used for working on with tools or equipment 长形工作台 a carpenter’s bench 木工工作台Examples from the Corpusbench• Across the hall from us is another bench, and it leads to that metal door.• a team with a strong bench• Who can contribute from the bench?• Ranulf sat slumped in the bench beside him, groaning and muttering at his master.• In some areas they were able to further the cause of reform through their positions on the bench of justices.• He pulled himself up, half-sitting on the bench that he had grabbed.• The congregation shifted on their benches, moved their feet.• We crossed Main Street and went into a little park, sat on a wooden bench under a huge scraggly tree.• a long wooden benchRelated topics: Sportbench2 verb [transitive]  American EnglishDS to not allow a sports player to play in a game, or to remove them from a game 〔球赛中〕不让…上场;罚…出场 Anderson has been benched until his injury has healed. 安德森伤势未愈,不能上场。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusbench• Anderson has been benched for three weeks until his injury has healed.Origin bench1 Old English bencbench1 nounbench2 verbChinese  for long seat a or two Corpus




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