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单词 macho
释义  mach·o /ˈmætʃəʊ $ ˈmɑːtʃoʊ/ adjective informal  MANbehaving in a way that is traditionally typical of men, for example being strong or brave, or not showing your feelings – used humorously or in order to show disapproval 富有男子汉气概的,大男人的〔幽默用法或含贬义〕 He’s sick of being cast as the hard macho man in films. 他对在电影里扮演硬汉已经厌倦了。 a car with a macho image 外形硬朗的汽车► see thesaurus at manExamples from the Corpusmacho• Ro, hiding among my plants, holds himself in a way that seems both too effeminate and too macho.• I think many of the worst aspects of rock have now resurfaced in rave: the macho, aggressive energy.• All the guys that go to the gym are being macho and showing off.• The same macho attitudes have an effect on their family life.• On the outside he may seem to be very macho but inside he's very sensitive.• Always in their macho combat boots.• Rather than defending society, the young men attack it and exalt macho foreign potentates and desperadoes.• The macho male, the business man, the romantic.• The macho merchants among you could try braving the green blob, numerous wires and broken records that occupy the alternative route.• He's far too macho to drink mineral water.macho man• He's a big gun, a macho man in the world of the otaku.• More importantly, this imagery affects the demeanour of these macho men when dealing with the public.Origin macho (1900-2000) Spanish “male”, from Latin masculus; → MALE1mach·o adjectiveChineseSyllable  that way traditionally a Corpus typical in of men, behaving is




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