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单词 low-rise
释义  Related topics: Buildingˈlow-rise adjective [only before noun]  1. TBBUILDa low-rise building does not have many storeys 〔建筑物〕层数少的 → high-risen2. low-rise trousers have a low top and do not come up to your waistExamples from the Corpuslow-rise• There are many advantages to low-rise buildings.• All the housing development took the form of low-rise, garden city-style estates.• Traditional building materials tend to imply low-rise housing, and urban planners have an ambivalent attitude to low-rise.• traditional, low-rise housing• This is probably due to the large preponderance of low-rise multi-storey council housing.• But it is not an unpleasant place, low-rise, with most rooms in verandah-ed cottages overlooking garden courtyards.From Longman Business Dictionarylow-riseˈlow-rise adjective [only before a noun]PROPERTY a low-rise building does not have many floorsThere is a common belief that low-rise housing will increase the urban sprawl. → compare high-riseˈlow-rise adjectiveLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  low-rise many have storeys Business a does building Corpus not




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