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单词 Discharge
1. He was given an absolute discharge but banned from driving for 12 months.
2. He was found guilty and given a conditional discharge .
3. Too great an eagerneto discharge on obligation is a species of ingratitude.
4. Hospitals now tend to discharge patients earlier than in the past.
5. Discharge pipes directly take pollutants away from the plant into the river.
6. We have to discharge ourselves of our duties.
7. The wound hasn't healed, there's still some discharge.
8. The trustees failed to discharge their duties properly.
9. He was given a dishonourable discharge .
10. The judge gave him a one-year conditional discharge.
11. He received an honourable discharge from the army.
12. The sewers discharge into the sea.
13. The water pipe doesn't discharge freely.
14. It can't discharge electricity if it's not connected properly.
15. If the authority is to discharge its legal duty to house the homeless,( ) it needs government support.
16. He was given a conditional discharge and ordered to pay compensation.
17. Arrangements have been made for the discharge of mortgage payments.
18. After his discharge from the school, he went to Hong Kong.
19. Discharge of raw sewage into the sea is unsanitary and unsafe.
20. The discharge of hold-washings and other residues by vessels carrying noxious or corrosive goods must be conducted in compliance with the state provisions for vessel sewage discharge and shall be truthfully recorded in the logbook.
21. Erupting volcanoes discharge massive quantities of dust into the stratosphere.
22. After his discharge from the army, he went to Canada.
23. They develop a fever and a watery discharge from their eyes.
24. The soldier received a dishonourable discharge for a disciplinary offence.
25. She undertook to discharge all the responsibilities of a Minister.
26. Those who adhere to the principles of wisdom, have right attitudes, and true to their words and discharge their duties with responsibility are loved by people.
27. The goods will be sold for a fraction of their value in order to discharge the debt.
28. In industry, a worker who is grossly insubordinate is threatened with discharge.
29. Thousands of fish were killed as a result of a discharge of poisonous chemicals from a nearby factory.
30. Nurses visit the mother and baby for two weeks after their discharge from the hospital.
1. He was given an absolute discharge but banned from driving for 12 months.
2. He was found guilty and given a conditional discharge .
3. Hospitals now tend to discharge patients earlier than in the past.
4. We have to discharge ourselves of our duties.
5. The wound hasn't healed, there's still some discharge.
6. After his discharge from the school, he went to Hong Kong.
31. In crowded places the police should not discharge their weapons.
32. For that reason I would discharge the judge's order.
33. There is emotional charge here somewhere which will discharge.
34. Sigsworth was given a conditional discharge for 12 months.
35. He wanted his honorable discharge reinstated.
36. For those reasons, I would discharge this order.
37. The outcome - a court-martial and a dishonourable discharge.
38. The captain gave the order to discharge the cargo.
39. He received an honorable discharge in 1968.
40. It proved difficult to discharge many of these patients.
41. A court-martial could have brought a discharge and jail.
42. After his discharge from the army, Jim got married.
43. Vaginal discharge Vaginal discharge is one of the commonest female complaints and one that is in general poorly understood and looked after.
44. That would afford him some shelter from some creditors but would not discharge these damage awards.
45. Tony wanted to get married as soon as he got his discharge from the army.
46. The president called upon the soldiers to discharge their duty with honor.
47. The hospitals may discharge them on it, but make sure it is continued.
48. The discharge of harmful chemicals into drinking water is banned.
49. Relief often comes with a discharge such as the menses or a nasal discharge etc.
50. A constant theme in research concerned with the hospital care of older people is the discharge from hospital back to the community.
51. But, the discharge having occurred, it takes time for such another potential to accumulate.
52. Treatment Session one During this session, 5 days after her discharge from hospital, Pamela talked further about her worries.
53. A burning, thick discharge like cream, especially if it occurs at the time of the monthly period.
54. This prohibition applies to all proceedings under s34 including applications to vary or discharge existing orders.
55. Eighteen days after discharge from hospital he was readmitted as an emergency complaining of epigastric pain and vomiting for 24 hours.
56. On examination there was little abnormal to see, the cervix looked very healthy and there was no excess of vaginal discharge.
57. Ear infections with a bloody, purulent, cheesy smelling discharge and sticking pains.
58. Whether such a warning will discharge the duty of care will depend on the age of the entrant.
59. With a less than honorable discharge, Smith may have difficulty obtaining employment.
60. Furthermore, health authorities could no longer discharge patients without an individual care plan being approved and agreed with the local authority.
61. She accepted a plea bargain and received a general discharge under honorable conditions.
62. Secondly, patients in hospital may also avoid hasty discharge to residential or care homes if they face means tested charges.
63. Watery nasal discharge and obstruction goes from left to right nostril.
64. Decided cases suggest that the burden of proving a clause reasonable will often be difficult to discharge.
65. The firm represented Paula when she was given a conditional discharge for causing £570 damage to a taxi in a drunken rage.
66. However in heavy infections coughing is marked, and is accompanied by dyspnoea and nasal discharge.
67. New agencies and new officials were created to discharge political and economic duties formerly assigned to the sovereign courts.
68. Ronald Hutchinson, 70, of Heaton, was given an absolute discharge and ordered to pay £1,170 compensation.
69. I've had probation, conditional discharge, deferred sentences, suspended sentences - everything.
70. This is unlikely to produce anything more than a slight increase in vaginal discharge which has no particular distinguishing features.
71. For that reason I would for my part discharge this committal order.
72. Magistrates gave him a 12month conditional discharge and ordered him to pay £35 costs.
73. Eventually sewage was treated before discharge in two enormous sites on each side of the lower Thames.
74. But as reported,(/discharge.html) there was no consultation with her daughter about the discharge into the nursing home.
75. All four shops were found guilty, but were given an absolute discharge.
76. The technical officer could not fail to be conscious of the lethal potential of an electrical discharge from the platform.
77. This rod-shaped bacterium is a not uncommon cause of an offensive vaginal discharge in women.
78. He admitted receiving stolen property and breach of a conditional discharge.
79. Direct empirical measurements are provided by national monitoring agencies including measurements of meteorological elements and of river discharge.
80. A history of purulent nasal discharge may be obtained in headaches resulting from sinus disease.
81. She then shows me the various x-rays, and we discuss the discharge arrangements.
82. Phosphates in the water, from agricultural run-off and discharge from sewage works, provide nutrients on which the algae thrive.
83. Another possibility is that advanced patient age prompts a less aggressive hospital treatment so that its effect on mortality is exerted before discharge.
84. They discharge into downpipes and thence into gullies, traps and drains.
85. In more severe cases dyspnoea and tenacious nasal discharge are also present.
86. Ultraviolet radiation could do the same job as the electrical discharge in their laboratory.
87. An application can be made to vary or discharge an order refusing contact as well as an order which permits it.
88. Vicarious performance of a personal contract will not discharge the vendor nor bind the customer.
89. Huge gaps were torn in the Confederate line at every discharge.
90. The two groups of infants appeared to be similar until five to six weeks after discharge.
91. Mr Neilsen was given an absolute discharge, told to pay £10 compensation and £350 in costs.
92. Counselling and psychotherapy Psychotherapy commences during hospital admission and continues long after discharge.
93. Any uncharacteristic vaginal discharge, especially if accompanied by lower abdominal pain or fever.
94. Even if it discharged, is there enough energy in that discharge to cause the fuel air mixture to burn?
95. They were each given a two year conditional discharge and ordered to pay £35 costs.
96. A patient's eyes may become sticky through a watery discharge which can be very uncomfortable and will need regular cleaning.
97. Simpson will not be able to discharge his financial obligations to the victims' families by claiming bankruptcy.
98. But trust in the authority is trust that the authority is likely to discharge its duties properly.
99. Parliament has chosen to discharge this function by placing primary responsibility upon a scrutiny committee formed especially for the purpose.
100. A blinding flash illuminated the darkness, and the terrible discharge of musketry resounded through the woods.
101. Results of the gastroscopy can be discussed with the patient before discharge and treatment can be prescribed.
102. Three months after discharge, they were a pound heavier than infants who had not had the lights out at night.
103. A water quality officer interprets the information and can instruct Cyclops to collect a sample of the discharge in a sealed container.
104. After discharge, patients should attend weekly outpatient appointments, moving to fortnightly or monthly attendances as appropriate.
105. Admission and discharge dates and visits by relatives together with court appearances will also at time increase the anxieties of residents.
106. If the hospital can treat and discharge the patient for less than the fixed amount, it makes a profit.
107. In a report on marine pollution, the organization states that 12,000 pipes have been licensed to discharge industrial effluent.
108. Clearly it is important to review all these patients after discharge from hospital and decide their long-term management.
109. The magistrate gave Mr Smith a conditional discharge on each count, but he was ordered to pay prosecution costs of £1800.
110. All records were to be available to Cardiff city council to allow it to discharge its statutory responsibilities.
111. Ways in which the authority can discharge its responsibilities for standard setting for all aspects of care will also require attention.
112. To your health, she said. After his discharge she took him to the vi sa-and-registration department.
113. In the female it is important to treat any cause of vaginal discharge.
114. He added that while Yeltsin is breathing somewhat easier than he had been(), there is no fixed date for his discharge.
115. In acute care there will be pressure from rapid bed turnover, which emphasises the importance of early preparation for discharge.
116. Pain and a nasal discharge may mean the patient has a sinus infection.
117. Social divisions, described in chapter 6, complicate the job of those who discharge the functions of the state.
118. In a warm room the nose discharges and fills up which ameliorates the headache; a thick, fluent, yellow discharge.
119. I had a conditional discharge for one and an absolute discharge for the other.
120. The question is whether he can discharge that responsibility to Parliament without being in day-to-day charge.
121. Magistrates gave him a conditional discharge and disqualified him from driving for two years.
122. An external auditor must decide the scope of the work to be undertaken to discharge his or her duties.
123. Unfortunately, acute and chronic pancreatitis could not be separated in the discharge statistics before 1977.
124. It would run to a point directly behind the Falls and discharge its effluent into the cataract itself.
125. Sheila, 56, was given an absolute discharge at Blyth, Northumberland, after admitting breaking a smoking ban.
126. Such gases, mixed with water vapour, were subjected to electrical discharge and ultraviolet light.
127. Nacro was given an absolute discharge, but the county council was fined £200 and ordered to pay more than £450 costs.
128. Discharge Many surgical patients will have anxieties about leaving hospital.
129. Care on discharge A carefully planned programme of subsequent care should be arranged before a patient is discharged from psychiatric inpatient treatment.
130. Equally they sustain as well as designate those who discharge public functions.
131. With technical work, the appointment of a competent contractor may be sufficient to discharge the duty.
131. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
132. Both materials were removed in a 550-torr helium arc discharge sustained by 28 V at 70 amps d.c.
133. A booklet on hospital discharge procedures is now imminent from the Department of Health.
134. The need for those new lines to discharge that obligation will be considered by the inquiry.
135. Then the Air Force could hardly acquiesce to an honorable discharge.
136. An honorable discharge would mean that any reserve unit with openings would have to accept her application to fly.
137. Thus the First Amendment did not apply to this case since the discharge of the teachers was not a state action.
138. The nasal discharge and the discharge from the abscesses is highly infectious and this is how strangles is spread to other horses.
139. Industrial factories, he said, also discharge toxic waste and crude oil into the sea.
140. It was later revealed the shot was an accidental discharge from inside the house.
141. At discharge, when he was fully well, he was eating normally and had no clinical abnormality in chest or abdomen.
142. We have to discharge our duties.
143. a purulent discharge from the wound.
144. The carrier may discharge the goods into any depot.
145. Discharge may be conditional or unconditional.
146. The sewers discharge out at sea.
147. There was a watery discharge from her ear.
148. The water pipes discharge freely.
149. Diabetic patients also less often received aspirin and lipid - lowering treatment at discharge.
150. Activation of nucellar cells by discharge from the pollen tubes has been claimed.
151. Insoluble Fibers will soften our discharge stools, reducing constipation and Colon Cancer.
152. Franklin's experiments showed that the lightning is an electrical discharge.
153. A charged cursor also demands good cancel idioms. Otherwise, how do you harmlessly discharge the cursor?




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