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单词 lowlands
释义  Related topics: Geography, Geologylow·lands /ˈləʊləndz $ ˈloʊ-/ noun [plural]  SGan area of land that is lower than the land around it 低地 → highlands the Scottish lowlands 苏格兰低地 —lowland adjective [only before noun] a wild lowland landscape 荒凉的低地景色 lowland farmers 低地农场主 —lowlander noun [countable]Examples from the Corpuslowlands• the Bolivian lowlands• How does farming on the north eastern lowlands of Buchan differ from that further south in Lothian and Fife?• The fertile lowlands are always the first places to be occupied and Java was no exception.• The book tells of the native peoples' way of life in the lush lowlands and the hills.• The shorelines of ancient seas can be traced uncertainly along the margins of the great northern lowlands.• You gain altitude constantly from the river lowlands until you are under the mountain peaks.• This plant has a long leaf form which is found in the lowlands where the temperature is substantially high.• We drove past the coffee plantations of Santa Tecla and down into the lowlands.nthe LowlandsLow·lands, the /ˈləʊləndz/  nthe central part of Scotland which is lower than the land surrounding it → see also Highlands, thelow·lands nounLow·lands, theLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  that lower area than land is an of Corpus




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