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单词 away
释义  Related topics: Sporta·way1 /əˈweɪ/ ●●● S1 W1 adverb  1  DISTANCEused to say that someone leaves a place or person, or stays some distance from a place or person 离开 Go away! 走开! Dinah was crying as she drove slowly away. 黛娜一边哭一边慢慢地开车走了。away from Stay away from the fire. 不要靠近火。2  towards a different direction 朝另一个方向 She turned away and stared out of the window. 她转过头看着窗外。 Charley blushed and looked away, embarrassed. 查利脸红了,难为情地望向别处。3  HERETHEREif someone is away from school, work, or home, they are not there 不在〔上学、上班等〕 SYN absent Simon is away with flu. 西门得了流感,没来。 Kate is away on holiday. 凯特去度假了。away from You must bring a note from your parents if you’ve been away from school. 若缺课必须补交家长的便条。4  DISTANCEused to say how far it is to a place or thing 〔空间上〕离开,相距five miles/ten feet etc away Geneva is about 20 miles away. 日内瓦离这儿大约20英里远。 There’s another hotel not far away. 不远的地方还有一家酒店。away from She was sitting ten feet away from the microphone. 她坐在离话筒十英尺远的地方。five minutes/two hours etc away The beach is only five minutes away (=it only takes five minutes to get there). 海滩离这里只有5分钟的路。5  AFTERFUTUREif an event is two days, three weeks etc away, it will happen after that period of time has passed 〔时间上〕离开,相隔 Christmas is only a month away. 离圣诞节只有一个月了。6  used to say how close someone is to achieving something or experiencing something 距离〔实现某事或经历某事〕away from At one stage, they were just two points away from victory. 他们一度离获胜只差两分。7  XXinto or in a safe or enclosed place 放到,放进〔安全或封闭的地方〕 Put your money away, I’m paying. 把你的钱收起来,我来付。 Thousands of archaeological treasures are being kept hidden away. 数千件考古珍宝被藏了起来。8  XXused to show that something disappears or is removed 消失;移走 The music died away. 音乐声消失了。 Ruben gave all his money away to charity. 鲁宾把所有的钱都捐给了慈善机构。 Support for the Democrats has dropped away. 民主党的支持率有所下降。 Cut away all the dead wood. 把所有的枯木都砍掉。9  CONTINUE/NOT STOPused to emphasize that an action continues 一直,继续不断地 Sue was singing away to herself in the bath. 休一边洗澡一边唱着歌。 They’ve been hammering away all day. 他们用锤子敲敲打打了一整天。10  used to say that someone spends the whole of a period of time doing something 用完〔整段时间〕 You can dance the night away in one of Benidorm’s many discos. 你可以在贝尼多姆众多迪斯科舞厅中找一家跳上一整夜。11  DSif a team is playing away, it is playing a game at its opponent’s field or sports hall 在客场〔比赛〕 OPP at home Liverpool are playing away at Everton on Saturday. 利物浦队星期六将做客埃弗顿。 → far and away at far1(12), → right away at right2(2), → straight away at straight1(7)Examples from the Corpusaway• All the water had boiled away.• The young lovers danced the night away.• At times, Alvin turned away.• But Thieu Tri declined to bargain and left Percival no choice but to free the dignitaries and sail away.• Zanger said he retorted that he needed his glasses to drive away.• The car quickly drove away.• The nearest village was about 20 miles away.• He tasted warm wetness on his tongue and touched his lip and took away a bloodied finger.• He hurled himself away and tried to climb out.• Toronto's only about an hour and a half away by car.• He was standing three metres away from the bomb when it exploded.• The station is about two miles away from the city centre.• The Cubs are away in Los Angeles this week.• The heater had been adjusted to give a temperature of 76°F, and the filter was bubbling away nicely.• Put all your toys away now, please.• He's been working away on the deck all afternoon.• And then, just as I was reaching for my battered copy of Einstein, Jon Snow gave away the secret.• I'm sorry, Mrs. Parker is away this week.• Rose did it well; she was just young enough to get away with it.away from• You need a note from your parents if you're going to be away from school.• Move away from the fire!• Please keep children away from the glass objects.Related topics: Sportaway2 adjective [only before noun]  DSan away game or match is played at your opponent’s field or sports hall 〔比赛〕客场的,作客的 OPP homeExamples from the Corpusaway• I love going to away games.• The road was unforgiving, dealing the Lakers a whopping 10 losses in the first 13 away games.• Wolves, unbeaten in seven games, had not conceded an away goal.• Plymouth have an appalling away record but they must be buoyant after their Roker Park win.• And so was the silence when, in the third minute, a cracking volley put the away side in command.Origin away1 Old English onweg, aweg, from on + weg “way”a·way1 adverbaway2 adjectiveChineseSyllable  someone leaves Corpus a used say to that




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