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单词 lord
释义  Related topics: Officials, Historylord1 /lɔːd $ lɔːrd/ noun  1  [countable] (also Lord)PGO a man who has a rank in the aristocracy, especially in Britain, or his title 〔尤指英国的〕贵族(头衔),勋爵 → lady Lord Salisbury 索尔兹伯里勋爵2  [countable]SHCLASS IN SOCIETY a man in medieval Europe who was very powerful and owned a lot of land 〔中世纪欧洲的〕领主;庄园主 the feudal lords 封建领主3. my lord British English spokenPGO used to address a judge or bishop, and in the past to address a lord 大人,阁下〔对法官、主教的尊称,旧时用来称呼贵族〕4. somebody’s lord and master OBEYsomeone who must be obeyed because they have power over you – used humorously 某人的老板[主人,上司]〔幽默用法〕Examples from the Corpuslord• Lord Tennyson• Dear lord, but it hurt.• Dear lord, one word from that dreadful old woman, and she was undone.• What he would do without Henry, lord knows.• Life size models of the medieval lords, and a dramatic civil war battle scene, are just some of the attractions.• Now, my lords, as to numbers.• Louie bellowed out a roar that must have penetrated to not only Kitty upstairs but the lord too.• The records tell us a little about the labourers employed by the lords.lord2 verb  lord it over somebody TELL/ORDER somebody TO DO somethingto behave in a way that shows you think you are better or more powerful than someone else 在某人面前逞威风,在某人面前摆架子 He didn’t use his position on the council to lord it over people. 他并没有利用自己在市政会的地位在人前逞威风。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuslord• Besides, some heads like to lord it over local parents - particularly over the pushy ones.• They could democratize the royal professions that lord it over our health, education, welfare and criminal justice bureaucracies.• The Methodists moved west from Baltimore to Kansas and lorded it over the border states.• Most chaps in my time wouldn't dream of trying to lord it over their girl.• If they want any patients, they must grovel before the family practitioners they previously lorded over.Related topics: OfficialsLord noun [singular]  1  a) a title of God or Jesus Christ, used when praying 主〔祷告时对上帝或耶稣的称呼〕 Thank you, Lord, for your blessings. 感谢主的赐福。 b) the Lord God or Jesus Christ, used when talking about God 上帝,神;耶稣 The Lord helps and guides us. 神帮助并引领我们。2  Lord (only) knows spoken a) used when you do not know the answer to something 天知道〔用于不知道答案时〕Lord knows how/who/where etc Lord knows how old she is now. 天知道她现在多大年龄了。 b) used to emphasize that something is true 老天知道〔用于强调某事的真实性〕 Lord only knows I tried my best to get this right. 老天知道,为了搞定这事,我是尽了最大努力的。3  (Good) Lord!/Oh Lord! spokenSURPRISEDWORRIED said when you are suddenly surprised, annoyed, or worried about something 天哪! 上帝啊!〔表示对某事的惊讶、恼怒或忧虑〕 SYN heavens Good Lord! Is that the time? 天哪! 到时间了吗?4  PGOthe title of someone who has a particular type of official job in Britain 大人,阁下〔英国对某些官员的尊称〕 Lord Mayor of London 伦敦市长大人5. the Lords British English the House of Lords 上议院,贵族院 → the Commons6. Our Lord a phrase meaning Jesus Christ 主基督,主耶稣Examples from the CorpusLord• Thank the good Lord for that Aga, for its comfort.• When we turn to the Gospel we encounter the disciples trying to understand the mission of our Lord.• Grant them for ever the joy of your presence. Lord, in Your mercy Hear our prayer.• The apostles and the communities of the faithful were driven by the Spirit, faith and the knowledge of the Risen Lord.• One is said to be for the Lord and the other for Azazel.• When a man prophesies, it is because the Spirit of the Lord comes upon him and communicates a message through him.Origin lord1 Old English hlaford, from hlaf “bread” + weard “keeper”lord1 nounlord2 verbLord nounChinese  has Corpus a man in a who rank




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