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单词 Aristocratic
1. Plato's aristocratic communism makes some sense.
2. He has an aristocratic disdain for money.
3. His aristocratic mien and smart clothes singled him out.
4. Nabokov was the scion of an aristocratic family.
5. The royal members lamented the passing of aristocratic society.
6. Diana was born into an aristocratic family.
7. His voice and manner suggested an aristocratic pedigree.
8. The portraits showed an aristocratic family with long equine faces.
9. His aristocratic voice gives him an air of dignity and power.
10. Of course you're the most aristocratic of the two of us.
11. Now under different ownership, Charles still exudes aristocratic aspirations.
12. Landed and aristocratic ladies drew his adoring gaze.
13. Pamela came from an aristocratic background.
14. The aristocratic outlook on life was reserved and self-controlled.
15. Macdonald was an aristocratic character with impeccable manners.
16. Mrs Goreng came from an aristocratic family.
17. He spoke with an aristocratic accent.
18. These aristocratic tribes were continually at war: the stronger drove out the weak.
19. Aristocratic criticism of royal rapacity was a backhanded tribute to that success.
20. It reflected essential drives within aristocratic society towards establishing political jurisdictions in local terms.
21. Particularist sentiment was inseparable from aristocratic privilege; local liberties and personal liberties were part and parcel of the same system.
22. The 830s offer two particularly clear examples of aristocratic dependence.
23. Particularly in aristocratic circles, young women hardly out of girlhood were married off as political pawns.
24. I doubt if I have a single drop of aristocratic blood in my veins.
25. He was born with a rare bone disease, probably the result of aristocratic inbreeding.
26. They were also fond of aping the grand manners of servants to aristocratic households and rich farmers.
27. Most thinking on the preservation of houses revolves round major aristocratic seats or ancient manor houses.
28. During the preceding fifty or sixty years Christians were often seen as outsiders, especially in Western aristocratic circles.
29. It was neat and elegant, like all wild animals, with an air of aristocratic insouciance and good breeding.
30. Mindful, perhaps, of the events of 1801 and 1825, he feared aristocratic recalcitrance more than a peasant rebellion.
1. Plato's aristocratic communism makes some sense.
2. I doubt if I have a single drop of aristocratic blood in my veins.
3. Of course you're the most aristocratic of the two of us.
31. BDe Mori is a handsome man with light blue eyes and a high, aristocratic forehead.
32. A dapper man with an aristocratic air, he was boyishly handsome, compulsively social and intensely creative.
33. His aristocratic family was so against his religious pursuits they locked him away for fifteen months.
34. These were the first men of less than fully aristocratic background to gain prominence through their merit.
35. The aristocratic landowners invited companies to tender for the development rights.
36. Aristocratic with the ridiculous monocle they all affected, and a coldness behind the smile that could chill your heart.
37. The probably truth is that, like snuff, he regularly got up aristocratic noses.
38. For all her aristocratic breeding, this innocent young kindergarten teacher felt totally at sea in the deferential hierarchy of Buckingham Palace.
39. I could hardly go to the home of this aristocratic young woman with stubble on my face.
40. They focused popular discontent over the double-standard and the complicity of aristocratic men in child prostitution.
41. He comes across as being vaguely aristocratic, patrician,(sentence dictionary) old school tie.
42. She is an accomplished horsewoman, a skill which ranks highly in aristocratic circles but one in which Diana is lacking.
43. He was a dour Yankee, tall, confident, elegant, with a dry wit and aristocratic tastes.
44. Gilbert was the scion of an ancient aristocratic family that had fallen somewhat into disrepute.
45. When their eyes meet she envisions the fulfillment of her dream of marrying a man with aristocratic connections not from Middlemarch.
46. Lachrymose comedy represented an attitude opposed to the aristocratic one.
47. Isagoras invoked the aid of King Cleomenes of Sparta, and an attempt was made to restore the aristocratic oligarchy.
48. Little by little there emerged minute royal principalities, then aristocratic towns, linked together by trade.
49. Such relationships took their shape and meaning from the distribution of power, wealth and status in aristocratic society.
50. He was a social satirist who portrayed the vices and follies of the aristocratic society of the London of his time.
51. He was involved in the siege of Cadiz and came to have charge of an aristocratic lady there.
52. The de Filipis were a very old, very aristocratic family.
53. The Romans had an old tradition of chronicling which was kept in the hands of aristocratic pontiffs.
54. Aristocratic families traditionally invest more thought and effort in educating boys than girls.
55. Gregory came from the same aristocratic milieu as Sidonius and his followers.
56. Themistokles deserves much credit for this, though from Herodotos' aristocratic friends he does not get it.
57. Six hundred men, some from the most distinguished aristocratic families, went on trial for the quixotic rising of December 1825.
58. The problem was the aristocratic aestheticism that the court nobility had bequeathed to Viennese bourgeois culture.
59. Whatever their other differences, good middle-class reformers would not countenance such ideological backsliding or remain passive before fashionable aristocratic interventions.
60. Jackey is the most colourful in a lengthy list of aristocratic thugs, and the Countess provides an element of sophisticated sexuality.
61. Within a generation or two aristocratic Christians were pursuing the same interests as their pagan ancestors.
62. Of aristocratic family, Gallienus was highly educated, and his portrait exudes cultured refinement.
63. The Oscar Wilde trials of 1895 condensed representations both of aristocratic debauchery and the corrupting effects of foreign morals.
64. Like most of her friends, she had an aristocratic indifference to the develop ment of talent.
65. He had an aristocratic demeanor, mitigated by terrific street cred.
66. Burton had no middle-class expectations, and certainly no desire to ape aristocratic ways he was not heir to.
67. On the other hand they feared the working class who were also pushing for constitutional change against the aristocratic interest.
68. Although the party had a strong aristocratic and agricultural interest, by the 1930s it was becoming closely connected with industry.
69. The merchants soon managed to place their sons and daughters in aristocratic families, infiltrating them by marriage and adoption.
70. The idea of the Rechtsstaat was a weapon against the monarchical and aristocratic order.
71. Of all the aristocratic victims,() perhaps the executions of three women were the most tragic.
72. Around a richly decorated dining table, the remains of Drachenfels' royal and aristocratic dupes sit.
73. For from her mirror she saw the driver's door of the Mercedes open and a tall, aristocratic man step out.
74. A life-long reformer such as Russell clearly saw himself, not as conceding, but as strengthening aristocratic influence.
75. Attacks on the immorality and decadence of aristocratic culture were the staple diet of purity tracts and speeches.
76. This misplaced sycophancy is compounded by a mass of aristocratic name dropping.
77. Preindustrial aristocratic attitudes were carried over into an industrial age.
78. Amateurism provided a bridge between the old world of aristocratic values and the new one of bourgeois exertion and competitiveness.
79. She gives herself aristocratic airs.
80. She comes from an aristocratic family.
81. She had an impeccable aristocratic pedigree.
82. He had an aristocratic bearing.
83. Congreve draws a debauched aristocratic society.
84. She was of ( an ) aristocratic lineage.
85. He laughed it off with aristocratic indifference.
86. The Duke was tall, broodshouldered , aristocratic looking.
87. Atia looks at her son, but memory and regret triumph over aristocratic pride.
88. And Play Media from Mozart's 36th symphony. The minuet is a courtly, aristocratic dance, and both composers are faithful to its nature.
89. Qing Xianfeng 2007 (1857), Chen and Julia married Princess Royal Hawaiian, one of the aristocratic class in Hawaii.
90. The aristocratic Russian capital St. Petersburg became the next centre of ballet.
91. Plato was born into an aristocratic Athenian family, and he grew up during the Peloponnesian War.
92. As a first approximation we might say that imperial sovereignty is defined by a constant collaboration between monarchical and aristocratic forces in the world.
93. The Captain's name -- the Honorable Edward Faifax Vere - is a small essay in aristocratic lineage.
94. There has never developed among them an exclusive, aristocratic society.
95. The graceful, elegant, charming and aristocratic atmosphere of the Melodie is reveling. Poulenc"s were full of this temperament but meanwhile, with highly personalized style features."
96. In 1795 a selection of bones made their way to Paris, where they were examined by the rising star of paleontology, the youthful and aristocratic Georges Cuvier.
97. Byron was born of an aristocratic family of doubtful reputation.
98. There is another form of wilful obscurity that masquerades as aristocratic exclusiveness.
99. In Edwardian England, Louis Mazzini is the son of a woman ostracised by her aristocratic family for eloping with an Italian opera singer.
100. Players will play an aristocratic descent, has-been invited to participate in "Dou Dezhu, " World Tour, four aristocratic daughter to accompany you to Doude Zhu.
101. His manner was aristocratic , his movements dapper and suave.
102. Rather their organization was aristocratic with leading families which kept each other in order.
103. In 1791 the experiment of Constitutional monarchy in France was brought to an abrupt end by the action of the King and Queen, working in concert with their aristocratic and monarchist friends abroad.
104. The role"Lengqingqiu " that she played in Diamond Dust Aristocratic Family made a profound impression on me.
105. Fundamentally Carl is a snob, an aristocratic little prick who lives in a dementia praecox kingdom all his own.
106. A luxury hotel waitress with a courtly aristocratic tenants, in the case of casual encounter.
107. The most requests for themselves are lead aristocratic fashion and return dreamland of life.
108. His backers point the finger at the irascible Mr Thaksin, who denies disloyalty to the throne while cocking a snook at "aristocratic" Thai government.
109. Madam Stael came from a aristocratic family so that she was rich in cultivated manners and culture.
110. The Qin's extremism was also its undoing and it was soon replaced by the more enduring Han dynasty, which sought compromise with aristocratic elites and legitimation through a revived Confucianism.
111. To employ Vico'sterms, since I have used them to organize this book, Petrarch created the lyric poetry of the Aristocratic Age, which culminated in Goethe.
112. If his Congo was a personal fief, the British empire stands revealed as a scarcely more representative oligarchy, organised on avowedly "aristocratic" lines by a clique of white men on the make.
113. But Poe is not un-American, despite his aristocratic disgust with democracy, preference for the exotic,() and themes of dehumanization.
114. In childhood, he had toured the market with the family cook; despite his boorishness, his background was aristocratic, and his father an officer at court.
115. Varnished, aristocratic and sumptuous colours with more acid and trifle tones.
116. The notion of a mixed constitution that involves collaboration between global monarchical and aristocratic forces is a good introduction to the concept of imperial sovereignty.
117. The Irish Setter is an active, aristocratic bird dog , rich red in color, substantial yet elegant in build.
118. The "interference in politics" of Qi aristocratic women can be classified into three aspects: striving for their sons, scrabbling for status for their inamoratos, and covering up cuckoldry behaviors.
119. Born in the United Kingdom Weiershimo spear gun Teleilaike an Andean aristocratic family.
120. Their light mail or brigandine armour gives them adequate protection while firing their bows, and their aristocratic upbringing gives them the stomach for close combat if required.
121. This French comedian turned to the cinema in 1905, creating the first widely popular comic character "Max", an aristocratic, skirt-chasing boulevardier.
122. The Brooke connections, though not exactly aristocratic, were unquestionably " good ".
123. The Captain's name -- the Honerable Edward Faifax Vere - is a small essay in aristocratic lineage.
124. fire-new concept of running the family , aristocratic refine, and the symbol of the golden - collars.
125. And from Mozart's 36th symphony. The minuet is a courtly, aristocratic dance, and both composers are faithful to its nature.
126. Unlike Tom, who was a foundling, Jia Baoyu in the Chinese novel was the pampered son of a wealthy , influential, aristocratic family .
127. His cultural outlook lies in his objection to the scholastic aristocratic culture favored by Confucianists, his avocation of plain and simple culture of commonalty.
128. One of its early converts was a rich, aristocratic Englishman named William Penn.
129. As a humble person, Lincoln no aristocratic society of hardware, the only thing he can depend on his extraordinary, just turn adverse situation of talent.
130. It is the co-creation of diplomat and author Sir Harold Nicolson and his aristocratic wife, Vita Sackville-West.
131. Unterder Linden, the fashionable avenue of aristocratic old Berlin, extends from the Brandenburg Gate to Alexanderplatz.
132. Congreve draws a debauched aristocratic society; deplorably dissipated and degraded; riotous living; fast women.
133. Oldline aristocratic diplomats underhandedly undermined the align Germany with the western democracies.
134. New York has always been a commercial community, and there are not more than three families in it who can claim an aristocratic origin in the real sense of the word.
135. That son of peasants radiated a natural dignity and aristocratic bearing.
136. Liver of goose saying fertilizer is aristocratic food also is not hyperbole.
137. The heroes and heroines are of ancient and aristocratic lineage.
138. In a month the ancient and decayed system of the aristocratic order had collapsed.
139. In Chapter Three, it reconstructs the formation of a ruling family superimposed upon all the other aristocratic families in the early Principate.
140. No aristocratic or monastic property was confiscated, and feudal lords continued to reign over their hereditarily bound peasants.




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