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单词 lip service
释义  ˈlip ˌservice noun  pay lip service to somebody/something PRETENDto say that you support or agree with something without doing anything to prove it 对某人/某事空口答应,口惠而实不至 organizations that pay lip service to career development 空口保证可获得职业发展的机构Examples from the Corpuslip service• Little has really changed despite lip service paid to the democratic process.• That they were now even giving lip service to these ideas is significant.• Some made a good job of the sandwich element, but many paid it lip service.• They wonder if your support is mere lip service.• Politicians pay lip service to crime.• Though everybody pays lip service to performance, politics is often the ultimate arbiter of their fate.• It pays lip service to local choices but provides no specific means to make them more rational and efficient.• Local authorities are expected to pay more than lip service to this requirement.ˈlip ˌservice nounChineseSyllable  agree to something you without with say or that support Corpus




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