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单词 far-sighted
释义  ˌfar-ˈsighted / $ ˈ. ˌ../ adjective  1  PREDICTfar-sighted people, ideas, or plans are wise because they show an understanding of what will happen in the future 有远见的,深谋远虑的 far-sighted investments 有远见的投资 a far-sighted politician 卓有远见的政治家2. especially American EnglishSIGHT/ABILITY TO SEE able to see or read things clearly only when they are far away from you 远视的 OPP short-sighted SYN British English long-sighted —far-sightedness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusfar-sighted• But the other changes have been both radical and far-sighted.• This point was acknowledged even 150 years ago by a far-sighted Baptist parson, John Howard Hinton.• The universe, thought Scarlet, must be benevolently staffed by more far-sighted beings than ourselves.• Prices were falling and far-sighted men were looking for something else to cultivate.ˌfar-ˈsighted adjectiveChineseSyllable  show people, are plans Corpus wise an far-sighted or because they ideas,




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