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单词 Pull
1. Love your neighbour, yet pull not down your hedge. 
2. Hares may pull dead lions by the beard. 
3. It is easier to pull down than build. 
4. I helped him pull his boots off.
5. Pull this lever to open the gate.
6. Pull the plug and let the water drain away.
7. You push and I'll pull.
8. Pull the curtains round the patient's bed.
9. The doctor is sure he will pull through.
10. The tourists signaled the driver to pull over.
11. If we pull together, success is certain.
12. We signalled him to pull over.
13. Carefully pull out the centre pages.
13. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
14. Who wants to pull a cracker with me?
15. Firemen managed to pull some survivors from the wreckage.
16. Do not pull all your eggs in one basket.
17. This toy is made to pull apart.
18. only want to pull your fingertip, circles Earth last!
19. He managed to pull himself upright.
20. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down.
21. The magnetic pull of the city was hard to resist.
22. You hoist a flag when you pull it to the top of its pole.
23. Don't pull my leg.
24. The nation was urged to pull together to avoid a slide into complete chaos.
25. If they want promotion, United have got to pull their socks up.
26. Don't pull so hard or the handle will come off.
27. If you grasp this rope, I will pull you up.
28. A fool may throw a stone into a well which a hundred wise men cannot pull out. 
29. Insert the special cleaning thread between your teeth and pull it gently up and down.
30. I stood in the driveway and watched him back out and pull away.
1. Pull this lever to open the gate.
2. You push and I'll pull.
3. Carefully pull out the centre pages.
4. Who wants to pull a cracker with me?
5. Firemen managed to pull some survivors from the wreckage.
6. He managed to pull himself upright.
7. The magnetic pull of the city was hard to resist.
8. You hoist a flag when you pull it to the top of its pole.
9. Don't pull my leg.
10. The nation was urged to pull together to avoid a slide into complete chaos.
11. If they want promotion, United have got to pull their socks up.
12. Insert the special cleaning thread between your teeth and pull it gently up and down.
13. Don't pull so hard or the handle will come off.
13. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
14. I stood in the driveway and watched him back out and pull away.
15. Pausing only to pull on a sweater, he ran out of the house.
16. That draught is too much for my horse to pull.
17. Xerox set about a process of reverse engineering. It pulled the machines apart and investigated the Japanese factories to find out how they could pull off such feats.
18. You have to twist the lid off, not pull it.
19. They will plead with him to pull back from confrontation.
20. She seems unable to pull herself out of this deep slough of self-pity.
21. Pull the wire tight and then twist the ends round.
22. For some inexplicable reason, the investors decided to pull out.
23. Keep the rope slack until I tell you to pull it.
24. Pull the boat ashore.
25. Can you help me move this table? You push and I'll pull.
26. He noticed a man behind him in a blue Ford gesticulating to pull over.
27. You pull on both reins to stop or slow a horse, but only the left rein to turn left.
28. They strained on the rope to pull the boat in.
29. Could you help me move this bookcase over there? You pull and I'll push.
30. One more pull will bring the car out of the ditch.
31. Pausing only to pull on a sweater, he ran out of the house.
32. That draught is too much for my horse to pull.
33. Xerox set about a process of reverse engineering. It pulled the machines apart and investigated the Japanese factories to find out how they could pull off such feats.
34. You have to twist the lid off, not pull it.
35. They will plead with him to pull back from confrontation.
36. After two days of fever, he began to pull round.
37. If Jim remains under for more than a minute, pull him out; he may be drowning.
38. His teachers told him to pull his socks up, or he'd undoubtedly fail his exam.
39. She seems unable to pull herself out of this deep slough of self-pity.
40. Pull the wire tight and then twist the ends round.
41. For some inexplicable reason, the investors decided to pull out.
42. Keep the rope slack until I tell you to pull it.
43. Pull the boat ashore.
44. Can you help me move this table? You push and I'll pull.
45. A pull on the rope will make the bell ring.
46. He noticed a man behind him in a blue Ford gesticulating to pull over.
47. You pull on both reins to stop or slow a horse, but only the left rein to turn left.
48. They strained on the rope to pull the boat in.
49. Is not joking and Meng Po was a lover. A pull the Qingsi of. A broken Red.
50. Could you help me move this bookcase over there? You pull and I'll push.
51. One more pull will bring the car out of the ditch.
52. You put the tree from the back and I'll pull it at the front.
53. When you pull the strings, the puppet's arms and legs move.
54. Suddenly all the men pull out pistols and begin blasting away.
55. Everyone was very concerned whether he would pull through or not.
56. Pull the door shut.
57. He has still got about six months to pull.
58. In this area oxen are used to pull carts.
59. She liked to pull her rank on her inferior.
60. The police officer motioned for me to pull over.
31. When you pull the strings, the puppet's arms and legs move.
32. Suddenly all the men pull out pistols and begin blasting away.
33. Everyone was very concerned whether he would pull through or not.
34. Pull the door shut.
35. She's going to pull up alongside us.
36. Have this brandy; it will pull you round.
37. But the old ways do not vanish overnight, so the traditional dance has a stronger pull on their hearts.
38. It is naughty of you to pull your baby sister's hair.
39. It's no good trying to pull the wool over Harlod's eyes, he's far too perceptive.
40. You will have to pull in if you want to escape bankruptcy.
61. He gave her a sharp pull forward.
62. She felt the pull of her homeland.
63. Please pull up a chair and join the conversation.
64. Don't pull out! There's something coming.
65. You're going to have to pull your socks up.
66. Pull gently on the free end of the rope.
67. I helped pull him out of the water.
68. A racing injury forced Stephen Roche to pull out.
69. Grab hold of the rope and pull yourself up.
70. I'm sure you will pull off the competition.
71. A small crowd attempted to pull down a statue.
72. It was a long pull to the shore.
73. Pull your chair nearer the table.
74. How many coaches can that locomotive pull?
75. We must pull together for mutual interest.
76. She can still pull in adoring audiences.
77. The tides depend on the pull of the moon.
78. Cast your care aside and pull yourself together!
79. We'd better pull in before the money's all gone.
80. She managed to pull free of her attacker.
81. Can you pull the nail out of my shoe?
82. Pull the sheet over the child.
83. Pull up a chair and dig in!
84. The doctor says that Mrs. Chester will pull through.
85. These grass roots don't pull easily.
86. Would you rather push the barrow or pull it?
87. He felt the pull of the sea again.
88. You need something to pull in the punters .
89. She took a long pull on her cigarette.
90. 'To pull a face' is an idiomatic expression.
91. You were naughty to pull the cat's tail.
92. Let's go over and help them pull the cart.
93. He knew he could pull any girl he wanted.
94. It's a long pull up to the summit.
95. Don't forget to indicate before you pull out.
96. Don't you ever pull a stunt like that again!
97. We signalled the taxi driver to pull over.
98. A sip of brandy helped to pull him round.
99. Who wants to pull this cracker with me?
100. Pull the sheet over the body.
101. If we all pull together, we'll finish on time.
102. The World Bank should pull out of the project.
103. They are trying to pull out of the agreement.
103. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
104. Draw/Pull your chair a little closer.
105. Pull hard - that drawer's very stiff.
106. Pull the meat apart with two forks.
107. He felt the pull of paternal love.
108. Pull as hard as you can.
109. Pull the lever to start the motor.
110. It was a long pull up the hill.
111. A gentle pull at her sleeve got her attention.
112. The doctors think she will pull through.
113. He's got to pull the proverbial finger out.
114. She tried to pull her hand free.
115. You will soon pull round here in the country.
116. Pull over and let me pass!
117. Pull the lever towards you to adjust the speed.
118. I gave the door a sharp pull.
119. Take a firm grasp of the handle and pull.
120. My automatic response was to pull my hand away.
121. Muhammad Ali can still pull the crowds.
122. Don't jerk the box up, pull it up smoothly.
123. He can still pull the girls.
124. Have this brandy; it will pull you round.
125. Pull your car over and let the visitors pass!
126. Give the rope a hard pull.
127. I helped her pull the two fighting boys apart.
128. How many voters can he pull in?
129. They need two horses to pull these heavy ploughs.
130. I relied on my instincts to pull me through.
131. He gave a pull on the rope.
132. Put the car into first and pull off slowly.
133. Did Tracy pull at the nightclub last night?
133. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
134. He may pull the ball a mile to right.
135. John finally managed to pull himself free.
136. He'll soon pull through in the hospital.
137. He's not popular enough to pull many votes.
138. She took a long pull at her cigarette.
139. Stop crying and pull yourself together!
140. To release the brake, pull the lever towards you.
141. He managed to pull off a major diplomatic coup.
142. He felt a strong pull on the rope.
143. I got the barman to pull me another pint.
144. One last pull on the rope should do it.
145. Her articles certainly don't pull any punches.
146. He has done enough to pull the party together.
147. They are preparing to pull back their forces.
148. Pull your chair up to the table.
149. She finally managed to pull herself free.
150. Your dad's a racing driver? Pull the other one!
151. Don't pull the pages so hard or they will tear.
152. The circus is planning to pull out of the suburb park tomorrow morning.
153. Many hotels are offering discounts in an attempt to attract punters/pull in the punters.
154. The low prices still pull in crowds of eager buyers.
155. You can pull a rope, but you can't push it!
156. But the old ways do not vanish overnight, so the traditional dance has a stronger pull on their hearts.
157. What did you want to pull a stupid stunt like that for?
158. The organisers have to employ performers to pull a crowd.
159. Why don't you just pull up all the plants and have done with the idea of having a garden.
160. If he's hoping to gain promotion, he will have to pull his socks up.
161. Your horse is trying to go too fast,so you must pull him in.
162. With the increase of the prices, we shall have to pull back on our spending.
163. Don't pull him up about this; it's not really his fault.
163. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
164. I don't think they are going to pull out of the deal at the last minute.
165. A couple of men started fighting and we had to pull them apart .
166. The sails are not answering to our pull on the ropes.
167. The militia in Lebanon has agreed to pull out of Beirut.
168. They said the operation had been successful and they expected his wife to pull through.
169. Lie on your back, clasp your knees and pull them down towards your chest.
170. They need to have a high rate of interest in order to pull in money from investors.
171. The barman laughed and began to pull a couple of pints.
172. The sun was so strong we had to pull down the blinds.
173. If you drive too fast, the police will pull you up.
174. If you study hard, you'll soon pull up your French.
175. She used any trick in the book to pull off the deal.
176. Pull pints of porter for the men off the ship.
177. New Zealand police vowed yesterday to pull out all the stops to find the killer.
178. Let's pull together for the early realization of the four modernizations.
179. He's still got quite a bit of pull in the club - he could probably get you elected.
180. If you pull too hard you will break the rope.
181. He knew he should pull the trigger, but he was suddenly paralysed by fear.
182. The doctors are doing all that they can to pull mother back to health.
183. She's been very depressed recently, but I'm sure she'll soon pull out of it.
184. The train began to pull out of the station-then suddenly shuddered to a halt.
185. Let me now pull together the threads of my argument.
186. The inquiry report doesn't pull any punches in apportioning blame.
187. It is rumoured that the company intends to pull back from petrochemicals.
188. It's no use trying to pull the wool over my eyes I know exactly what's going on.
189. The greater the mass of an object, the greater its gravitational pull.
190. We have to pull down the barriers, so to speak, of poverty.
191. They have to refinance their loans to pull themselves through.
192. His injuries are severe but he's expected to pull through.
193. I must pull in, or my letter will never end.sentence dictionary
194. John hasn't done well in his studies,but his tutor did his best to pull him through.
195. She tried to pull her hand free, but it was held fast.
196. The moment she left, the rest of the family started to pull her to pieces.
197. It is naughty of you to pull your baby sister's hair.
198. It was a long hard pull for him to get to the top of his position.
199. The horse answered to the slightest pull on the rein.
200. It's no good trying to pull the wool over Harlod's eyes, he's far too perceptive.
201. What can we do to pull more voters round to our party?
202. I felt a pull at my sleeve and turned round.
203. The movie's all-star cast should give it a lot of pull.
204. Just pull over here, and I'll get out and walk the rest of the way.
205. If you pull the pin out of a hand-grenade, it'll explode.
206. It is not nice to hear the song if you pull back when singing it.
207. Next time you pull a stunt like that don't expect me to get you out of trouble.
208. The old lady was flung out of the house because the owner wanted to pull it down.
209. I may be able to pull a few strings if you need the document urgently.
210. We just managed to pull the game out of the fire.
211. David had to pull out of the Championships when his horse went lame.
212. We shall have to pull on until our strength fails.
213. Just pull yourself together. There's no point crying about it.
214. There was a great uproar over plans to pull down the old library.
215. Stop trying to pull the wool over my eyes! What were you two fighting about just now?
216. You may just have to pull rank and tell them.
217. It was a hard pull up to the mountain hut.
218. What we want to see today are policies to pull us out of this recession.
219. If a spacecraft travels faster than 11 km a second, it escapes the earth's gravitational pull.
220. In a tug - of - war , the competitors pull as hard as they can.
221. She had managed to pull herself together and, to her credit, continued to look upon life as a positive experience.
222. With difficulty she managed to pull his dead weight onto the bed.
223. Her image is that of an investigative reporter who doesn't pull any punches.
223. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
224. You really must pull your socks up if you want to beat Jackie in the competition.
225. I gave the door a sharp pull and it opened.
226. No one's gonna pull that kind of trick on me!
227. His family's name gives him a lot of pull in this town.
228. You have to turn the handle and then pull it towards you.
229. It will be a very, very fine piece of mountaineering if they pull it off.
230. The Bank of England has had to pull in more gold.
231. After the business failed, he had to pull in his horns pretty sharply.
232. The firm will soon pull round once the trade position improves.
233. The president's handlers are telling him to pull out of the talks.
234. I don't think the financial minister is popular enough to pull many votes at the next election.
235. She's really going to have to pull her finger out if she wants to finish before Friday.
236. I'll rope my horse to your car and pull you out of the ditch.
237. He certainly didn't pull any punches when it came to criticizing the work.
238. Thankfully, the pilot managed to pull out of the dive and regain control.
239. Scarborough are aiming to pull off a repeat of their giant-killing act against Chelsea three years ago.
240. Sterling has been hit by the economy's failure to pull out of recession.
241. We don't have much time but if we all pull together we should get the job done.
242. We need an experienced manager to pull the department together.
243. He was advised by his doctor to pull up and take it easy.
244. You will have to pull in if you want to escape bankruptcy.
245. During the last lap of the race one of the runners began to pull ahead.
246. I felt I had to pull her up on her lateness.
247. These pages are stuck together I can't pull them apart.
248. He'd be a better hitter if he could learn to pull.
249. You're going to have to pull your finger out if you want to pass this exam.
250. The feather must be removed with a straight, firm pull.
251. Well, it might not be ladylike but I'm going to pull my skirt up to get over this fence.
252. You must try to pull yourself together your family depend on you.
253. He doesn't have the authority to pull rank on me any more.
254. You push from the back and I'll pull at the front.
255. The week before the deal was supposed to close, fifteen Japanese banks made a move to pull out.
256. We're going to pull up stakes and move to Montana.
257. Helen, mountain climbing? Pull the other one - she can't even climb a ladder without feeling sick!
258. His government decided to pull its troops out of Cuba.
259. It was a miracle that they were able to pull her through the operation.
260. We must pull our company out of the financial crisis as soon as possible.
261. Two angry women set to and began to pull each other's hair.
262. She used every trick in the book to pull off the deal.
263. He was trying to pull a fast one when he told you he'd paid.
264. Other daughters, faced with their mother's emotional hunger, pull away.
265. It's going to be tough but we'll pull through it together.
266. He popped the ring pull on another can of lager.
267. Pull away, boys A little more effort, and we'll soon reach the shore.
268. They were asked to pull back from their artillery positions around the city.
269. The more torque an engine has, the bigger the load it can pull in the same gear.
270. The pull of the undertow can drag swimmers out to sea.
271. Southampton had somehow managed to pull another Cup victory out of the hat.
272. There is a plan afoot to pull down the old building so as to widen the street.
273. If the viewing figures drop much further, the TV company will probably pull the plug on the whole series.
274. If food is scarce it's no use complaining; we shall just have to pull in our belts.
275. The project became so expensive that we had to pull out.
276. You need a long rest to pull you round after that operation.
277. He's going to have to pull his socks up if he wants to stay in the team.
277. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
278. She took a long pull on her cigarette and sighed.
279. Using celebrities in advertising is guaranteed to pull in big bucks.
280. Scientists are trying to pull together disparate ideas in astronomy.
281. She had to pull out of the race at the last minute.
282. Can you find a hold for your hands so that you can pull yourself up?
283. Pull out your budget and critically review each line on it.
284. She went into the garden to pull a few onions for dinner.
285. I hope you can pull out a better answer before the end of the meeting.
286. Taking a tight grip on the hook, he began to pull it towards himself.
287. They had to pull up, possibly go to a motorway services or somewhere like that.
288. I watched an old woman pull herself up the stairs, holding on to a rail.
289. If you don't pull your finger out, you'll never get the job finished.




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